How to breed wallpaper glue


If you have conceived repairs, then, as a rule, one of your tasks will be the plywood of wallpaper. This process, although it is not insanely complicated, but still possesses the abundance of nuances and subtleties. It is necessary to understand what principle every step of sticking, ranging from the dilution of glue and ending with the alignment of the already plated surface.

How to breed wallpaper glue

The process of preparation of adhesive solution

Let's start with the first, considering how it is necessary to breed any wallpaper glue, it does not matter for paper, phlizelin, vinyl or any other wallpaper. This step seems simple, but it is not quite so.

What do you need

For glue breeding, objects can be found in each apartment. If suddenly there is no, then you can buy them in any economic store. It is necessary to work only with pure objects, because any contamination may affect the quality of the final adhesive.

How to breed wallpaper glue

To simplify the work, it is recommended to use a suitable tool.

That's what you need to dilute the wallpaper glue:

  • Wall-made glue. It would be strange to do without it. It is important to very carefully choose the necessary glue, about it further. It must be suitable for those wallpapers that you intend to glue.
  • Capacity. A bucket or pelvis will fit perfectly. Take a fairly large capacity, because otherwise, with stirring, the glue will be splashing and spilled in every way.
  • Water. It is important to understand what kind of water you need to breed wallpaper glue. It may be, in principle, any, but best to take clean water, in which there are no sand impurities. Its temperature should be approximately at the level of room level, about 25 degrees, then glue with the greatest degree of probability will come out without lumps. It is possible to increase the temperature, but then it is better to stir with something relatively powerful, for example, a mixer.
  • Device for stirring. There may be many options. Someone stirres a regular stick - this option also has the right to exist. Someone applies construction mixers, other people adapt ordinary kitchen mixers. The latter may not refresh the quality of the stirring, but they are just noticeably worse. Another option is a drill to which a special mixing nozzle is installed.

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Selection of glue

Before, directly, produce glue, it is necessary to choose it correctly. The glue composition is selected based on what type of wallpaper is available.

For example, for paper will suit almost any, but, for example, more durable and thick glue are needed for flieslin or vinyl.

So if you choose glue for vinyl, fliesline or other similar wallpapers, be sure to refer to the instructions traditionally coming in a set with this glue. If you are not sure, take the proven glue brands Kelid, PUFAS.

How to breed wallpaper glue

Each self-respecting manufacturer offers a large assortment of bulk glue.

Principle of glooding glue

Now we will consistently consider how glue is divorced. It is necessary to follow the sequence of actions and act correctly at each stage.

  1. First you need to pour into the container that you previously prepared and washed, water. The temperature as indicated above may be 25 degrees, but it will be quite comfortable even if you increase it up to 40 degrees, preferably not higher.
  2. We take the glue packaging and study it. This package will indicate the necessary proportions that you need to apply. You evaluate how much water you poured, then pretend how exactly the glue will need to add to this amount of water. If you are overdoing, the mixture will be overwhelmed with a thick consistency and may not even normally divorce. If you, on the contrary, add not enough, then everything will be very liquid. In the latter case, the glue may not retain normally wallpaper, especially if they are hard, like flieslinic, so this should be avoided.
  3. You pour glue into the water is small, constantly stirring. It is very important to pour out ample, it does not matter, in the form of granules or in the form of a powder is released your glue. If you still do not observe it, then everything will be gathered with lumps, as a result of which it is simply impossible to use your glue.
  4. It is possible to stir anything, a number of optimal tools was given above, but the main thing here is how to stir. Do it is necessary very carefully. It is not enough to interfere with the consistency of your solution will not be acceptable. You can understand that it is actually ready when it becomes homogeneous and transparent. It is worth making a reservation - that it is transparent, does not mean that it is colorless. He can safely be some shade, for example, pinkish and so on. Usually this shade makes it more convenient to apply glue into pieces of wallpaper - it is immediately visible where everything is well missed, and where you missed some separate fragments and you need to walk a little more.

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How to breed wallpaper glue

These are such a mixer use ordinary people.


  • Although it was previously indicated that it should be accurately withstanding the proportions specified by the manufacturer, in fact it is better to reduce the share of water to about ten percent. Sometimes manufacturers overestim the characteristics of their glue, pointing that he is much stronger than it in fact. Doing glue a little more thick, you increase its strength. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • After breeding glue, it is imperative to give it to stand, usually five minutes or a little more.
  • If you breed the glue for the grinding of the walls, then then dive it for a consistency, which looks like a kefir.

Now you have a complete picture of how to make the right glue composition.

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