Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside


The windows from the outside are rapidly polluted from the rain, dust and lose their appearance. In this article, we consider how to wash the windows on the balcony outside, which detergents to use so that there are no divorces remaining and how to wash sliding windows on the balcony on the upper floors.

General recommendations for washing windows

To warmly and safely wash the metal-plastic windows outside, you need to take into account some rules.

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside


  • plastic is not made by abrasive means;
  • When washing windows on the upper floors you need to be extremely careful, follow safety rules;
  • It is more difficult to get to the upper and lower corners on the deaf sash, here we use a mop, scraper, you can wind a rag on a stick;
  • First, wash the glass from the inside, then outside, we will see all the external pollution.

If the water for rinsing glasses add lemon juice or vinegar, there will be no divorces on the glass.

Materials and tools for washing windows

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

Before starting cleaning, we prepare all the necessary accessories.

It will take:

  • staircase or stable stool;
  • To safely wash the outdoor part of the window, you must have a safety belt;
  • scraper with soft rubber nozzles;
  • non-abrasive detergent;
  • acidified water for rinsing or water with the addition of ammonia alcohol;
  • Several rags with microfiber, they do not damage plastic, glass, do not leave divorces;
  • We prepare two pelvis (buckets), one will be with soapy water, another with clean water for rinsing.

For washing metal-plastic windows, we use soft sponges so as not to damage plastic and glass. If when cleaning, we scratch the details, they will not only look worse, but will absorb dirt inside scratches. Well wash the dirt napkins for cleaning computers.

We choose detergents

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

For washing of glasses and metal-plastic profile, you need to choose the means suitable for the care of glass and plastic. They should not include abrasive substances, alkalis, acids. Cannot use solvents based on olifes, alcohol in pure form, gasoline-based staineds. Dry powders, soda is also not suitable for cleaning these surfaces.

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We produce a mass of detergents to care for metal-plastic structures, they perfectly cope with their task and have an acceptable cost.

The most optimal means of consistency in the form of a cream.

Means for washing windows with their own hands

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

Detergent solution can be prepared with your own hands

You can prepare a detergent solution with your own hands from the components available in each home. Such funds will be harmless to respiratory organs, in contrast to factory sprays.

Recipes for one liter of water add:

  1. two teaspoons of vinegar;
  2. 100 ml of alcohol, 100 ml of vinegar, 4 teaspoons of starch from corn;
  3. Several droplets of liquid tools for washing dishes;
  4. Add one teaspoon ammonia.

The use of these means is efficient and safe.

Focus protecting and Ice

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

We prepare the funds with your own hands, wipe the glass to protect against fogging and the interconnection of ice in winter.


  • On a liter of water, add 20 grams of chalk, the solution is heated to dissolving the chalk, then add vinegar;
  • On a glass of water, add two tablespoons of salt;
  • Mix alcohol with a few drops of dishwashes;
  • In alcohol add a few drops of glycerol.

We wipe the glass, a slightly damp cloth moistened in the cooked solution.

Sequence of washing windows

Consider how to properly wash the windows on the balcony on the high floor. First, wash the windows from the inside, so that later, through the clean glass it was visible where you need to wash the outside.

Sequence of window washing indoors

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

We prepare the necessary accessories, begin to wash windows from the inside of the room. Wash the windows on the loggia inside no more difficult than washing them from the inside of the apartment.


  1. On the outdoor profile, there are drainage holes at the bottom, they are closed with plugs (sometimes without caps). We remove the plugs, carefully clean the holes from dust, dirt.
  2. Wash the plastic parts of the frame with a soap solution, wipe with a cloth. If there are scratches on plastic, it is necessary to determine them with special polishing agents.
  3. Wash the glass hotels from the inside of the room. First, wipe the glass with clean warm water. Then wash with soapy water, or using the spray. We do not add detergent much, since it is hard to flush it. We wash the detergent with acidic water or with the addition of ammonia alcohol. Let's wipe with a rag with a microfiber.
  4. Wash the sealing rubber with soap water, then clean water, wipe dry, lubricate the special agent, it can be a special pencil or other means for the seal. About how to wash windows without divorces, look in this video:

So that there are no divorces on the glasses, wash them from top to bottom, wipe dry with horizontal movements from the inside, vertical movements outside. Water with the addition of ammonic alcohol gives glass glitter.

Sequence of washing windows outside the room

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

For washing outside need a mop with adjustable handle

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When inside the frame and glass, everything is clearly visible all pollution on the outside. Wash the windows on the loggia from the side of the street much more difficult than from the inside. We proceed to the most difficult stage - cleaning on the outside:

  1. Opening sash will not be difficult to wash. Open the sash, wash on the same principle like soaps indoors. We deploy the sash, wash plastic, glass, seal. Wipe dry. When washing the upper parts, we become on a stable staircase, a stool. Well, if the second person will force, holds when you wash the tops of the window. You can reach the upper parts with a mop with a soft nozzle.
  2. For washing outside, you will need a mop with an adjustable handle. First we wat the glass with soap solution for several minutes, then proceed to washing the dirt. Wash the glass movements from a long corner to yourself so as not to smear the dirt on the glass. Move the dirt towards yourself, to the level that takes the hand, then we easily wash off. We rinse until the whole soap solution is mounted. Wipe dry.

You can use devices: cleaning vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, etc. If you do not want to mess with such a work yourself, invite the workers of the cleaning company. Lyfhaki on the washing windows, see this video:

All work at the height is required to be carried out using the safety belt. Do not hold on to the opening flap or glass.

How to wash sliding windows

Washing windows on loggia and balcony outside

Washing sliding windows is carried out by the same principle as swinging. Sometimes it takes a sliding sash for better cleaning, it is recommended to invite specialists from the window company. They will be removed, and after the end of the harvesting will put the sash in place, for a small fee. In the window company, you can get a consultation how to remove sliding flaps with your own hands.

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In winter, it is better to refrain from this type of work, wait for warm times. Wash glass is preferably twice a year, in spring and autumn.

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