Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials


Bead flowers - excellent interior decoration, they are also well suited as a holiday gift. In this article we will tell how to weave the beads for beginners. Learn to do, for example, a rose from beads is quite simple, a step-by-step master class will help you.

What will take:

  • green and pink beads;
  • Red and green wire;
  • copper wire;
  • Ribbon for floristics;
  • fishing line;
  • needle.

Master class for beginners

We will weave the petals for roses on tiers. To begin with, we will make a lower tier. Take a red wire and cut a piece of 60 cm long and another piece of 10 cm. Twist them together, dial 9 beads on a long wire, and for short 5.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

We will twist a short wire all the time, and with the help of a long form the petal.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

After spinning the wire, put on the nine beads and again, make a twist to fix the beads.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

We make a branch on the side and put on it for another twelve beads.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

On the other hand, make thirteen beads - so your petal get a little sharp. We will make the following arc, here you need to wear so much beads. How much is suitable in the size of the base. On the last fourth arc put on even more beads and form the shape of the petal.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Cut an excess wire and fix the tip. This is how your petal should look like:

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Bend the petal as shown in the photo.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Thus, make two more pets. Then you need to make three more petals in the previous scheme, but a bit of large sizes, that is, you need to add one more two arcs with beads. The last third tier will consist of even larger petals than previous ones.

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Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

We start collecting a rose. Couple three petals together, attach a thick wire and wrap around the axis fine. Top wrap the fishing line for extra fastening.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

In the same way, sort out the bud by the second layer of petals and fix the fishing line.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

And make the last third layer of petals, just apply the wire.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Rose is almost ready, it remains only to wind up the stem green ribbon for floristics and can be admired by its craft.

Second option

On a thin wire, you first first one beading, twist, then wear two and continue to wear and twist up to 4 beads in a row, then score beads in descending order until two beads remain. So you will have a leaf. Make six such sheets.

Then proceed to weaving the bud. To do this, put one beads on the wire, form a ring and wear two more beads from both ends, the cross will close the ends of the wire with beads. You should have a ring of three beads.

Continue the weaving on the principle of the even amount of beads, four, six, eight, and so on until you have a neat petal. You should have eight rows of beads, the last next to you need to leave the petal around and stretch the ends of the wire into the very first beader to secure the design.

Do not cut off the wire, it will serve a flower stem. Make five such petals.

Collect petals together, superimpose their flashes, like a real rose. Then just attach the leafles to the bottom of the bud and your flower is ready.

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Beadwork forget-me-notes

You will need a white wire, green blue and yellow beads, nippers.

We will cut a little wire and put one yellow bead on it, and then five blue. Twist the flower, selling the wire the first second and third blue beads, and the extolce to be sold through yellow, as shown in the diagram below:

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

I will spin the ends of the fishing line under the yellow bisper to get a stalk. Now wrap this stem green threads. Make five similar flowers.

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Next you need to make leaves. We wear green beads on the fishing line. Through extreme beads we skip the line Cross-cross. You need to make three such rows. To make the fourth row, there are four beads on the left of the fishing line and through the same segment we felt the second part of the fishing line.

The fifth and sixth rows do on the principle of the third row. It remains to make the seventh row, for this purpose on the right side of the fishing line two bispers and skip the left segment through them. Now you need to make both the end of the fishing line with a spiral and trailer leaves for flowers. Approximately such forget-me-notes should get you:

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

You can also try yourself in a beading of other colors, this will help you on the schemes of weaving ordinary colors, which are presented below.


Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials


Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials


Beaded flowers for beginners: Weaving schemes simple roses with video tutorials

Video on the topic

Look at some video tutorials to learn more useful information and master new weaving techniques.

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