Using glass fencing for balconies


The fencing of the glass balcony differs primarily not its unusual and very attractive appearance, but in high strength and reliability. Such a fence must meet all safety requirements, but, at the same time, decorate the outer walls of the buildings, making them in a special attractive.

These fences are constantly exposed to numerous loads. Only due to its constructive features, this design is able to withstand all listed tests.

Features and operational characteristics of glass fences

Using glass fencing for balconies

Glass fences are often used in office style.

The glass fencing of the balcony was created in order to change the appearance:

  • office buildings;
  • residential buildings;
  • educational buildings;
  • terraces and veranda;
  • pools and arbors.

In the conditions of a multi-depleted city, such fences were widespread during the construction of balconies in residential high-altitude houses. By creating one or another design, designers and architects pay special attention to the fastening elements and the fastening system itself.

Glass railing rages are rare, but they make any balcony or loggia is not easy attractive, and able to change the perception of the facade of the entire building, although in most cases only the handrails from the metal are accurately from stainless steel.

Features of structural elements

Using glass fencing for balconies

Strong railings and racks will ensure the reliability of the glass design

Railings or handrails are the main element of the design, ensuring the safety and comfort of those who own such a room. The shape of the fencing of the balcony from glass can be any of the square to a semicircle or a circle.

Numerous experiments and testing of glass quality proved that in its strength it is not inferior to a metal sheet.

Using glass fencing for balconies

For the fence use special tempered glass

This is explained by special glass processing. The hardening is carried out by heating to 600 ° Celsius, and then rapid cooling. In the process of this processing, the surface voltage occurs, which increases the strength of the material several times. The most vulnerable place is the end face of the sheet. However, when the glass is destroyed, it breaks into a lot of fragments, deprived of sharp edges and not capable of causing harm.

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Using glass fencing for balconies

Triplex - Most Popular Glass for Architectural Designs

Particularly popular triplex. This is a multi-layer sheet, to create for at least two layers of glass and a thin film or liquid for lamination between them. This product refers to the number of specially durable materials.

Tempered glass is used to design balconies and loggia, without thinking about the peculiarities of care. Such a barrier is easily clean with special substances and is not amenable to the effects of various temperatures and chemicals that make up detergents or cleaning products.

Using glass fencing for balconies

Another important feature is thermal conductivity. For the organization on a balcony or loggia of the Winter Garden, monosite is most often used. On such a balcony, you can organize a full-fledged rest room, especially if you use to create design and decorating with rolled, Roman or Japanese curtains.

Design features

The construction of glass fencing of balconies is a very difficult process that requires steady compliance with all rules and full compliance with the existing technology at this time. For more information about the glass fence, see this video:

Building a fastener system, is strictly forbidden to independently do holes in the glass surface using a drilling tool. All necessary holes can be made only in the conditions of production workshops.

Using glass fencing for balconies

What will be the fastener depends only on what kind of design is, but nevertheless there are several ways to fix the glass if the fencing for the balcony is built from it:

  1. Connectors. The mount is carried out through the hole in the glass to the special ears, welded to the racks.
  2. Brackets. On the pin, located at a right angle in relation to the screen, the glass is put on and for fastening is a clip with a carvings. Brackets are attached to the racks.
  3. Use metal guides.
  4. At the top and bottom of the design, the metal profile is installed, in the groove glass screen.
  5. The glasses of barriers can be pasted directly into concrete and copp with a bolt or pins.

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In the manufacture of fasteners, special technology is applied, so it is almost impossible to damage the glass during the installation work. Read more about the fasteners of glass fences, see this video:


Loggia or balcony with hardened glass bar - special design. It can only be safe and beautiful if the installation will be implemented in all the rules. Starting the work on the construction of glass fencing, you should prepare the platform and dismantle the old railing. Read more about the tempered glass in the interior, see this video:

Choose the balcony for glass fencing only reliable fastening and accessories

The first thing should be taken care of the reliable and correct mounting of the frame frame to the floor, the ceiling and the wall. All fixation points must be specified in the project documentation.

All work is performed in accordance with the requirements of safety and technology. Special attention requires the choice of fasteners, which must fully fit the type of walls and overlaps.

In the course of work, it is impossible to apply excessive force when tightening bolts. Installation passes quite easily and quickly, the construction garbage after work does not remain, which means there is no need to carry out additional manipulations related to cleaning.

Using glass fencing for balconies

Glass fences shock resistant

It should be remembered that glass fences are not afraid of shocks, but even in case of destruction, it is crumpled into a plurality of small components, the edges of which are susceptible to special processing that causes harm to others.

Companies that deal with such glazing are ready to offer their customers the most diverse fittings and glass of various shapes and sizes. The choice remains for the consumer.

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