How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)


How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

In order to decorate your garden, make it original, dissimilar to others, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts at all. A lot of crafts for the garden are very easy to make with their own hands from a variety of rebelny materials. And one of the simplest and at the same time the most cute crafts is a ladybug. Today we will look at the master class, how can I make a cow from stones, paper, concrete, plastic bottles and spoons, from plasticine and beads, and also sew, tie or loosened.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Crafts from stone

How to make God's cow from stones and pebbles

In order to settle in the garden of bright and cheerful ladybugs, you can use ordinary round stones - the sea pebble is quite suitable or what you can find. This craft is made elementary - the stone is painted in red, black paint - draw wings, points, eyes and mustaches. Then you can settle insects in the grass, put on the hemp, stick on the branches of trees or decorate the flower bed. Another option is to draw ladybugs on a big stone.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Ladybug from concrete: Mosaic do it yourself

A similar way to make God's cow, but this time we will use artificial stone and multicolored tiles. Make God's cow from concrete is very simple. We will need cement that can be bought in any building store, old pelvis or bowl - shape for crafts, polyethylene and red and black tile or something, from which you can make a mosaic. That's what we do:

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How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

In the basin, we put a plastic bag so that cement is not adhesive to the sides, pour cement, we wait until it freezes and dry. Take out and grind the sandpaper. Next, on top of the pieces of red and black tiles glue mosaic. Ladybug from cement is ready, it remains to place it in a prominent place in your garden.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Make God's Crubbles from Clay

If you did not find suitable stones and make a mosaic to you difficult, you can simply make God's cow from clay with your own hands and paint paint.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Crafts from plastic

Crafts for the garden: Ladybug from construction helmets

If you have somewhere in the old construction helmet, the best of all red or orange color, that is, another elementary way to make God's cow from helmets. The only thing you need here is black paint. At the most extreme case - a regular black marker. Just draw specks, eyes and wings - here is a feature for the garden and ready.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make ladybug from plastic bottles

More ideas for crafts from plastic bottles you will find in our last article. And today we'll see how to make a brew from plastic bottles with your own hands. The most popular idea is a flowerbed in the form of this insect. For such a flower beds, the bottles will first need to paint black and red (not entirely, but only the bottoms + 5-10 cm). Here is a scheme for such a flower beds:

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Another way is to drive the cut bottle on the fishing line so that there is a bulk ladybug, which can be decorate the garden. This feature can then be fired with scissors. And that's what we can get:

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Ladybug from plastic spoons with their own hands

You can also use plastic spoons for country crafts. It is very easy to make a funny brew of plastic spoons with deployed wings. For each craft, you will need three spoons. Two paints in red and draw points - it will be wings, one - in black (it will be a torso). We glue all three spoons. Add your head - from buttons, clay or something suitable. Crafts Ready:

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How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make ladybug from traffic jams

For garden crafts, you can use any blowing materials, and God's cow can be made from any round or oval item. For example, you can use tubes from beer or plastic bottles. They will need to just paint red paint and black - draw dots, eyes and mustlemen.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Needlework: sew, weave and knit

Ladybug from beads

Needlewoman can also use the character of God's cow for their crafts. For example, you can soar it from beads. Of course, you will not get a big figurine, but even such miniature ladybugs from beads can be used to decorate the garden, for example, you can hang or glue them into trees.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Pillow of Lady Korovka

Sew the pillow in the form of God's cows is also not difficult. It will take the entire fabric of red and black. If you want a fluffy pillow - just sew it from fur. It's time: Points can be made of beads, if you sew a small pillow, or not round, but in the form of hearts.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Knitted ladybugs

If you like to knit, then why not tie God's cow, which you can decorate both the garden and at home. It can be a round knitted pillow, a figure, which can be hanging on a tree or fence, put on a fireplace or on a shelf, toy, funny tack or something else.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Crafts with children

How to make a paperbug from paper

You can also make ladybugs from paper - a great idea for crafts along with children. As an option - you can simply fold the red paper in the Origami technique and draw eyes with points. You can also glue to God's cow from several details. Such crafts you can simply put on the grass or make the garland and decorate her a veranda or trees at the cottage.

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How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Ladybug in a quilling technique

A more difficult way to make God's cow from paper is to use focusing technique. We have already written about the spring quilling. There is a simpler option - you will have a flat ladybug or a small round - if you screw the strips of red paper in a circle with a small shift. Or you can make such a chic volumetric quilling - God's cow:

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make a ladybug from plasticine

Also with the children, you can make God's cow from plasticine. Nothing is difficult in this, even the smallest child will cope. Great idea for kids.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Edible figures

Ladybugs from salt dough

The idea is the same - you just need to make God's cow, as you have already done it from clay or out of plasticine, and then paint in the right colors and use as a garden figure.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make sandwiches "Ladybug" from tomatoes

The delicious and original idea for sandwiches is to decorate their ladybug from tomatoes and olives. Tomatoes for the body can be taken or ordinary or cherry (in the second case, they will simply be less figures), we make a head of black olives, points and mustaches - of them. Sandwiches themselves can be any.

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Cake or Salad in the form of Godbow

Another delicious idea is to make a sludge or cake in the form of God's cows. A cake in the form of this fun insect is an excellent idea for a children's holiday, you can completely bake such a birthday to your child. And the salad in the form of God's cow can be decorated with any festive table. Here's what it looks like:

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

Sushi ladybug

And the last for today is the sushi "Ladybug". Personally, this is an unattainable ideal for me, but if you have a wealth of experience in the personnel manufacture of sushi and rolls - you can try this interesting idea here:

How to make God's cow from girlfriend for garden decor (75 photos)

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