Decor and design of window and doorways


Any construction should be logically completed and in many cases, it is finishing work as completion. It is necessary to place walls, ceilings, floors, create harmony and integrity of the room. But many for some reason completely forget that windows and doors are an integral part of any interior. There are many methods with which you can create an incredibly beautiful and at the same time practical design of the window opening. It is enough just to purchase high-quality materials and use the correct and pre-prepared tool.

Selection of material for finishing

Perhaps the simplest design of the window opening, which can perform everyone with their own hands is the plaster. I recommend the same approach to those who do not want to delay too much and plans to separate the doorway immediately. Depending on the stylistics of the room, white or color plaster can be selected. In most cases, the more correct solution will be white, since such framing is combined with any interior solutions and does not create dissonance. Moreover, if you decide to change the situation in the room, changing the furniture and wallpapers, the opening does not have to redo it, and this is a significant savings and time. Another option is a decorative plaster. It not only has a lot of positive qualities in strength and durability, but can also create the required designer focus in the room, which is especially relevant for premises in which the framing was performed in a modern style.

Decor and design of window and doorways

Among the positive aspects of the use of the fascination method, wide decorative possibilities should be isolated by which this material can turn the window and doorway into a real work of art. In addition, the plaster creates a rather dense coating that protection if necessary for any opening from mechanical damage. This finish will last for a very long time if there are no sudden air temperature drops or humidity levels. Therefore, if the outside is raging, and the windows are rather old, then it is necessary to refuse the finish from this method.

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The second material, which is often recently drawn up window and doorway - MDF panels. This material is very durable, but has one unpleasant feature. If during operation the framing of window openings was damaged, then it is no longer subject to repair or any other restoration work. The only solution is the complete replacement of all panels with subsequent finish. I recommend using this material for design windows and doors in bedrooms and work offices, where the risk of mechanical damage is minimal. At the same time, MDF perfectly copes with moisture and changing the temperature regime. The fact is that small seams remain between the panels during the installation process, which, when expanding the material, are filled during the heating, preventing deformations. Therefore, such material is often used for finishing from the outside. Also, MDF can be the basis for applying other finishing materials, the use of which assumes only as a maximum smooth surface.

Decor and design of window and doorways

One of the recommended materials by which the window can also be separated, and the doorway is laminate. It is perfectly combined with the interiors decorated in a classic style.

I recommend using it as a finish in cases where the doors and windows indoors are made of natural wood or imitation. Laminate is distinguished by increased strength, therefore will last a very long time, without losing its original appearance.

Finishing work

Decor and design of window and doorways

Regardless which finishing material you have chosen in order to place openings in the room, at the first stage I recommend to take the preparation of surfaces. They must be cleaned from the remnants of the old finish, dust and dirt. When cracks and chips are detected, it is necessary to carefully treat surfaces with a putty. If you discovered too wide chip or large cracks, they can be filled with small fragments of building materials, and then close with putty.

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After processing its surface, it is necessary to primitive and let dry. After that, the slopes can be grinding in shallow sandpaper until the surface becomes smooth. After the opening is prepared for decoration, it is necessary to prepare the finishing material. If we are talking about plaster, a special solution is prepared.

Decor and design of window and doorways

It is best to use a ready-made dry mix that can be purchased in a construction store. It just needs to be diluted with water and thoroughly stir the mixing nozzle drove to avoid the appearance of lumps. Registration of opening of the plaster is carried out using various sized spatulas. I recommend cooking a solution in small portions so that it does not have time to frozen if you need to work immediately with several openings. After applying the plaster should dry during the day.

Working with MDF is slightly simpler. To secure panels, screws are used, and the smooth surface is absolutely not needed. The only controversial moment that may occur during the work is the hats of self-tapping screws, which will be visible in sheets, because of which the framing of window openings can be spoiled. This issue is solved, it is enough to choose a suitable primer with the help of which the hats of self-tapping screws on MDF sheets can be easily hidden. Fixation of sheets occurs on a frame of wooden or metal profiles. Thanks to this approach, you can provide additional insulation of the openings, due to the filling of the void between the wall and the MDF sheets on the frame width of the selected material for insulation.

I can confidently assert that the framing of window openings with a laminate is the simplest solution. There is no need to specially prepare the window opening, just cut the material using an electric jigsaw, and figure out the fasteners. Laminate can be attached to the way in the same way as MDF, with the help of self-tapping screws, but without installing the frame. The second method is a glue solution that is prepared on the basis of a dry mixture, which can be purchased at any construction store.

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The ideas of the design of openings

After the process of finishing the openings is completed, it is necessary to think about how to make a result. The thing is that everything here again rests on the overall stylistic of the room. If we are talking about a classic style bedroom, then the window opening in it is unlikely to decorate the metal stuffiness of the silver color. It is very important to find harmony not only in color and forms, but also in a stylistic orientation. An excellent solution will be curtains and curtains, but it is only suitable for large windows in rooms where it is necessary to adjust the intensity of sunlight depending on the time of day.

Decor and design of window and doorways

Door openings can be arranged in the form of arches. If you just want to make a certain separation effect without the use of the door, you can try original wooden or curtain curtains, but it should be agreed stylistically, otherwise it will look very strange and even stupid.

Video "Registration of the window opening"

On the record, a man tells about one of the options for finishing the window sloping. This process does not require the preparation of slope under the color and is an excellent solution to the problem with the slit between the window frame and slope.

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