How to cover the brick on the balcony best?


The balcony has always been an additional space that can be used as a comfortable recreation area or a small office. But in order to give this room a great attraction, it is necessary to cover its inner walls with plaster, paint or something else.

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

In order for the loggia to look attractively and was a place to relax, separate the walls with clapboard or plastic panels, a decorative stone, color or pour wallpaper.

Today, a variety of options can be used to finish the brick walls of the balcony, but most often it is lining, wooden or plastic, paint and varnishes, special decorative plastic panels. Gypsumton is used for alignment and surface preparation, which is an excellent basis for decor.

Plasterboard and plastic panels as finishing options

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

The decoration of plasterboard is made on a closed loggia, since the plasterboard is afraid of moisture.

Plasterboard sheets do not apply as self-skin, it is rather preparation of the surface to further finish, which allows you to create a perfectly smooth surface. It is used for closed balconies, as it does not tolerate the conditions of high humidity. From above, sheets, as a rule, are painted, covered with a layer of decorative plaster, serve as the basis for gluing tiles.

To cover the walls of the balcony, today you can use special plastic panels that allow you to simulate almost any material starting from wood and ending with tissues, natural stone, for example, marble.

Such panels are great not only for balconies, even in a residential room with their help you can create a rather stylish and exquisite interior. Installation of such panels is relatively simple, for this it is necessary to use wooden rail guides, between which you can arrange a layer of heat insulator. The panels are perfectly withstanding an increased level of humidity, they are easily cleaned, but abrasive detergents can not be applied.

Vinyl and wooden lining

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

For decoration of the balcony, you can use special plastic panels, the range of drawings is very diverse. They can imitate wood, fabric, natural stone.

Brick walls of the inner part of the loggia or balcony can be covered with lining both wooden and plastic. These materials are completely different in their properties and appearance. Consider them in more detail.

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Wooden lining is distinguished by attractiveness, the tree itself also provides additional insulation by the room. But it is possible to use such a trimming material only for closed balconies, as the tree from excessive moisture and precipitation quickly loses its attractiveness, swells.

Lining for decoration of brick balconies and not only them is made from such woods like linden, oak, ash. Features of the mount allow simultaneously with the trim and additional insulation and waterproofing, that is, the loggia or balcony will become warm and cozy, they can be used even in winter. Such an option, many experts are considered optimal, as the wooden lining is distinguished by a low cost, it does not need to squeeze each season, it is durable and beautiful. From the minuses it should be noted that it cannot be used for an open balcony.

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

Fastening the lining pattern.

Plastic lining is largely reminded by wooden, but it is made of PVC. The appearance of such a material is simpler, but plastic is not so whimsical, it can be used to separate even an open brick balcony. Today, manufacturers offer a large selection of a wide variety of shades that make it possible to make the trim in the original and attractive. For the trim, you can use the easiest option of white, but there are more expensive options that imitate the real tree.

When laying plastic lining, you can immediately provide insulation and waterproofing to protect the inner space . Of the advantages of this type of facing, it is necessary to note the simplicity of installation, a low price, practicality.

Coloring of the surface

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

Coloring can be made like bricks and prepared surface. For example, gapswock or plaster.

The brick surface itself is quite attractive if the masonry is performed correctly, a quality brick is used for it. But it is often necessary to hide numerous errors, keeping the texture of the natural surface. For this brick surface, you can cover the paint of the selected shade.

If the brick has an attractive and high-quality appearance, the inner walls of the balcony can be simply covered with a layer of colorless varnish. It will protect the wall, at the same time amazed positive location features. As a result, you can create an original interior that will strike with your cooler. If it is necessary to hide the uneven color of masonry, some flaws, you can use the water-level paint, which will quickly dry, without having an unpleasant, sharp smell. It is impossible to use oil paints, as they do not differ in durability. Of the advantages of this method, it is necessary to note the simplicity of work, the preparation here is minimal. Of the disadvantages - the impossibility of insulation of the surface, some simplicity of appearance.

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How to choose materials for interior balcony?

To qualitatively, shelter brick walls on the balcony, it is necessary to choose the correct materials for this. After all, the loggia can be equipped with a cozy, comfortable place to relax. But it is necessary that the finish is not only attractive, but also practical, sustainable to many species. As you have already seen, the options for finishing the inner surface are quite a lot, but how to choose the one that will be suitable for a particular case? You should pay attention to some parameters that have a great impact on the choice.

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

MDF panels Excellent material for the finishing of the loggia. It is durable, fireproof, resistant to changes in temperature and moisture.

The durability of the finish is one of the most important parameters, as making repairs every year is too obligated. The above options have excellent indicators in this area, they are not afraid of rotting and excessive moisture, the exception can be only wooden lining, but the material can be selected on the market that the necessary processing has passed (although it is not consistent with the open space). Plastic panels can serve about 25-30 years, which far exceeds the necessary margin of safety. Wooden treated liner from larch has a service life of up to 20 years, it is additionally recommended to cover it from top with toning antiseptics. Plasterboard is also distinguished by a long service life, which leaves about 15-20 years, but for open spaces it is not at all suitable.

Stability of material to sharp changes in the level of humidity and temperature. The balcony is not a living room, even for indoor structures from brick, there are drops of temperature and humidity, therefore, the finishing material should be selected by such that will be resistant to such operating conditions. Plastic panels in this case are the ideal option, they are resistant to frost and heat, such a cladding can be used even for the first floors and in the absence of hydraulic protection.

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

Eurovantia reliable durable material. Eurolution service life of 25-30 years.

Using MDF panels is not recommended if the balcony is open, does not have hydraulic protection. Therefore, such a material is not recommended to use for loggia, it is easy to relax, loses its attractive appearance. The same applies to wooden lining, which is rather capricious to moisture drops. Moisture-resistant plasterboard can be used for indoor balconies, it is impossible to allow its constant wet. For a brick balcony, you can use paints or facade plasters, characterized by an attractive appearance, resistant to many adverse effects.

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Fire safety. Balcony It is necessary to sow from the inside with a material that will be resistant to heating to high temperatures resistant to open flames. This is done to ensure security, such a condition can be considered mandatory. The most unfavorable materials in this case are wooden lining and wood-based panels. Plastic panels are also extremely unstable with severe heating. Plasterboard is not a combustible material, it is possible to use a conventional moisture resistant sheet for finishing, although you can take more expensive combined red color, which has a special impregnation and has fire-prevention, moisture-resistant properties.

Do not forget about practicality and care

How to cover the brick on the balcony best?

The material for the balcony should be seamless with the fact that it should be easily and quickly cleaned from dust.

The finishing material for the balcony should be easily cleaned from urban dust, which can be abundant to cover the walls of particularly open structures. Best of all plastic fits from this point of view. The PVC lining and plastic panels are easily cleaned, there is enough ordinary clean vet and water for this. You can use almost any household cleaners. Wooden surface is more demanding. When finishing a loggia or balcony, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to use water to clean it extremely carefully, as the tree swells, loses its attractiveness. To preserve a beautiful appearance and quality, you need to regularly update the coating, and this is not always practical.

Plasters and decorative paints are easily contaminated, although the facade materials are not so subject to the loss of appearance. Plasterboard necessarily requires an external coating, since the sheets themselves do not differ in their attractiveness, they are rapidly polluted.

In addition, many materials can simultaneously insulate the design, which is important for indoor balconies. The choice of materials for the trim today is quite large, but the most optimal are plastic panels and lining, which are convenient, practical, safe, differ in attractive appearance.

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