How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper "botan"?


I have a friend, an excellent scientist and economist, but you cannot score a nail into the wall. Therefore, I was surprised when in a conversation on the phone he asked how to glue baguettes on the ceiling. Vadik builds a country house and periodically helps me and brigade to make unskilled work. In the evening I went to see the condition of the interior and learn the reason for the occurrence of interest in ceiling plinths.

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Baguette for stretch ceilings

Preparation of walls and ceiling to shook wallpaper

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Glue ceiling baguette. Trimming without stusla

The workers hired for interior decoration decided to sculp down. Good and a little scattered customer should not understand the intricacies of their profession. They were mistaken. At Vadik Iron Character. He loves smooth ceilings and walls, the right corners.

Having inspected uneven surfaces without stripping and coating with a primer, I unloaded a tool for sticking baguettes from the car:

  • Stuslo for cutting plinths at an angle;
  • Spatulas on 7 and 20 centimeters;
  • cord and trailers for bulging lines;
  • gun with cylinder adhesive for connecting ends;
  • Mounting glue for polystyrene foam products.

It was necessary to start alignment and priming walls. Otherwise it will not work correctly stick baguettes. I spacked. Vadik primed and cleaned. In the rooms where the stretch ceiling, first mounted it. In the bathroom and in the kitchen laid a tile.

Attention : Baguettes are glued to perfectly smooth walls and ceiling, stripped and coated with primer.

Glue with helper ceiling plinth under painting

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Tools for mounting stretch ceiling and ceiling plinth

A piece of ceiling plinth noted the size of the ceiling and walls. Then, with a friend and cord, the lines beat off the line for which the baguette should lie. We used a simple plinth of foam with longitudinal protrusions. It is easy to glue, do not customize the pattern. Started from the corner. Using the stub, the end is cut at an angle of 45to on one strip, then to another, turning the plinth up the bottom plane. Since the lengths lacked on the whole wall, immediately cut the second end. The junction is preserved better and does not crack over time if cut off. The gluing plane and the deformation resistance increase increases.

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The ceiling baguette is glued in two planes. You can lubricate them with a putty, sealant. I prefer the mounting glue. Polyfoam is best held the composition for polystyrene foam products.

I checked the correctness of the cutting on the plinths in the corner, putting them with dry in place. He put the glue on the glue on both planes of the baguette. After that, neatly attached, focusing on the lines to glue correctly, and pressed along the entire length. Then the second. Speaking surplus glue gathered a spatula. The assistant entrusted to wipe the plinth with warm water so that with the help of a sponge wash everything too much. If dried up, it will be difficult to clean up. On the following baguette bands, ends greased with docking glue. The balloon is charged in the mounting gun. I made a little bit on the foam and immediately cleaned the speaking surplus. Friend with warm water walked after me.

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Work on the sealing of the joints make the rubber spatula in order not to harm the plinth.

On the semi-colonel pre-prepared sides of a baguette with convex corners. Marked the bottom edge. Ceiling plinth turned over, laying on the stub. Checked that the direction of the cut was correct, the outer side is greater. Then everything did the same.

The next day, when the baguette was stuck and drying, walked in a putty in the corners and joints. I applied to do it with a small rubber spatula without a handle. Then repeated, and completed the processing of acrylic putty. On the outer corners, the foam was harder to fit. Each time the solution was dried, Vadik whisked it. A few days later he instructed a friend to brand and started painting.

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Curved ceiling plinth

As a result, the "student" recorded the procedure for work in his abstract:

  1. Make marking on the walls and ceiling.
  2. Cut baguette and check the correctness of the corner.
  3. To smell with glue.
  4. Attach along line and glue.
  5. Water with water.
  6. Shock the joints and clean.

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The bathroom wall lined with tiles. In order not to smear it, the ceiling baguette with the front side was punked. The foam spawned, put on the floor and walked a brush a few days before sticking. A bit of paint with this bank left not tinted joints and angles after stripping.

Tile has a solid glossy surface. The plane adjacent to the ceiling, and the ends smeared with the mounting glue. On the bottom caused a thin strip of sealant at the top. Made it a pistol. It is very important that the sealant does not give the edge of the baguette. According to the experience, I know that the paint does not hold on it, it is impossible to clean it. To create a smooth transition, pasted a paint tile on the tile, under the most foam. Then he embedded with an acrylic white powder and removed the surplus with a spatula for a tile, a corner with a radius of 2 mm.

Under the stretch ceilings glued wall baguettes

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Wallpaper with a ceiling plinth with your own hands

When it came to a room with a stretch ceiling, Vadik was frightened that we could neither properly stick baguette and damage the thin film. I explained to him that for this use flat wall baguettes. Pocking them are made only on the vertical plane. You can mount the ceiling plinth. Then its upper part is tightly pressed to the ceiling dry. The glue is applied only on the bottom plane.

In order not to cut the tension ceiling film with a knife, I carefully checked the cut. Polyfoam is lightweight, it can be glued on the wallpaper. Polyurethane is denser, has more specific weight. Do not risk. It is necessary to cut the upper part of the wallpaper on the line marking the edge of the baguette. Then clean the wall and process to. We ourselves prepared rooms. I decided to glue, first plinth, and then the wallpaper. It is so convenient to put one and clean the ends. Wall covering does not suffer.

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How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Wallpaper with baguetas

We cut baguettes, checked seven times their docking. Only after that I started smearing the plinth and glued to the wall. When marking, I clutched tightly top to the stretch ceiling. Now put the strips of finishing along the line and rechecked the pressed to the film. Excess glue immediately cleaned. A friend confidently walked behind me with a sponge and rubbed the ceiling baguette.

Before sealing the joints, I asked Vadik to bring newspapers. Put sheets between the stretch ceiling and the upper plane of the plinth. Passed tape slices to the film. Footprints from sticky ribbon correctly flush the windows to washing windows.

Non-standard options for finishing tension ceilings by plinths

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling with the helper

Glue ceiling plinth with their own hands

My friend quickly studied and creatively approached the process, he was fascinated by a baguette sticking. When we got to the living room, they purchased the LEDs and massive ceiling plinth. We needed a wide top of the baguette. Location on the wall, we spent another lower. We decided to stick the baguette with the gap under the stretch ceiling. LEDs were installed in the gap around the perimeter. The backlight visually raised the arch.

It is a pity that the rooms ended in the house. We have so many ideas, especially in a friend.

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