Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand


Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

Many people love live flowers so much that they grown their homes.

Floor high stand for colors, especially if it is made with your own hands, will become an indispensable and original subject of the interior. Sometimes the owners of the apartment are so fond of breeding room colors that there is very little free space.

In such a situation, special designs will help, which allow you to arrange the flower pots more compact.

Without colors, residential premises are unlikely to be cozy. Some are concerned that they occupy a lot of space, so multi-level supports in this case will become the perfect option. Nowadays in specialized stores, a lot of all kinds of options are offered.

They are very convenient, but it is not always possible to find a stand that would be perfect for a certain design of the room. In this case, you can enable fantasy and approach the solution of the problem creatively, that is, to build a stand for indoor plants with your own hands.

Materials and color gamuts can be chosen absolutely any. Creating such a simple, but convenient interior object, as a stand for flowers, will not require a lot of time and financial spending.

Materials for work

Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

To begin with, it is worth considering the most common options for coams for indoor plants. Most often in stores you can find metal and wooden copies, but in some cases plastic or glass parts add them.

The most elegant option can be called forged products for the manufacture of which is used metal. They look very well and are suitable for almost any interior. Moreover, metal elements have increased strength and reliability.

However, make a similar thing with your own hands at home is impossible. To work with the metal requires special tools and knowledge that will help them correctly use.

Another thing is wooden colors stands. They look much easier than metal analogues, but they can be made it with their own hands at home, while having a small supply of tools and free time. Specialists recommend that people who plan to decorate their interior homemade stand for flowers, to use a wooden foundation.

When choosing materials for the stand it is worth paying your attention to the board, chipboard or untreated pieces of wood, for example, on a clip with branches sticking in different directions. If you wish, you can supplement your product with glass shelves or other elements. The finished stand for flowers from the tree can be carefully covered with varnish - to improve the appearance.

Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

Metal, like forged products, is very difficult to make at home, so this option does not use much popular among masters who do not have professional knowledge and special tools.

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However, some people go easier and combine metal with wood. That is, the complex parts are cut out of the wooden base, and beautiful decorations are made of metal tubes. Much depends on the fancy of the wizard.

Even those materials and elements that seem to be allowed to immediately submit to a part of the flower stand immediately into force. And yet, in the finished product they look very organic.

High suspended stand with your own hands

One of the most simple embodiments of this decor element is the suspension. Such a stand can be made from the floor to the ceiling and place a lot of flower pots here. The suspension stand takes a minimum of free space, but it easily fits into any interior. Make such a stand can be made of wood and rope. In addition, you need to stock up the necessary set of tools.

Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

Suspended stands made with your own hands are ideal not only for rooms, but also for balconies. They can be accommodated in any space where there is very little free space. On the suspended shelves, you can accommodate those flowers that are sorry to hide behind the curtains on the windowsill and want to put on the universal review.

For the manufacture of a high suspended shelf, we need a board from a tree or a shelf from an old cabinet, a rope of medium thickness, flower pots, drill, jigsaw, metal ring, paint or varnish and brushes.

First of all, every shelf is measured on the wooden board. To do this, you need to take a pot, circle it in a circle, and after drawing a square from him. It is better to make the shelves more stronger by adding a pair of extra centimeters on the sides. The number of squares must coincide with the number of pots for colors that are planned to be used.

It is more convenient for starting to make a template on paper or cardboard, and after carrying lines on a wooden surface.

Then you can move to the discharge of parts. It is convenient to do with the jigsaw. It is not worth a hurry, since how neatly work will be performed, the beauty of the product will be directly dependent. Especially carefully you need to cut the inner part of the details.

After each shelf is ready, it is necessary to drill one hole in all corners of squares. It is through them that will be held ropes that support the design. This moment is very important. Holes should be equally located on each shelf. Otherwise, the stand will turn out to be a curve.

Next you need to do painting shelves. To do this, you can use varnish to make the decor element as close as possible to nature. If the Eco style is not relevant for a particular room, it is better to use the paint of suitable color. The coating must be acrylic, as it holds for a long time and does not fade.

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After drying, parts can be started to assemble. To do this, you need to take into account the height of the plants that are planned to be installed on the stand. This option is convenient primarily because here you can easily adjust the height of each shelf and make the stand very high, that is, from the floor to the ceiling.

For starters through the ring, four end of the rope are fought. Next, all of them must go through the first square, after which the shelf can be fixed, knotting the nodules on the rope. Similarly, you need to go with each element. After all the shelves are fixed with a rope, one common node is tied under the latter, and the ends of the rope are trimmed. Then he will only attach the shelf to the ceiling and place the pots with flowers.

How to independently make an outdoor stand for indoor plants?

In this case, you can use a tree and metal, namely tubes that can be easily bend. With the right approach, neat work and the use of your fantasy, you can achieve a stunning effect and create a real masterpiece that will decorate any interior.

Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

Here you can go in a simple way and make a framework from wooden rails or metal tubes, on which the shelves will be placed. As partitions, you can take the usual Phaneur and cut it as it will need.

Shelves can be painted in any color that is suitable for any other interior. Very beautiful and originally will look at the version of the high floor shelf for indoor plants with glass partitions. But with them you need to be very neat and choose a thick and durable glass.

If there is an opportunity and skill, you can bend metal tubes so that the floor stand becomes more elegant. For example, the frame legs can be slightly rounded, which will already give the decor to this element a specific charm.

It is important to collect and fix the frame very high quality. Especially when it comes to high floor stands. Pots with flowers are pretty heavy, so it will be very unpleasant if the shelves can not stand and everything collapses on the floor.

Varieties of floor stands

Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

The elements of the room decor, on which the flowers can be located, may be all sorts of types. The most common options are floor stands, but here the variety is so great that in the shops of the eye spread.

Floor supports are presented in the form of a shelter to several levels, sometimes reaching the ceiling itself, in the ladder version, wide or narrow flower beds. In general, it all depends solely from the imagination of the designer.

Outdoor Jardinerki choose for their practicality and maximum convenience, they help save free space, and sometimes a family budget, but here a lot depends on the material of the manufacture and complexity of the design.

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Most often, the floor shelves are made of metal and wood, but sometimes all this is diluted with glass and even plastic inserts. In any case, the design must be extremely strong, especially when it comes to high stands into several levels.

Recommendations for the manufacture of flower stand

Floor stands for indoor plants are able to decorate and supplement almost any interior, especially if they are made with their own hands. They will look relevant even in small rooms. Fans of unusual interior items should be closed to outdoor collections.

Sometimes designers go completely unusual and use unexpected solutions. As a result, the most common floor stand for indoor plants becomes a true masterpiece and can play the role of the main subject of decor in the room.

The easiest option of the floor stand is a circle on the leg. The upper part can be made of wood or metal, and the leg of the pipe. Such a simple stand for indoor flowers is easy to make it yourself. As a basis, as a rule, a chipboard is taken or a natural tree. It needs to be covered with varnish or paint, depending on the overall room design.

The shelf is better to make a diameter of at least 20 centimeters. But everyone chooses the height of the leg, depending on its preferences, it can be made both above and below. Here you need to look at the overall height of the furniture. If desired, the Jardinerka can be very high.

Tree or metal?

If we consider the most common variants of the material for flower stands, then it is worth highlighting the metal and wood. Each chooses the most suitable kind of Jardinerki.

You also need to take into account the place where this design will be installed. For example, in the balconies, the stands are best looking for colors from wrought metal. They are durable and not demanding in care. Metal products are not afraid of temperature drops, which is an additional advantage.

Wooden stands are well suited for those rooms where Ecosil prevails in the interior. Jardinerki of this type can add comfort and naturalness to any room. But wooden stands should not be used to decorate the balcony, since their life will be minimal.

Indoor flowers are a wonderful living room decoration. Do not refuse them under the pretext of an insufficient amount of free space. This problem can be quickly solved with the help of high jerding for flowers, which can be purchased in a furniture store or make it yourself.

Floral Jardinerki is those decor items with which you can safely experiment. They may look like the master wants.

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the main rule - it is mandatory ensuring the strength of the structure and its stability.

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