Universal Cover for the book with your own hands



Books occupy one of the main places in the life of a modern cultural person. Books, like gold, change their value, but always remain relevant. Some of them, proudly called "classics", occupy honorary places in our home libraries. Nevertheless, the covers of old books have the property to wear out due to their age. Therefore, we decided that our master class on creating a cover for the book would help you, besides, our cover will have a very useful functionality in the form of a pair of pens for the convenience of wearing books.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Required materials and tools:

  • Caper fabric - 60-70 cm;
  • Cotton fabric - 25 cm;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.
Step 1


We measure your book

To do this, discover it and put on the fabric. Then circle a book around the perimeter by adding about 1.5-2 cm on the long sides and 2.5-3 cm on short. It is necessary so that your book can easily close.

Step 2.


Cut the details from the fabric

Based on the measurements made, carve out the main part of the cassic fabric for the top of the cover. Then pick up three rectangles (mine was 21x38), two of the canvas and one of the cotton for the liner. I used three details for lining at once to make the cover more dense and durable.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Cut the side pockets (my 10x21 cm). You also need to carve out the details for the strap handles. Detail of a sail tissue: 6.5 cm Width and 117 cm Length. Detail of cotton fabric - 4 cm Width and 117 cm Length. These are your movable handles. The width of the handles you can do any, but the length is recommended to do at least 117 cm so that the manufactured cover for the book has been functional and the hands brush freely went into the holes of the handles.

Article on the topic: Origami for children with schemes: Master classes with photos and videos

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Step 3.


Production of handles

Take two long stripes and fold in this way, as shown in the figure. Enclose the workpiece iron.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Take a cotton strip of fabric to a canvas.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Then witch the ends of the resulting strap from the wrong side. Damage the edges of the zigzag seam. Then step the edge of the seam down on each side.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Step 4.


We sew lateral pockets

Throw off a zigzag one of the long sides of each rectangle from the canvas.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Wrap the adjacent edge of each rectangle by 0.5 cm, join the iron. Then push.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Step 5.


Preparation of the main part of the cover

Put the detail of the main part of the cover on a flat surface, put on it a lining detail and side pockets. Secure all pins.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Print the strap with pins on the front side of the cover and detect as younger as possible.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

However, do not bring the line to the end of 5 cm on each side of the cover. Success button.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Step 6.



At the moment you must have two details: liner with pockets and upper part with an attractive strap and buttice. Print items to the front sides to each other.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Eat only along the long sides.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Remove the cover on the front side and remove the pins with lining and pockets.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Find the iron. You should get this.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Cut the piece of rubber band and enter it on the opposite side of the button.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

I also closed unsightly seams on the handle, setting the square of the fabric.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Insert the book in the cover and enjoy!

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

I also sewed a cover for a small book from the leatherette.

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Universal Cover for the book with your own hands

Try and you!

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