Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners


The wardrobe of the modern woman is replete with things performed in various styles. Every year fashion trends are changing, old colors and models become irrelevant, something new is added. What to be limited to a narrow spectrum of homogeneous clothes, because there is a booho style, you can create something unique, harmonious and incredibly beautiful. This article will be told about the origins of the style, its varieties and directions. And you will find a lot of ideas for inspiration and master class to create a unique thing - a transformer cardigan.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Sources of style

The incredible style of Bocho originated in France for a long time, but the true popularity he found only in the 60s of the XX century. Couturier is associated with the advent of other stylistics - hippie, ethno, militaries, safaris.

And the birth of freedom-loving and a bit of the Bunlet, but the incredibly feminine style of Bocho, contributed to the Gypsies. This interesting people with their special vision of beauty and comfort smoothly entered their individuality in the wardrobe of the French. The name of the stylistry comes from the French word Bohemiens, which is translated as Gypsies, artists. The nomadic people added elegant French wardrobe sophistication, courage, personality and harmony, as well as multipleness, which you can see in the images in the following photos.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Now Bocho can be found not only among designer things, any needlewoman or creative nature, to create a harmonious wardrobe with their own hands. Lovers shine on the creative field also faced this direction. They create incredible accessories, dolls, paperwork books.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Basic elements boho

Although Bocho style originated on the basis of Gypsy ethnic outfits, it may include many other national traits. Bright colors of African decorations are mixed in it, Slavic vintage lace, Scottish cell, American motifs and hippie. Bocho is inherent in multi-layered products, naturalness, abundance of large accents. And all this collective image should be absolutely harmonious, reflect individuality, internal agreement and complete freedom in self-expression. It is noteworthy that in this stylist you can make new things from old things by adding a different finish.

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Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

It is very important that the products do not look ridiculous. In everything you need a sense of measure. Bocho primarily implies naturalness, which means the use of synthetic materials will be inappropriate. But the combination of various velvet, flax, chiffon, the thinnest lace, gently fit into the frame. Freedom-loving stylistics rejects all sorts of frames, vulgarity, glamor, vulgarity. Supplement a multi-layered sundress or summer dress can only natural makeup and lightweight creative mess on the head. But it is possible to combine the finest lace with pretty heavy cowboy boots. The main thing is that the admirer of freedom was comfortable in them.

For trimming skirts, jackets, dresses are used lace, ribbons, embroidery, fringe in various combinations.

Decorations in this direction of fashion play a huge role. They can be both purchased and created needlewomen. The abundance of large accents, combining natural stones, metal suspensions, pearls, beads and beads, wooden and knitted decor are welcome. Original bracelets, necklace, decorations on the head, earrings look original. Such an accessory will give the image completed.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Knitten things

With the creation of knitted things in the style of Bocho, even a beginner master can cope, which can only knit loops and columns. A special skill will be required not in possession of a crochet, but in the ability to pay attention to accents, harmoniously combine various textures and take into account small parts when building a pattern.

What is this style highlighted in knitting? Thinking out the sketch of future tunic, dresses, skirts or sweaters, it is important to pay attention to the following rules.

Naturalness. For creating knitted products, exceptionally natural fibers are used - from knitwear, flax, wool and cotton.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Comfortableness. When selecting a style, consider that Bocho style implies freedom in clothing. Bracked dresses, elongated and bulk sweatshirts, long skirts are typical representatives of such clothes.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Eclecticity. This term denotes a mixing. On this and build a knitted wardrobe. Hippy style connection, ethnic motifs, shades of vintage, which lie on a solid foundation of ethnic orientation.

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Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Combination textures. Knitted vest or any other thing should combine several types of knitting. Various patterns, openwork motifs, jacquard, different filament orientation.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Universality. The wardrobe is suitable for any type of figure. Even complete ladies will feel comfortable. They will be able to distinguish between the originality, hide the flaws of the figure and become very attractive. To create a wardrobe, you can use any schemes, bypassing accents in problem places. Prefer asymmetry, abundance of the decor, which will not attach pomp.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Contrast. Bocho style in knitting has no restrictions on the tonality of clothing. Here will be appropriate both monophonic and motley, contrasting canvases that organize conflicting combinations.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Decor. Perhaps the most favorite part in creating any thing - decoration. It will help to properly arrange accents, will add charm, identity and a little magic selected image.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Universal outfit

We invite you to make a unique item in the style of Bocho - a knitted cardigan needles.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

The outfit will look luxurious on any type of shape. It is suitable for the complete, schemes that you will find below will help you easily cope with the work.

To create a cardigan, you will need:

  • Spokes number 8;
  • sequeling yarn;
  • Large buttons.

Pick up the material in accordance with your preferences.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Color game

Take a look at these magnificent knitted sundresses. Products organically fit into the booho style, because all the listed features of this direction are traced in them.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Not only professionals will be able to do something like this. Create a unique piece of wardrobe forces by each craftswoman. For beginner needlewomen, the following openwork motifs will fit, connect which you can arbitrarily.

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Bocho style do it yourself: products from old things for beginners

Crochet is the most appropriate way to realize the wardrobe in the style of Bocho, taking into account all the nuances described.

Video on the topic

A few more ideas for creating a boobo wardrobe items can be seen in these video lessons.

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