Installation of borders do it yourself


When climbing and carpentry, courtyard or incoming areas, often need to install separators. Most often, borders are used for this (more than curls are called). Moreover, the installation of the border is not so complicated to be sure to invite the brigade. It is quite possible to cope with your own hands. In any case, with assistants.

Appointment and types of border gamars

Borders are used to separate platforms with different coating and / or different loads. They can separate paths from lawns, flower, garden or garden, serve the boundary of the pedestrian and roadway, etc.

Installation of borders do it yourself

Bordur separates roads and tracks from lawns and squares

They perform several functions at once:

  • serve for visual design tracks;
  • redistribute the load;
  • Protect paths from leaching and destruction.

If you want tracks to serve for a long time, the border must be installed along the edge. He keeps all the materials without giving collapse or change the shape.

Installation of borders do it yourself

Different colors, sizes and sections

Bordeur or border stones are different sizes, make them from different materials, apply different technologies. The most common appearance is concrete borders, but there are still plastic, vibropressed.

Types of concrete grooves and borders

Concrete border stones are the most common, they are different sizes. Divide them into two categories:

  • Road stone. Wider and high, often with reinforcement inside (one or two steel rods with a diameter of 12-14 mm). Used for separating the roadway and pedestrian part.
  • A curb stone (called a curb, garden or paving border). Smaller and weight, without reinforcement. Typically separate pedestrian tracks from lawns. Can withstand short-term passenger cars. With more serious and constant loads, it is undesirable to put them, as they are destroyed.

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Installation of borders do it yourself

Types of border stones for track separation

The remaining types of border stones for the destructive part of the roadway are not used, as they have an insufficient level of strength.

Roads are not always straight - there is bends. A sharp turns at an angle should be made simply - put at the desired angle, and the location of the compound is fixed with concrete solution. For smooth turns there are radius fragments with different radii of rounding. They can be used to create a fence for round, oval flower.


Border blocks are usually produced with a length of 1000 mm, those that are intended to separate the pedestrian paths from the fertile soil - 850 mm long. Even there are elements of 500 and 400 mm. Usually this is the wipers for paths from paving slabs. They are produced not only on the technology of cast concrete, but also according to the technology of vibratoryropressing, on which the pavement tile itself is manufactured.

Installation of borders do it yourself

Dimensions are different

In height, the curbon stone can be:

  • 300 mm - for separating the sidewalk from the roadway;
  • 200 mm, 180 and 150 mm - for tracks.

In width 200, 180 mm (road stone), 150, 100, 80 mm (curbstone).

Installing a border on a sandcant mixture or concrete

On the soils, inclined to beanted, to install a curb stone is needed on a submetage of sand and rubble, on top of which layer of concrete is stacked, the border fit into it. With this installation, the borders are standing without problems. The procedure for such:

  • With the help of pegs installed in key places and stretched between cords, make marking.
  • According to the markup, they dig a trench. The width should be such that on the sides of the installed stone there was a distance of 10-15 cm on each side. The depth is chosen so that the layer of the rambling rubble on the bottom is at least 10 cm, at the top - at least 5 cm of a sandcate solution, and the curb itself rummaged over the surface of the track at least a few centimeters (as specifically - depends on your desire).

    Installation of borders do it yourself

    Installation of the border: Scheme

  • The bottom of the trench is aligned and tamped (when using vibrating plates, the width of the trench is made in the width of the plate).
  • Place a geotextile layer with a density of at least 160 g / m². This layer is needed for the sand and crushed stone to be mixed with the soil. It increases the duration of the border operation, reduces the likelihood of shifts during spring bent.
  • A layer of coarse sand or crushed stone of a large or medium fraction (20-40 mm) is poured. The minimum layer is 10 cm, optimal - 15 cm. Crushed stone tram.
  • From sand (3-4 parts) and cement (1 part), a thick solution is mixed (water is very small, only to be stirred). It is stacked with a thickness of 5-7 cm (better than 7 cm) on crushed stone.

    Installation of borders do it yourself

    Conducting works on the installation of borders and curb

  • A curb stone is stacked on concrete, levels (in the horizon or with a slope - depends on the geology of the site).
  • A lock from a sandcate mixture with a thickness of 5-7 cm and a height of about 10 cm is stacked around the fragment installed and exhibited in the desired position of the fragment.
  • After grapping the concrete, the remaining free space between the mounted groove and the edge of the trench is covered with sand or rubble, the trambets are sprinkled with a soil from above.

Under this technology, the installation of border stone is the likelihood that when it is bleached, it will move very low.

How to put on the sand

If the soils are not prone to bent, you can do without concrete. So you can only put the curb - the border for pedestrian walkways or fence for flower beds, a flower bed. With all this, this method of installation does not guarantee that the track will not be destroyed. Installation technology is similar to those described above before the place where the concrete solution must be placed.

Installation of borders do it yourself

Wardrobe installation circuit with gutter

Only crushed stone is stacked for the wet and tram. The thickness of the layer must be at least 15 cm. After the curbstone in the level was inserted in terms of the level, the gap between the stone beams and the walls of the trench is filled with the same crushed and trambed well. With this installation method, you can even turn the fence even if it is used under an unsuccessful angle. But as a temporary option - for several months - this method of installation is suitable.

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