Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program


How to choose door handles for sliding interroom doors. What are the variants of mortise handles or with a lock. The situation is familiar to many - the house is planned, the replacement is not only the wallpaper and furniture, but even interior door structures are subject to replacement.

And then the layout is decorated, the door canvas ordered in a special company, it remains only to choose accessories. What better to choose the handles for sliding doors so that they fit into the design of the canvas and coped perfectly with the task?

Sliding structures - special accessories

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Pens for sliding interior doors differ significantly from classic fittings, since the principles of opening such a system and classical have several differences. For sliding interroom doors, it is characterized by moving the sash to the right or left, and for this it is necessary to make a special structure of the closing structure.

As a rule, the handles for sliding doors are thoroughly recessed in the canvas. They should not play the edges of the wooden product, otherwise the entrance will not be tightly and cannot function normally.

To after installing the door design, the owner was pleased with his acquisition, to the question of the choice of accessories, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility. After all, they ensure the optimal efficiency of the entire product and comfort in use.

Most often, the company engaged in installing sliding interroom doors, supplies the customer already a fully finished product with all the necessary fittings. But there is always possible to replace the built-in opening accessories to a new, more original and beautiful. This can be done even with your own hands, the whole process will not take much time and will not require special skills.

The variety of fittings options makes it possible to often change the handles of sliding doors, depending on the style of the room or just at the request of the owner.

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Varieties of fittings

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Recessed with castle

Pens for sliding doors come in several types:

  • recessed
  • With a latch,
  • with a lock,
  • with removable larva
  • mortise,
  • Staples.

Recessed options for sliding doors are considered standard, because they are most often found, they look original, and serve a long time. Such models rarely fail, as the design of them is simple and reliable. In the form, such accessories is an oval or ball, but the material and design can be any:

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

with latch matte gold

  • antique bronze,
  • silver,
  • brass,
  • Matte gold,
  • chromium,
  • nickel.

The surface of the handle for sliding doors can be smooth and smooth, and can be decorated with carvings, curls or other decorative elements.

Models with latch acquire mainly for double doors. The installation mechanism of such fittings is not much different from the classic door frame with one sash. Just when closed, a special "tongue" one sash snaps on another sash and keeps the design in a closed state.

To open this input, you need to turn a bit of protruding to the end. At the same time, the "tongue" is lowered down, thereby ceasing to keep another sash. Consumers celebrate the convenience of such a design and a stylish appearance of the finished product. The highest quality is considered the "tongue" in the form of a hook, providing a strong clutch with a second sash.

Increasingly, consumers are purchased for sliding doors handles with lock. This option is especially relevant for the design of the bedroom. Such models are more characteristic of paired sliding doors, and to set a similar option to input with one sash, you need to mount the lock in the door frame. Variants with a lock are installed only on wooden or panel door structures - for a glass sash, this option is not suitable.

For such a design, the presence of a metal "tongue" is also characterized, which can be enhanced by a regular key. A more modern option - with a push-button lock. It does not lock the key, and the locking of the lock occurs by pressing the small button. Opening is carried out in the same way. The push-button version looks more modern than the key sticking in the lock.

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Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Nickel, Matte Gold, Antique Bronze

Most of the fittings for sliding doors are not suitable for glass sash, as it is impossible to carry out such work to install the system, and it is impossible to do this work with the glass. It is for fragile transparent flaps and a universal version of the installation of opening accessories was created - with a removable larva. To do this, one round hole is cut in the glass leaf. On the one hand, the hole is inserted into the puck, and on the other - a special sleeve. When closing the larva is inserted into the lock and after turning the key blocks the glass sash. When you need to open glass entrance designs, the larva is simply removed from the castle.

Another option to install the handle with the lock on the glass canvas is the so-called "crocodile". This is a type of overhead lock, applicable both for single-handed and sliding input structures. A gentle bar is mounted on the glass surface, and the handrail with the lock is kept on it. This design is appropriate if the interior input structures are made of expensive thin glass and there is no possibility to do even the smallest hole in them. But it looks like everything is not particularly aesthetic and is used only in extreme cases. Locks for glass doors are not distinguished by a variety of design, as a rule, they have a classic appearance and lack of decorative elements.

Staples are essentially the most common classic door models. They serve just for opening. The closure mechanism is not provided here. They can be with carved decorative elements or the most common in appearance.

Leader sales - mortise options

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Cutting castle

Mortgage handles having a lot of advantages are very popular:

  • affordable price,
  • high-quality materials
  • Stylish appearance.

Curling models are mounted in the sash, and only a metal decorative element can be seen on the surface of the sliding sash. Such models are made only from high-quality materials, and the customer can choose the color and style of product design. Extremely ordered mortise knobs decorated under the antique style. Optionally, you can choose from several shades - copper, bronze, silver and gold, as well as a matte or brilliant metal coating. Door handles, the installation of which implies the cutting of the mechanism into the door leaf, can be both simpler with the "tongue" and with the retainer and the presence of the key.

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Modern mortise knobs are installed without screws, for mounting, you need to drill the grooves for fastening and fix glue. If necessary, such details are easily removed and change to others.

On the table you can determine which model is suitable for different styles of the interior

Type of handlesMaterialStyle
RecessedBrass, bronze, nickel, chromeAntique Modern
With latch and (or) lockBrass, nickel, silver, chromeUnder the ancient modern
With removable larvaMetalClassical
CurrencyAny metalAntique modern

The variety options makes it possible to choose the most suitable type of fittings style. Depending on the door canvase material, you can choose both classic and exquisite models, with built-in lock or without it. Installing such an accessory will not take much time, and the result will like even the owner of the most exquisite taste.

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program

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Pens for sliding interroom doors - inform in full program


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