Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country


Recently, all the largests have to think about saving energy. Prices for light and gas are constantly growing, you have to think about the use of free energy sources. Owners of private houses and cottages are not bad to save outdoor lighting on solar panels.

Pros and cons

The device lighting the courtyard, garden, the local area requires high costs - not only to install the lamps, but also pave the cable. The underpass of the cable is more reliable, and this is a large volume of land, plus the solid costs of the cable, as it should be in a protective shell, and better - in armor. But this is not all - during operation, it is necessary to pay for solid bills for electricity - the lighting works every year, 6-8 hours. Partially solve the problem can street lighting on solar panels.

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Such lighting can be done using conventional lamps and extended between cable or installing solar panel lamps.


Why partly? Because the most "responsible" zones (gates, parking, entrance doors) will have to be covered inpatient - so more reliable. But on the rest of the area you can put lamps on solar panels. They have a number of advantages.

  • Lamps on solar panels are usually autonomous, they do not need to connect anywhere. They are installed / hang in the right places, on this installation is completed, they are ready for work.
  • They turn on / off themselves, from the built-in sensors.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Easy installation and safety - two big pluses

  • Require minimal care - it is necessary to periodically wipe the photocells and a plate of the lamp from dust and dirt.
  • Have a long service life - from 10 years or more (with proper quality).
  • Do not harm the environment and are absolutely safe, as they work from low voltage, which is not dangerous for a person.
  • If street lighting on solar panels is made in the country, its conservation for the winter and the installation takes quite a bit of time. It is necessary to simply collect lamps before leaving and place upon arrival.


As you can see, pluses a lot, the main of which is saving electricity and very simple installation / disassembly. But there are cons:

  • Garden and street lamps on solar panels Light is usually not very bright. Use them as security light will not work. Rather, there are powerful models that are used even for highlighting the vehicles, but their cost is completely inhuman, because of which the use of them on private diseases is very limited.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Street lighting on solar panels is usually not very bright

  • The number of hours of operation at night depends on the weather: with cloudy rainy weather, the lamps "stock" too little energy. Sometimes it is enough for only a few hours, and not all night.
  • Reliable lamps on solar panels are expensive, but they work more reliable and longer.
  • Solar panels have a limited range of operating temperatures. They poorly carry strong frosts and severe heat. Therefore, it can be used optimally in areas with temperate climates.

As you can see, the option is not perfect, but it really helps save on electricity, because the regular lighting of responsible zones is far from half the cost of overall lighting of the yard and garden.

Fixture device on solar panels

Street lamps on solar panels can have a different form, appearance, installation method, but all of them consist of a certain set of elements:

  • Solar panel or battery. A device that processes solar energy into electrical. It can be at different parts of the lamp, but draws up - to better catch the sun's rays.
  • Battery. In it in a bright time, electrical energy accumulates.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Fixture device on solar panels

  • Lighting block. This is usually a housing, a LED lamp and a ceiling.
  • The controller that includes / turns off the supply of electricity to the lighting unit.
  • Fastening for installation / hanging.

As you understand, the principle of operation is: in the bright time of the day, the sun rays are captured by the solar panel, where they turn into electrical energy and is transmitted and the battery. At the occurrence of twilight (20 LC illumination), the controller includes electricity supply, the LED lamp lights up. In the morning at dawn (with illumination 10 LC) lighting is turned off.

Selection of lamps for street lighting on solar panels

In the trading network there are LED street lamps with a very large variation of the prices - from one hundred rubles to tens of thousands. Sometimes there are models that look almost the same, but very different at the price. How to understand this and how to choose lighting lights for street lighting on solar panels? Everything is simple - you need to watch specifications. It is in them the whole difference.


When the lighting device must be considered how much light can give the lamp. The number of lamps and the distance on which they must be installed from each other are dependent on it. In the specifications, power is usually indicated in watts, and in the case of LED lamps, it is about what it says.

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Example of the technical characteristics of the street lamp on solar panels

To understand the level of illumination, you can compare with analogue of a conventional incandescent lamp - their power is more or less understandable, and you can also translate this indicator in Luma (LM) - units of light measurement. So actually you can appreciate how effective this lamp will be.

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Table of matching the power of LED lamps and illumination

As you understand, models with a capacity of 1 W give not so much light - approximately as 20 W incandescent lamp, because they can only be used to illuminate or marking the site - the designations of the tracks, backlighting the arbors, etc.

Protection class and case material

So that street lighting on solar panels worked for a long time and reliably, it is necessary that the body and the light block (ceiling) have been protected from dust and moisture. It is desirable that the protection class was not lower than IP44 (more numbers are good, less - bad).

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Decoding numbers in the protection class

Also worth paying attention to the material from which lamps are made. This is usually a special shockproof plastic or metal. If "Metal" is different from stainless steel or aluminum, preference is better to give plastics. They definitely do not rust and save a good appearance for a long time.

View and Method of Mounting

By the method of installation, LED street lamps are divided into several groups:

  • Installation in the ground. This is a group of lamps on legs of different heights - from 20-30 cm to meter and higher. Their installation is extremely simple - they simply stick into the ground in the right place.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    The most extensive group - the lamps simply stick into the ground

  • Lamp poles. As a rule, it is higher models with a leg height from 1.5 meters and above. They can also be ground, but require more serious installation measures - have greater height and weight. We'll have to make a hole, insert a pillar into it, fall asleep with soil and seal it. There are models for installing solid coating - tiles, asphalt, etc.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Sun lamps at high columns

  • Wall lamps on solar panels. There are in different styles - from the classic "lamppost" design, to models in a modern style. Mounted on the wall, fence, intricate pillars.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Wall-mounted options look decorative

  • Suspended. Options, too, there are a lot of models that can be mounted to the ceiling, beam, etc., and there can be sprinkled on branches.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    For different purposes and conditions

  • Embedded in the ground, tracks, stairs. Very practical models that allow to highlight even the stairs, and they are highlighted from above, as usual, but at the level of steps. An interesting and practical solution - with this option, the light does not blind eyes, and the illumination remains good.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Backlight of stairs - convenient, economically and beautiful

  • Decorative. Made in the form of various figures. In the daytime, they look like a regular decor, in the night, the light is further emitted. There is no editing in this case - just put the lamp in the place intended for it.

    Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

    Sunny batteries also built into decorative figures

The choice of street lamps on solar panels for street lighting is really great. Style, size, price range is large, so you can choose.

Autonomous street lighting on solar panels

With a mass of advantages, outdoor lighting with individual lamps on solar panels has a significant disadvantage: the energy supply in the batteries is meager. After a cloudy day, it grabs him only a few hours. In a clear sunny day, "extra" energy disappears, since the battery capacity is limited and it is not able to take more. The problem can be solved if you put a powerful solar panel, connect the battery and lamps to it. In this case, you can use any LED lamps that can work from 12 V.

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Autonomous Street Lighting Device Scheme from Solar Panel

Plus such a solution - there is some energy supply (depends on the battery capacity), which guarantees work even after a cloudy day. Disadvantages - high price and need for cable laying, as everything is required to merge into a single system.

Street lighting on solar panels: photo ideas

In this section, the idea of ​​illumination of the site and lamps operating from solar panels are collected in our opinion.

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Backlight track

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

There are lamps with remote solar panels. The luminous module itself can be placed in the shade or in the house, and the battery put on a sunny place

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Interesting decor

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Forms and colors can be different

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Interesting suspended luminaires on solar panels

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Properly made street lighting on solar panels Looks decorative

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Models can be unusual

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Illumination of potentially dangerous places

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

Such plafones are easy to remove

Autonomous solar lighting on the street, in the courtyard, in the country

The light stream is directed along the track

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