Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video


No woman will be able to resist, seeing the wonderful accessory - a bead flagel. But you can independently make yourself such a decoration. And if there is a desire, you can make them somewhat in different colors and different weaving. Then for each of your outfit, you can choose your accessory and be magnificent in it. All the circuits of harness from beads are simple, as they can see how many bisper need to wear and in what sequence.

Preparation for work

Before starting to make a bead of harness, take everything you need. The most important component is beads - this is the material on which you do not need to save.

The better beads, the brighter it will look like it looks in the finished form.

You also need to buy special threads or fishing line, needles for beadwork, all sorts of fasteners for necklace and bracelets.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

One of the methods of weaving is made by schemes simple beading in a certain order. According to the schemes, weaving, both monotonous harnesses and multi-colored.

  • First, alternately strip 4 beads, then spend the needle to the first bead;
  • Then the following 3 bispers, then enter the needle in 3 bisper of the first circle;
  • Then 3 more, the needle at that time is dragged through 1 biserech of the second circle;
  • Take another 2 bispers, balancing the edge of the harness;
  • Then again 3 beads and then weave the same.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Light flag

The second version of weaving harnesses. Beads also need to wear on a thread or fishing line. Only going is not a needle, but a crochet.

  1. The first thing you need to do is a node so that the work is tightly held. Behind the bisper goes, grab the thread with a crochet, to then stretch it into the resulting loop - it turns out an air loop.
  2. When you make the necessary number of loops, tie them in a circle. Next is the next stage - the signage of the columns without a Nakid. For the air loop, you must have one loop, and then make another of the next air loop, and then the working thread to stretch through both of these loops. And continue the same actions.

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Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

The main thing in this weaving is to evenly ride beads.

Simply put - not to collect all the beads on one site and not to knit only one thread.

1 bead, 1 loop crochet, 1 bead, etc. And then you will get a wonderful hook.

Small class

According to the scheme, you need to dial beads with a needle.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Then you need to make a hook on a thread with a hook, it will be the first.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Then you need to capture a thread immediately after the first beads and stretch into the first loop.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Also make with all other bispers of a number.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

The next action will be the decoration of the ring. To do this, capture the thread for the first bisper.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Like this:

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

After that, thread the hook under the second bisper of the first row and capture the thread for the second beads of the second row.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Throw thread in the loop and get:

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

When knitting, control the beads to put on top of the previous row to the right. To bracelet turn out to be volumetric, it is necessary on a special basis if it is not, then take the rod.

When you splured the product of the required length, you need to finish it, for this, check one row floor - a column, but without beads.

And another advice: so that your product saves the volume, insert an ordinary lace inside.

Correctly read the schemes

Let's deal with how to weave beautiful products. To do this, you need to be able to read the schemes.

Look at this scheme:

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

In it, the figure 9 denotes, from which amount of beads is a circle. The second circled figure means the amount of beads in the rapport.

Rapport - This is the size of the pattern that will be repeated at the end until the bracelet or necklace shall be set depending on what you want.

There are several columns here, each painted squares of different colors, and next to the numbers - it means how much the beads of a certain color need to be dial. The scheme begins with the extreme left column from above, you need to dial on vertical columns, that is, the first column is typing downward, the second on the contrary is from bottom to top, etc. until the end of the rapport.

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But see the schemes of knitted harnesses:

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

It is worth saying that there are still a lot of weaving options, for example, Square harness. Since it is complicated, the newcomer will not work. Such a plan is strikingly different shape and production method.

The peculiarity is that it is necessary to create several elements - the top, bottom, and four sides. Beads are needed by one size, only in this case the product will have the right form.

Schemes of bead harnesses: Easy master class weaving Turkish bracelet with photos and video

  • On the thread dressed 4 bispers. Roll into the form of a square;
  • Next, we ride 3 bispers and stretch the line or thread into the third bisper at first row. Again we put on the thread 3 of the beads and do through the second beerin. It turns out two sides of the square;
  • Then we pull the fishing line in the 5th beerin and we ride 1 beerin, stretch the line through the central bisper;
  • Then it is necessary to ride 1 beerin again and stretch over the other side of the other side. Secure thread good. The cube is made. Further everything is repeated the same.

There is another variety of knitting - Turkish Zhgut . It woves easily, so the novice craftsmen will suit.

Video on the topic

Having considered various methods of weaving and told their principle of creation, I want to wish everyone one - pleasant pastime.

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