[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?


The low quality of tap water is the main reason for the appearance of rust spots on the plumbing in the bathroom. Credit with pollution of this kind quickly, advice of experienced housewives will help.

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

Top5 effective rust removal methods

  1. Summer alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

For the preparation of a cleaning solution you need:

  • Prepare a glass jar (wash and wipe and rub with a paper towel);
  • Pour into the bank of 100g of the ammonia, and only then with a thin weaving 50 gr. hydrogen peroxide;
  • Gently shake and apply a mixture on the fabric;
  • process rust stains;
  • Ten minutes later, the purified surface is washed with water.

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

ATTENTION: Work with peroxide and amusing alcohol is carried out only in protective gloves.

  1. Wine vinegar and kitchen salt is the perfect remedy for rust for the surfaces of the enamel coated.
    [Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

Prepare a cleaning solution simply:

  • In the prepared glass container poured 100 ml of wine vinegar;
  • add two tablespoons of salt;
  • The resulting liquid is heated in the microwave to 60s;
  • Moching the sponge, rub the stain rust;
  • In twenty minutes, the surface is washed with clean water.

It is interesting: this method will help get rid of very old spots.

As an acrylic coating bath option, only one ingredient can be used - wine (or apple) vinegar. The bath is filled with water and add 1.5l vinegar. The filled bath is left overnight. In the morning, the water is descended, and the walls of the bathroom wipe with a soft sponge.

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

Secret: Remove the residue of the solution will help the liquid detergent for dishes.

  1. Lemon juice - natural, absolutely safe remedy for rusty spots.

It is enough to squeeze freshly squeezed lemon juice on rust, leave pollution for a petition for a minute, after which a slightly losing a stain with a rag with water.

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

  1. Salonic acid is an effective remedy for rust and other contaminants on the plumbing in the bathroom.

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You can purchase a solution of hydrochloric acid in any economic store.

How to work with acid:

  • pre-wrapped with polyethylene all chrome details (mixer, shower, cranes);
  • With extreme caution, opening a bottle, wet with a rag with acid and process rusty stains;
  • Ten minutes, the purified surfaces are washed with clean water.

Important: with hydrochloric acid can only be operated in rubber gloves in a well-ventilated room.

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

  1. Calcinated soda and household soap.

Quickly clean the cast-iron bath from rust in the following way:

  • Soap rubbing and mixed with soda calcined (in a 1: 1 ratio);
  • A little water is added to the resulting dry mixture (to paste consistency);
  • Thoroughly treated with the rusty spots obtained;
  • Wash the bath with clean water.

General recommendations

  1. For cleaning plumbing from rust use only soft brushes and sponges. Otherwise, scratches will remain from the cruel pile on the glossy surface, to remove that it is impossible.
  2. Do not use dry abrasive powders. They can spoil the gloss of chrome and enamel coatings.
  3. Metal objects do not leave on a wet surface of the bath or sink.
  4. Several chemical ingredients are mixed only in glass containers.
  5. Works on the removal of rust are carried out only in a well-ventilated room the absence of children.
  6. At the end of the work, the banks with cleaning mixtures are tightly twisted with a lid and hide from prying eyes.

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

Prevent the emergence of rusty spots is much easier than to bring them. Maintaining plumbing in working condition, everyday cleaning of the bathroom and the problem of rusty stains will disappear forever.

We found the best remedy against rust! (1 video)

How to deal with rust in the bathroom (6 photos)

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

[Will clean!] How to deal with rust in the bathroom?

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