Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof


When the device, the rafter for the attic must be withstanding all the technological requirements so that the supporting structure can fully fulfill the tasks assigned to it. Farms and other related elements should be mounted so that the finished design can withstand wind and snow loads for a particular region. All these moments are additionally refined in the calculation process. In the desire, the installation of the rafter for the attic can be performed independently, saving money on third-party workers services.

Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof

Mounting scheme rafters.

Basic information about raf rafaceans

Manzard is a room under the roof, it is located on the attic floor of the building. Such an admission allows you to competently plan the growth of areas used without significant material costs. On the attic it will be possible to live no worse than in any other room. But for this it needs to be properly equipped and, in particular, to correctly install rafters for the roof.

Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof

Slinge system of the attic roof.

Before installing rafters for the attic, you need to choose the appropriate type of this design. The rafters are urgent and hanging.

Slot rafters for the roof of the attic is best installed in buildings having a carrier intermediate wall. To set the sling of the rafters for the roof of the attic, it is necessary that 2 bearing walls are located at a distance of no more than 7 m from each other.

If there is no inside wall, the only possible option is hanging rafters for the roof of the attic. Standard design includes rafters and lower belt - tightening. Maurylalat is used as the reference element. Wire and brackets are used for fastening the rafter. Installation is performed with a mandatory consideration of the level of the estimated load.

Features of the mounting of the rafter system

Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof

Installation of the rafting roof system.

Before starting to install a rafquer for the roof of the attic, prepare everything you need during the work:

  1. Unedged board.
  2. Wooden bars.
  3. Heat insulation material.
  4. Nails.
  5. Annealed wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm.
  6. Twine.
  7. Width of 15 cm wide and 4-5 cm thick.
  8. Moisture insulation material.

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There are several different types of mansard roofing systems, namely:

  1. Triangular.
  2. Asymmetric.
  3. Symmetric.
  4. Broken.

One of the most important motions of the design is the calculation of the angles of the inclination of the roof of the roof. When performing this stage, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. Climatic conditions of the region.
  2. The appearance and characteristics of materials used for construction and finishing.
  3. Personal preferences of the owner of the house.

Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof

Mounting nodes of the rafter system.

The bigger the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof, the smaller there will be free space in the attic room. However, if the angle is too small, the roofing system will be more difficult to cleanse from precipitation and pollution. After a while, this will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the system. Therefore, it is very important to choose the optimal roofing material for the existing conditions.

The installation of the rafter for the roof of the attic ensures the strength and stability of the roof. When performing this work, you need to comply with a number of rules. First, the design is constructed from wooden beams with a cross section of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. Secondly, the system is carefully indoilable. Usually rubberoids or only use as waterproofing.

The frame design is placed on the base from reinforced concrete. Wire and metal brackets are used to attach the carrier node. Quite often applies spike-grooves. It is important that the wood that is used for the construction of rafters had no more than 15% humidity. If possible, the choice should be given in favor of coniferous rocks.

Be sure to be created a disinfectant atmosphere. Remained bars are strictly forbidden to use. Because of them, the entire rafting system can simply collapse. Therefore, before applying, the bars must be dried. Additionally, wood is impregnated with antiseptic and anti-footage.

Performing the installation markup of the supports, calculate the installation step so that all the rafters are installed vertically in the same plane. Check the verticality of the installation will help you with a friend to any builder called a plumb.

To fix parts to be the most reliable, use the offset or stretching. Vertical racks up to suitable materials. Most often double-sided covering with plywood and drywall. Between the sheets of the plating must necessarily be laid insulation.

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Step-by-step instructions for mounting rafters

Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof

Strengthening scheme raftered with additional subproof.

The process of mounting the rafting system for the roof of the attic begins with the laying of the top bar. To secure it, you can use nails, screws and metal brackets. Bruces are used by a cross section of 150x150 or 100x100 mm.

After that, the installation of Mauerlat is performed. It is necessary, first of all, so that the roof does not overturn over with a strong impact rush. Mauerlat must be designed and mounted in such a way as to withstand the loads that come to the roof of the house and on its walls. Directly Mauerlat is laid out from BRUSEV. It is best to use bars 100x150 mm. You can also apply boards with a thickness of 50 mm.

The selected material should be put horizontally, after calculating the size of the surface of the walls. Under each bar or board, the waterproofing material is mounted, which will protect the elements of Maurolat from the harmful effects of moisture.

At end, the rafting legs are mounted. These design elements can be purchased at the finished form or do it yourself. First, the step of the rafter feet is calculated, after which the markup is applied to Mauerlat. To do this, you need to put marks on the ram and Maurylalat. Professionals are recommended to mount rafters in a step of 1-1.2 m. Lay out the extreme rafters to the front. It is important that the line of edge of the front and the top of the legs were on the same level.

The rafters are made from bars or boards. It is important that the boards are straight.

From using the material with bitch it is better to refrain, the maximum allowable amount of bitch - 3 pieces per meter.

Installation Instructions Scroll for the Dersightener Roof

Types of rafter structures.

Next, you need to take twine and pull it between extreme rafters. In this case, it will perform the level functions for the installation of the rest. In conclusion, you will need to pairly connect the upper parts of the rafted with each other and install the skate beam. It will be needed if the roof has more than 7 m in length, and the rafter frame of relatively much weighs.

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If the roof has a smaller size, it will be enough to connect the legs with stretching. Immediately stretching you can use in the future as the ceiling beams of attic. With strong wind and snow, these elements will take on a certain part of the load.

In conclusion, the lamp is installed, the moisture insulation and the thermal insulation material is placed, the roof is satisfied, the walls and ceiling of the attic room are cooled.

If there are windows in the attic roof, the work is performed in the same sequence, but at the installation stage, the window openings are laid, in which window frames will be installed. Do not forget that the attic should have a size of at least 3x2.2 m. Otherwise, living in such a room will be extremely uncomfortable.

The attic roof, made in accordance with all the rules, will become an excellent decoration of any home and will serve as one dozen years. Pay due attention to the device of the rafter system and come to this task with full responsibility. You will not only save money, but you will control each stage of work, which will allow you to fully confident as its execution. Good luck!

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