Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)


Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Autumn brings the desire to capture the game of paints not only in memory, but also in the house where long winter evenings can be seen, touch, breathe such a beautiful with a slight taste of bitterness. Charm of autumn.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

To decorate your home, yielding to a gust, inspected with autumn landscapes, you can simply and simplely typing in the nearest park of multi-colored maple leaves and spreading across the apartment one by one (using high narrow glasses or vases) or oakhaps, as if burning bouquets.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

But in the presence of a small amount of time and a minimum of effort, you can build up the real works of art that will rejoice the eye for a long time and will serve as a real decoration of your home.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Other crafts from the autumn gifts of nature:

- crafts from chestnuts, spikelets and other gifts of nature

- crafts from acorns

- crafts from pumpkins

- crafts from cones

- crafts from twigs and rods

- crafts from dried flowers

Pendants and garlands made of maple leaves

You need to take two or three leaves preferably, of different sizes, cover them with a transparent varnish or omit in the paraffin melted on the water bath, and then tie them with a thread that can be decorated with beads to the tone of the leaves and, making a loop from it, rave for example, under Ceiling of the children's room.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

You can complicate the task, collecting the leaves treated in this way in the garland. Of which it is easy to build an intricate pattern, fixing it on the wall, or around a picturesque branch set in a vase, or by placing in a highly hanging pot with flowers, it is easy to hang freely, along the wall. If several such garlands combine, a bright curtain will be released.

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Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Maple leaves wreaths

Also a popular autumn craft is also wreaths of maple leaves. You can just risk a wreath of leaves, as the summer college, and do something more intricate. In this case, the wreath is made from birch or other branches, and leaves, acorns, ribbons, bumps and other nature gifts are used for its decor.

See also:

What else can be made of cones.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Decorate candles and candlesticks with leaves

Dried under the mold or iron leaves can be punched with a glass jar, covered with transparent varnish for decoupage, and put the candle inside. It turns out the original lamp capable of decorating any romantic evening. Similarly, thick candles are decorated - the leaves are simply glued, or they are tied to their surface. It looks very unusual, especially if you use candles of bright, inappropriate tones.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Roses and bouquets made of maple leaves

A separate topic deserve roses made of maple leaves, from which not only bouquets can be assembled, but also to tie in wreaths, decorate their wicker products, and vintage style lovers easily fit similar decorations into their interior, covering flowers from golden leaves gold or silver paint.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

It is very easy to make roses made of maple leaves, which then collect in one big bouquet. These flowers will delight you all winter. Plus this is an interesting idea for a little surprise. Girl from a guy. These roses are made elementary - just fold the maple leaves and wake up on the workpiece. Do not forget to bend the edges, like a real rose. Here is a detailed step-by-step master class on making roses made of maple leaves and bouquet of them:

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

But still the ideas of crafts - already from these roses. Of these, after all, you can make a topiary, about which read below, wreath, decorate pictures and much more, and even bouquets of dry leaves can be quite varied:

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Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

See also:

The ideas of autumn crafts from paper.

Maple leaves in home decor

If you cut the butterfly head of fresh maple leaf from the top of a fresh maple leaf, and then dry the sheet between the pages of the book, it turns out a beautiful decoration suitable for the interior in any room. It is enough just to insert a dried leaf into the frame and hang on the wall. And if you decompose the maple leaves dried between the pages of the book on a white background, in the like by random placer, then the amazing-autumn collage will come out. You can also decorate with bright leaves of maple any stylized image, for example, "Woven" them in women's hair. There is a very original picture.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Perfectly fit into any interior hours or frame with a photo of close in the frame of maple leaves. The leaves are simply glued on the surface of the frame or clock in random order so that they cover the entire surface of the product, the excess is trimmed, and then everything is fixed with a transparent varnish.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Useful and elegant decoration for any room will serve a plate of maple leaves. Take a plate or a cup that will serve as the basis for the product, wrap it with a food film. Then thoroughly smearing the leaves with the PVA glue, glue them into several layers over the film, so that they repeat the product shape. The layer of leaves should be sufficiently dense. When the glue dries, separate the leaves from the plate and cover them with a transparent varnish. After drying in such a plate, you can store baubles, various trifles and even candies.

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Topicia from maple leaves

For its manufacture, you need to fix a wooden wand inside a small flower pot, so that it stands vertically. On the upper end of the stick is put on the ball from the foam rubber or floral sponge. The leaves are evenly stuck in the sponge, so that the crown of the tree remains round. To decorate a tree, you can use beads strung on wire and inserted into the sponge. In the pot you can pour sand and also decorate it with beads.

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Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

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