How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?


If your floor covering is simply not happy with the eye, it became old, overly worn out, and the quality of the parquet board would like to have the best, forced to think about how to enter this situation. Of course, you can try to restore the old parquet, if the formed defects are eliminated, and you can put a new parquet coating. But often there is not always homeowners have means for such a repair of floor covering. Then best apply linoleum.

How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?

Floor finishing is a durable coating, so it is necessary to approach the choice of material. Linoleum is a durable, practical and inexpensive material.

Very often many homeowners are interested in the question: how to put a linoleum on an uneven parquet surface? It often happens like this: you have a linoleum and an uneven parquet floor, which absolutely do not want to dismantle, and it is necessary to build a masterpiece of construction skills from such a set and without additional investments of funds, and without the involvement of highly paid labor force. It is about this that this will be discussed in the material of this article, because, according to experts, in order to put the linoleum on the old parquet, it is not necessary to make it dismantling.

Preparatory stage

Before embarking on how to put the linoleum on the old floor covering, it is primarily necessary to assess its condition. If necessary, perform partial replacement of parquet dies, make the restoration of its damaged sites, process the parquet to the bioprotective agent. If there are creaking parquetin, they must be removed and eliminated the cause of their screens.

After that, with the help of a construction level, it is necessary to measure the floor level in the horizontal plane, since if there is irregularities, the linoleum will not solve this problem.

How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?

Before laying linoleum, put in order parquet. If there is a need to replace the dice.

It should be noted that, laying the linoleum onto the parquet, is required to put a gasket from a special sheet material between them, otherwise the joints of the boards, the place of attachment (screws, nails) will be visible. You can cover the parquet sheets of plywood or tree fiber plates. In the event that the floorboards are slightly bent, it will correctly put the linoleum on such a floor, which is pre-coated with a thicker material.

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Before putting the linoleum, it is necessary to make sure that on the entire surface of the parquet, the place of the joints and deepening, formed from nails or self-tapping cops, is carefully covered, after which they are not less conscientious. It should be known that even the most multi-layer linoleum, which has a foamed basis or any other insulation, will not hide the irregularities or defects of the black floor surface.

How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?

Spread the linoleum in the room and leave for a day.

After all the preparatory activities were performed, it is possible to put a new coating into the room, and for its acclimatization and alignment, experts recommend to leave it in such a position at least one day.

An important nuance in solving the problem on how to put a linoleum on the old parquet coating is and the way it is transported. Here you need to consider that it is necessary to transport the linoleum only solely in the skated form (roll), it is strictly forbidden to add it, based on the fact that the linoleum is irrevocably deformed.

After the linoleum is acclimatized and leveled, you can begin fitting the edges of the material to the walls of the room.

Direct Linoleum Laying

How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?

The edges of the linoleum cut off exactly and accurately, otherwise, with time it can be wrinkled and the edges will come out from under the baseboard.

It needs to be done well enough, because the lifetime of its operation depends on the correctness of the linoleum. Often after a small linoleum service, it is wrinkled - this is the result of its improper cutting. In order for this not happening, the linoleum is necessary with a clearance from a wall of at least 10 mm. The resulting gap is still disguised by the plinth.

The next important point is the fixation of the material strips. Each of the canvases must be sequentially glued to the floor, it is necessary to start from the wall. It should be noted that the edges (10 cm) must be laid on top of each other (by 3-4 cm). A few days later, the docking places with a knife and the iron line are simply cut, after which they are sampled.

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There is another method of connecting the canvas - "hot welding", which consists in welding the canvas with the help of a construction dryer with a special nozzle. Thus, a special cord is collapsed into the well-prepared small deepening between the linoleum webs, which is melted under the influence of high temperature and creates a solid connection. As a rule, this method of dusting of linoleum canvases is used when using a solid commercial material.

More often for dusting of household linoleum applies a cold method of welding (cold welding), based on the fact that the temperature in 300-400 ° C, which is used with hot welding, can spoil the cloth. In this method, an adhesive mixture is used for PVC products, which differs from the consistency of its base:

How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?

Scheme of cold welding technology of linoleum.

  • Type A - applies when fixing a commercial or solid new linoleum. Such an adhesive mixture is sufficiently liquid, which allows you to get a bare seam;
  • The type C is used for the old, already laining, has a sufficiently thick consistency. This type of adhesive mixture allows you to weld the canvas with more significant slits (up to 4 mm). Upon completion of the process of welding, the kennels will perform surplus on the docking seam, they are removed only after complete hardening of the seam;
  • Type T - this type of adhesive mixture is usually used in highly professional execution for welding PVC coatings that have the basis of polyester.

Some recommendations of specialists

Linoleum exists with different thickness - sound insulation and thermal insulation of the floor depends on this indicator. Of course, the appearance of the floor depends on the thickness of the coating, because it is no secret that the thickness of the linoleum is less, the fact that all defects and irregularities of the draft coating will be expired.

How to put a linoleum on parquet or on an uneven surface?

Linoleum structure diagram.

If there are no gaps, irregularities and heights between parquet dies on your floor and you have acquired a rather thick coating material (2.2-3.5 mm), in which case it will be quite enough. Having a small room area up to 30 m², such a material is not at all necessary to glue throughout its surface, it will absolutely sufficiently apply glue along the edges of the material (cross-crosswise). But according to experts, the largest of the surface is glued, the better there will be resistance to abrasion.

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In the event that if the thickness of your linoleum is less than 2 mm, and the floor is uneven (there are slots, drops in height), in mandatory, the surface is subjected to preliminary alignment. In the presence of a wooden floor or parquet, the alignment of the rough floor lies in the cyclove and further clamp of the slots. As an option for embelling the slots, the dust remains left after the cyclove, it is mixed with glue or epoxy resin. This will ultimately get a great mixture for mailing slots.

It is possible to put the linoleum without the use of adhesive mixture, and use bilateral tape for fixing cloths.

Perform the installation of plinths to the newly laid floor covering is needed not earlier than a few weeks, since only after this time the linoleum can be tightly clouded to the floor. It should be noted that the plinth must be attached only to the wall, since when it fastening it to the surface of the floor through the linoleum, it will certainly "go" the wave, due to the difference in humidity and temperature, the material simply "plays".

If you have no confidence in your own forces or you simply do not have the necessary experience, there are several ways to: seek help to more experienced familiar or use the services of specialists.

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