Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti


Trees and flowers from beads are very similar to the real, they fascinate with their beauty and if desired, you can arrange a whole artificial garden at home. In our article you will find various color schemes and bead trees.

Create Bonsai

Bonsai invented in Japan. This name in the Japanese denotes a "dwarf tree". A real bonsai is expensive, but you can make it like your own hands and admire it every day. In order to make such a tree from beads, you need to gain patience, since this process occupy a lot of time.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

For the manufacture you will need green beads (better if it is different shades), you will also need a wire of different thickness, thread, glue and alabaster.

Let's make branches. Measure the wire with a length of about 45 cm, we gain eight beads and twist them into the loop. Then one end dial about eight beads and also twist the loop. Thus, it is necessary to make eight loops with beads.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

We twist the remaining wire spiral.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

With this technique you need to make 150 bouquets. The process of time consuming, but as a result, such an exercise from the beads will pleasantly surprise you. Next, take three beams and twist them into one. You must come out fifty beams.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

We start forming a tree. We need to make the top tier. To do this, take two beams, wrap them with a thread. You need to do three of these beams.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

To the beam, which will be in the center, add two branches on the sides just below the central and taking the thread.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

Now you need to make the middle branch, which will be already made of four twigs. According to the same principle that is described above, we will make a branch, alternately connecting bundles and strengthening them first with the wire, and then thread.

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Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

Now take two branches of the lower tier. There will be five branches on these branches.

We start collecting bonsai together. Connect all branches in order. From above, branches with a smaller number of branches should be located at the bottom - with great.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

Important! Do not forget to constantly wipe the trunk of thread.

Thus, secure all the branches and you will receive a practically finished tree. Bend the bottom of the wire for stability.

Traditionally bonsai grown in a bowl or other similar capacity, but we will make a tree on the stone. Take a deep bowl and distribute the alabaster in the water. Located in the bowl of polyethylene and fill the mixture, let it dry, the tree will strengthen on the spot. On the base of the trunk, apply alabaster or gypsum and the toothpick draw the furrows, like a real tree.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

Then you need to remove the tree from the bowl by pulling the polyethylene.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

The next stage is painting. Pour the tree into brown, you can also apply a little bronze paint. You only have only to decorate the foundation on which the tree is located to its taste, using various elements - stones, glass, beads, etc. Your wonderful bonsai is ready.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

We suggest familiarizing yourself with some color weaving schemes and bead trees.

Lilia from girlfriend

Weaving from bead - it's not a complex and more exciting. Make sure, after reading the master class on weaving lily from beads.

To begin with, make lily petals. Cut the wire with a length of 70 cm. Return from the end of the wire of about ten centimeters and make a loop so that two or three fingers penetrate into it. We have one end wide, and the other is short. On a short cut, you need to dial thirty pink beads, on a long reason how much you wish. Take the long end of the wire and spend parallel to the shortly smoothly before the place where the beads ends, after tighten the wire. Two parts of the wire must be tightly pressed to each other. There should be two parts of the wire - pink and white, closed together. Locate the wire with white beads to the beginning and spend the pink wire through the loop. Continue to execute this technique until it turns out the petal. Dial the beads on a long wire, if necessary, and on a short one after each turn via the long add two or three pink beads. It is necessary in order for the petal to acquire an elongated form. Make six such petals.

To make pestles and stamens, take three brown beads and tighten the wire end, take a few green bisper.

For the leafs, the same principle is suitable as for petals, only 8 glass windows should be put on a short wire, and the green beads and plenty are on the long wear, as the petal did.

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In the end, collect all the details of the flower and use a thick wire as a stem that you need to wrap in green threads. Your lily is ready.

Flowers and bead trees: Schemes of crafts do it yourself from Donatella Chiotti

In order to better figure out the ways of weaving and learn to various nuances, read a cognitive series of books on weaving beads of the popular author Donatella Chiotti.

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