Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor


Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

A narrow corridor is the scourge of many, even very spacious apartments. For some reason, some schedulers believe that this room is not key, and therefore its form may not be the most successful - narrow and length. In fact, it is here that the reception of guests begins, so the corridor can be bolded to call the face of the apartment. If you got a narrow and long corridor, you should not despair, you just need to carefully think about its design, finishing and decor and then the interior of a narrow corridor will play in new colors.

Designer tricks

There are a number of designer tricks that will help you make the design of a narrow corridor in an apartment attractive and successful.

Let's look carefully each of these tricks.

  1. You can separate the walls with a narrow hallway with different materials, for example, you can use wallpaper, paint or wall panels for the corridor. The main rule is that these materials be exclusively bright tones, as light colors visually increase the room, and the dark, on the contrary, decrease. Choosing a light tone, try to avoid pure white wall panels for the corridor, paint or wallpaper. This option is too braky and impractical, especially if you have children or pets. Light tones include a whole range of the most unusual shades, for example, sky-blue, coffee with milk, gentle-lilac and others.

    Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

  2. The right light is played a huge role. One source of light will be exactly not enough. It is better to establish several lamps around the ceiling perimeter.

    Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

  3. A long corridor should exclude the presence of longitudinal strips in it, because they emphasize its irregular shape. If we talk about the floor covering, for example, about the parquet, then it is necessary to sharpen it. Wall panels for the corridor, wallpaper or paint can only contain vertical drawings, but not horizontal.

    Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

  4. The mirror is a real salvation for the owners of narrow halls. Be sure to use one in your design, and even better several mirrors. It is not necessary to choose a huge mirror in full growth. Even a small mirror on the wall will cope with the task of visual expansion of the room.

    Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

  5. Another element that must necessarily include the interior of a narrow corridor, these are hooks for clothes. These small details are extremely functional. They are able to replace a whole bulky cabinet, but at the same time perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to them. In addition, you can now choose in furniture stores hooks for clothes of the most interesting and intricate forms.

    Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

  6. As for the things that need to be avoided, this is a heavy decor and massive finish options. For example, a decoration of the corridor with decorative stone is an option exclusively for spacious rooms. In small rooms, it is not appropriate.

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Choosing a suitable furniture

Of course, the best style for a narrow hallway is minimalism, but in any case, some furniture is needed here. Starting stands from the surface for decorative vase and storing small items. There are two options: an appropriate console table, which practically does not occupy a place and hanging stand. The second option is most successful, since when we release the floor of the room, we make a room visually more spacious.

Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

Box for shoes is better to embed into a small shop or the ottoman. Thus, you will immediately "kill two hares," aligning two necessary subjects and saving a lot of space.

As for the cabinets, then, as already mentioned above, it is better to abandon them at all and use beautiful hooks for outerwear. If you can't refuse the cabinet, as you have, for example, a big family and you need to place a lot of clothes, then order a very narrow wardrobe with mirror doors in your own meters. Such a wardrobe will not harm the overall interior design, but will well cope with its tasks.

Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

Carpet in the interior of the hallway

The track is a good way to decorate the interior of the hallway. Despite the fact that the track is not the most practical element of the decor, because it is quickly contaminated, it still fits very well into this room. When a person enters the apartment and sees a walkway, he immediately feels homemade warmth and comfort. However, it is very important to choose the track properly, so that it becomes a good addition to a narrow hallway, and not vice versa, emphasized her incorrect shape.

The main thing that should not be done is to choose a path with longitudinal lines and excessively bright, catchy. As mentioned above, pictures only with longitudinal stripes are suitable for a narrow room. As for the color of the track, he certainly has to stand out on the background of the floor, but not to be too bright. For example, on the floor, the colors of coffee with milk will be good to watch the track of a saturated brown shade.

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Narrow corridor design, wall panels for the corridor

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