Popular paintings for interior in 2019


Pictures are again gaining popularity in the design of the interiors of apartments and private houses. The popular picture will not only create the individuality of the room, but also emphasize the love of the owner to painting and art . If earlier only wealthy people could afford the purchase of the picture, now this option is available to almost any person with average sufficient. But what pictures are popular now?

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

What pictures have lost popularity?

Unfortunately, now painting in the style of classic realism or landscape is not so popular. Most often, such pictures are bought by connoisseurs of this area, for which decoration plays a rather minor role, and most importantly is artistic value.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Yes, classical painting can sometimes be found in the apartment, but the interior must be decorated in the style of classicism or baroque. Therefore, the mass distribution does not receive this direction. It must always deserve our attention, but the fashion sets its trends. Therefore, we will analyze only popular paintings.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Copies of the works of famous artists

Now the works of Impressionist artists are popular. Such pictures are bright, expressive and perfectly suitable for our dynamic time. Moreover, applications can find not only the works of modern artists, but also the painting of the authors of the past centuries: Van Gogh, Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet and others. It is worth choosing depending on the features of the interior of the room and your preferences. Here are some interesting copies:

  1. Frederick Basil: "Pink dress."
    Popular paintings for interior in 2019
  2. Edgar Degas: "Blue dancers"
  3. Oil painting from Andre Kona.

Tip! Andre Kon - a leaving from Stalingrad, and now he is among the most famous modern impressionists. His works are filled with liveliness and grace, so we advise you to look at the creativity of the author.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Modular pictures

Very stylish in the interior of the house, modular paintings look. Simple words - this is an image divided into several parts . You can arrange them horizontally and vertically.

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Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Tip! If you want to visually increase the height of the ceilings, place the modular picture vertically. And to expand the walls, buy a picture with a horizontal image.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

The main advantages of modular pictures in front of the classic options are the absence of a framework and image division. Due to this, such a composition even at large sizes does not look cumbersome on the wall. As an image, you can choose anything: dynamics of urban life, abstract images, animals and so on.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Posters in interior design

Posters are tremendous in the interior design. There are much more different images, rather than in classic paintings. For instance:

  • African style;
  • Oriental;
  • abstraction;
  • still life;
  • Thematic poses and much more.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Many are often confused posters with pictures, because Externally, they are similar. But painting is called images created by man's hand, while posters draw using modern technologies. But precisely because they have such a variety.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

IMPORTANT! The most important thing is that the image on the poster perfectly fit into the atmosphere of the room. Sometimes even stylish paintings look ugly in combination with an inappropriate interior.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019


We talked about the most popular paintings for the interior. When choosing, try to proceed from the interior features and the purpose of the room . For example, for bedrooms, you should choose patterns with soft floral images or patterns. In the living room, it is quite possible to place a poster with an abstraction or a certain subject, which is selected under the type of room interior.

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Pictures in the interior (1 video)

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

Popular paintings for interior in 2019

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