Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard


Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

The design of the ceilings in the hallway is important. Thanks to him, you can hide some flaws of the ceiling.

For example:

  • To separate the low hanging, choose light colors. It will be perfectly combined with a similar shade with walls and a longer floor coating. The room will seem higher.
  • If the ceilings are high, you can afford to arrange them in a more dark tone. The room will be a cozy, harmonious.
  • Choose the best, available ceiling finish. Get the effect of the appearance of the room, which was conceived. It is enough to choose a drawing on the material. Place a tile on the ceiling for visual decrease, or an increase in area.

The ceiling in the hallway is the business card of the apartment. Think what design to implement? Creatively implement it.


Clean the surface from the spots of rust, other pollution. Remove the former whitewash. Survegencies with cracks upload. Pots or stains from rust to whitewash, remove, wash, and then treat with a solution (copper municipal. From 50 to 100 g per liter of boiling water) those places.

Fat output with 2% hot soda solution. Clean white rag, soak by that solution, attach to the stain. Keep to disappearance. Procedured? Rinse with water.

If a wiggy ceiling, turn it up to 18% or 3% solution (hydrochloric acid) to whitewash. Shp can make big cracks. Small punish the finished primer. Primer applies roller, brush or sprayer.

A thin smooth film is formed - this is the basis for which you can apply, stick any material, to make a whitewash. Dried up? Believe the ceiling.

But drying do not force, do not carry out the room if the sun shines - close the windows.


Ceiling in the hallway can be painted. Take ordinary paints for the interior or texture, so the texture will be more interesting and paint. The palette is huge. Choose a color to the walls, slightly lighter.

For high-quality painting, carefully prepare the surface. Strint. Shuffle. Correct the curve with a shallow reinforcement grid.

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Next - glue the grid painted. This grid is fixed either under the plaster or on it. Pull surface, achieving smooth, smooth surface. This layer is 1.5 mm minimum. Repeated, then kill.

Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

Experts recommend in the hallway to paint a water-based paint ceilings.


  • Inexpensive if the ceiling is almost smooth.
  • The finish is one of the simple at the perfect surface of the ceiling.
  • The height of the room does not suffer.


  • Particularly, do not show creativity.
  • For the curves of the ceilings, a thick layer of plaster is needed - from 30 mm and there is a risk that it will stroke, cracks in the future.
  • The work is quite "dirty."

Decorative stucco

This stucco will always be relevant and fashionable. Practical and beautiful coverage - people like this design in the interior. It can handle the ceiling, walls.

Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

Inspect the surface of the working area. Cracks, pits to cover, sting. You can align the ceiling:

  • Wet.
  • Dry way.

"Wet" is an alignment of construction mixtures, solutions for your choice. If there are 5 cm drops and more, then use drywall plates. But the plaster can be flawed that risky. With differentials up to 2 cm - just plastering the surface.

"Dry" when with the help of plates from the material that select, align the surface.


Choose wallpaper carefully for the corridor. The way simple, every wishes available. Suitable based on fliesline or vinyl. Choose a pretty color, proceed to work. Wallpaper is strong. Long live long.

Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

Liquid wallpaper

If you do not know which material to choose for registration, we can advise the perfect new type of wallpaper - liquid. The material is like paint. Applied to the work area with a spatula or spacing. Come on yourself.

Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

PVC tile

Economical way. Panels or PVC tile perfectly smoothed irregularities, applied plaster. They can be glued to an uneven surface.

Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

Tile PVC in a wide range is sold in large building supermarkets. If you want to buy, be sure to pick up the color to your taste. Take the desired size, drawing, texture. Remember that this is an economy option that has its advantages, disadvantages.

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Suspended ceiling

Suspended ceiling in the hallway of light tones will make it lighter. The ceilings will seem higher, and guests will appreciate the beautiful interior design. Having hung up a beautiful chandelier, you will appreciate the fruits of your work, you will invariably receive aesthetic pleasure leaving, returning home, undressing in the hallway. Installation of stretch ceilings every year everything is available.

Ceiling design in the hallway: decoration of plasterboard

When you choose a color, take a couple of tones the lighter wallpaper, the same gamma that furniture.

Creating a unique interior of the hallway, to finish the ceiling to choose the material that you like: practical, high-quality.

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