Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish


In any country house you can find a brick stove or a magnificent fireplace. And this is not just a tribute to fashion, but the source of heat and comfort. And it needs to be preserved, so that at the most appropriate moment he did not turn into a pile of burnt stones.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

Fireplace laying is covered with heat-resistant varnish

Why need to cover fireplaces and lacquer furnaces

There are several different ways to extend their lives for furnaces and fireplaces. They are mainly reduced to cladding or plastering these devices. But what if the brickwork looks great and do not want to close it with another material? Just cover the furnace or fireplace varnish, which will give durability and make a factor in more interesting.

In addition to the aesthetic causes of the lacquer for furnaces and fireplaces add and practical amenities. The fact is that a large amount of dust is constantly accumulated on any subjects. Furnaces and fireplaces also did not remain aside.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

The furnace is separated by heat-resistant varnish

When the surface of the dusting is heated, they begin to rise into the air and fly, falling onto other objects and in a lot of human. It is very harmful to health, so you need to fight with similar particles. A wet cleaning is much easier to perform on smooth surfaces. And here it is impossible to help it best.

But simple material cannot be used to cover furnaces or fireplaces. It requires a heat-resistant varnish, for example, brand 85. Thanks to its characteristics, ovens and fireplaces will receive reliable protection against cracking, and also improve its appearance. As part of the 85th varnish there are resins based on silicon, which allows the material to withstand large temperatures and drops.

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Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

The chimney of the fireplace is covered by heat-resistant varnish

Work process

To get a high-quality varnish coating, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the brick and a convenient tool. The order of work should be as follows:

  1. Removal of dirt and dust from a furnace or fireplace.
  2. Surface treatment with solvent if necessary, remove oil spots.
  3. Applying several layers of varnish.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

Cleaning the surface of brick masonry from pollution and dust

The process is no difficulty, so anyone can repeat it freely. The main thing is to use lacquer 85 or a similar one to it, since its functionality and properties transmitted to the surface of the furnace or fireplace depends on this.

Conventional flat brushes or sprayers are suitable for work. When using the second option, you must take care of your own health. It is advisable to work with glasses, a respirator and a special suit. If a brush is used to apply a varnish, then you can restrict ourselves to gloves.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

Removal of oily spots from the surface of the oven masonry

The heat-resistant varnish has a good feature. 30 minutes after application, it practically does not emit odors that negatively affect the well-being of people. But while he is only applied, it will be better to air the room. And to paint the furnace or fireplace is quite a lot. All because of the structures of the brick, which can absorb varnish.

To achieve the necessary quality of the coating, you should apply at least three layers of the 85th or other varnish. But the resulting result will be attained to the guests and please the owners.

It is very important to remember that the chimney can not be applied next to the source of fire. This can lead to fire and strong burns of a working person. Therefore, if it is fairly cool in the room, you should first protrude the furnace or fireplace, wait for the smelting of the flame and only then start work.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

Application of heat-resistant varnish with a brush

At the end of the application of a varnish on the surface of the brick or in pauses between one and another layer of brushes or the sprayer should be washed with solvent. Otherwise, these tools will fail.

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Production products

Modern manufacturers of paints and varnish products did not leave the market for fireplaces and stoves without their own attention. That is why everyone can purchase lacquer for furnaces and fireplaces having suitable characteristics and parameters. The most popular for current day can be called KO 85, which is used for processing stoves not only in private homes, but also in the industrial sphere.

Its composition contains silicon-organic resins mixed with solvent. Its huge popularity is based on the following qualities:

• Increased heat resistance (up to + 300 CO);

• endurance, the ability to withstand large temperature differences (from - 40 from to + 300 Co);

• does not exfoliate after the expiration of a long period;

• It is well applied to any surface;

• The possibility of applying at negative temperatures.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

Heat resistant varnishes for furnaces and fireplaces

No varnish can boast such properties, therefore the 85th always finds the application when it is necessary to process the oven or fireplace. But this is not the only representative of this product of this class. If it is required to be varnishing the inner surface of the brick, which the furnace or fireplace is lined up, then manufacturers advise to take advantage of KO 815.

Despite the fact that the temperature limit of this varnish is slightly lower, by as much as 50 degrees compared to the 85th, it perfectly withstands the impact of open fire. This contributes to high-quality processing of the inner surface of fireplaces and furnaces open to universal ferris. High-quality decorative coverage will delight the eyes of the owners and their guests for a long time, and the very furnace department will receive fastening qualities that did not have before processing.

Make a furnace or fireplace attractive with heat-resistant varnish

Heat-resistant enamels for painting furnaces and fireplaces

It is worth noting that both types of varnishes can be tinting paint to 174, which makes the decorative decoration of furnaces and fireplaces is much more diverse. The resulting mixture is both metal and stone, as well as a tree. This allows you to get an excellent element of the interior, completely fireproof and the most durable.

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Calculation of KO 85 and KO 815 is absolutely the same. To cover the first layer will leave up to 250 g / m2. The second will require 100 grams and for the third grasp 50.

If you need to apply more than three layers, which happens very rarely, then the consumption will not exceed the third indicator. The fact is that all major and small pores available in the material are closed by the first layer. The second closes the remnants of large recesses, and the third completes the creation of high-quality and durable film.

Chemik himself

The heat-resistant varnish is not always bought in the store. It can be prepared personally from certain ingredients. To do this, you will need wood trigger of the highest grade and copper mood powder. First you need to warm up to the race, which cannot be touched before boiling. Next to it you need to fall asleep the powder and thoroughly, gently mix. There should be a homogeneous mass that will be well applied to the surface of the stone.

The homemade varnish is completely harmless to humans, however, has the same qualities as its factory analogue. The walls of the fireplace or the furnace receive high-quality bonds and are not attracted over time. The appearance of these devices also draws attention to its originality and gloss.

The lacquer dries quite quickly, allowing a working person to treat the surface of the furnace and the fireplace in just one day. It can also be applied with a brush or spray, which simplifies the process somewhat.

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