How to make a bake for a brick barbecue with your own hands


Cooking on open fire is not only a separate direction of cooking, but also excellent reaches in the fresh air for the whole family and friends. Therefore, many owners of cottages and country houses make a barbecue area with a stationary oven - metal or brick.

How to make a bake for a brick barbecue with your own hands

Design and laying of a barbecue of bricks - a multifunctional furnace, on which you can cook kebab, barbecue, grill, smoke meat and fish - it is better to charge specialists; However, a simple open furnace for a barbecue can be done with your own hands. To do this, you will need the usual and refractory (chamotte or clinker) brick, crushed stone, cement and sand for the foundation, one or more metal grilles.

First of all, you need to choose a place for the barbecue area - taking into account the prevailing direction of the wind on the site (so that the smoke did not go to the side of the house) - and decide on the type of fuel on which the furnace will work (for garden barbecue you can use both coal and firewood ), as well as its size and design. The easiest way to make a stove for a barbecue from a brick with your own hands in the form of a P-shaped "Well" (without anterior wall); The lattice should be located at such a height so that in the process of cooking the barbecue did not have to bend.

How to make a bake for a brick barbecue with your own hands

The foundation for the furnace makes a belt, small-breed: remove the ground to a depth of 20 cm, the resulting trench is falling asleep with rubble and poured with cement mortar. After finding the foundation, the base is first lay (from the usual brick, "on spoons"), and then the working part of the furnace (from refractory brick on the clay solution). In the first row of the working part of the bricks, there are across the base masonry: the trained protrus is installed for coal, a metal sheet or a grate to which firewood will be laid. Further, every few rows, metal pins are wedged into the laying so that the position of the lattice can be adjusted. The walls of the "Well" raise into such a height to protect the fire from the wind and at the same time give smoke to free from the furnace.

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