Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis


When choosing wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the variety of factors, from their combination with the interior to their physical properties. Another point that is often taken into account is the environmental friendliness of the wallpaper.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Famous German Wallpaper Collection with Geometric Ornaments

This is especially important when the child is chosen into the room. Then I unambiguously would like them to be dangerous for his health. For adults, however, it is also true, and if there is usually no complaints about paper based on paper, vinyl harm, according to many, can apply quite serious. But is it true?

The origin of opinion

Why do people believe that vinyl wallpaper is dangerous? The case is in their composition. They have two layers. The first lower, distinguish the wallpaper on a paper basis or, as an option, on a flieslinic basis. It usually does not arise any complaints.

But the upper one, which is made from polyvinyl chloride, many is alarming, as it has a purely chemical origin. Are people right who believe that such wallpaper is dangerous? Partially. It's all about the properties of this layer. It is waterproof, and also does not miss steam.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Typical use of two types of wallpaper: monophonic and patterned

On the one hand, this is extremely positive quality that allows the coating to be very easy to care. It can be easily soaked, it can be cleaned without any particular difficulties. But this property turns out to be simultaneously a disadvantage. After all, if the air exchange is not happening, then condensate begins under the wallpaper.

It is he who becomes a source for the development of sufficiently dangerous pathogenic fungi. They usually bring the main harm and cause the health hazard that even doctors warn. Allergies may occur on these fungi, then the effects for health can be different, but definitely only negative.

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Non-quality material

Another reason why there may be a danger to human health - this is not enough high-quality wallpaper. Often it is just Chinese fakes on popular brands that apply not very good materials. Sometimes it is just wallpapers that are produced according to outdated technologies. In this case, formaldehyde evaporations can go from them, which are the source of toxic materials.

There is an opinion that if wallpaper with silk screening, then you can not be afraid that they will be harmful. But this is not the case, because silkography is the same vinyl with the addition of silk yarns, natural or artificial.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Silkographic wallpapers are easy to learn by characteristic brilliance

There are generally many different types of vinyl wallpapers, such as chemical embossed, compact vinyl, heavy vinyl and much more. Sometimes you do not even know what you get this material, therefore it is worthwhile in advance when choosing the most suitable wallpaper.

New walls

It was previously mentioned that obsolete wallpaper types are harmful. But are the new generation vinyl wallpaper harmful wallpaper, which are made taking into account all the latest achievements? After all, to ensure that such wallpaper is not dangerous, it is not so difficult, it is enough to use eco-friendly materials, as well as to make the surface breathable, microporous.

It is actually done with modern technologies, but it is important to understand that it is unlikely that this is really actually attributed to the cheap products of little-known firms. It is necessary to navigate only on large brands of countries that have long and successfully produce such wallpapers, applying modern approaches to their production. This may be, for example, Finland, Germany, Sweden, and so on, usually the level of quality in these countries is more than high.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Near the drawing of the wallpaper canvase seems difficult, and in the distance reminds the one-picture version

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It is also understood that these wallpapers are not particularly dangerous for health can be indicated on the label, which vinyl is microporous. The composition may also have various antifungal components, which is also very important, because then the likelihood of the appearance of all sorts of negative formations is reduced at times.

Other selection criteria

If you select vinyl wallpapers, then the selection criteria that will help you choose the best option, can be much more than just the name of the producer and inscriptions on the labels.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Modern design involves a mixture of various materials

The first important step when choosing is to personally familiarize yourself with the sample of those wallpapers that you intend to acquire. Be sure to buy wallpaper personally, and when you do it, then skip them. This is a simple and even primitive method, but it is very effective.

If the wallpaper is poor-quality, if their material is harmful to humans and contains negative evaporation, then such products will immediately smell sharply and extremely unpleasant.

Many belong to this method with skepticism, but in fact it is possible to make it possible to make it possible to be a very simple method - you smell the most expensive European vinyl wallpapers, which are in the store, and then, for contrast, the cheapest. The difference will be noticeable immediately, if you, of course, no runny nose. If the smell is already available now, it is easy to imagine how it will spread around the apartment after the acquisition of wallpaper and long-staying on the walls.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

One of the types of vinyl allows you to perfectly imitate natural finishing materials

If you have strong doubts that you can pick up the wallpaper correctly and you want to take them, you can do it. After all, it is still in the house and so contains a lot of PVC, for example, in chipboard plates, in plastic windows and other elements.

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But try to glue such wallpapers in those rooms where you traditionally spend the minimum time, or where good ventilation (for example, in the kitchen, where there is a hood), but already with the children's room it is best not to experiment, only environmentally friendly Wallpapers that are not dangerous.


As previously mentioned, vinyl wallpaper can be on a paper basis, and may be on the phliselin. Real flieslinic wallpapers are not harmful, but the problem is that manufacturers are trying to reduce it in every way, and therefore it is far from the fact that there will be a real phlizelin.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Funny, in something cosmic drawings on the wallpaper

There is a chance that instead of the fliesline base, there will also be any relatively cheap and poor-quality form of vinyl, which will allocate all the same negative substances. So the basic principle of choice is the same - do not buy cheap wallpapers of little-known manufacturers. You will save only once, but then you pay a much greater price when your health is harmful.

To re-safe, it is worth asking the seller with a certificate of conformity, which comes with products, as well as a SanEpidemiological conclusion. If the products are good, then these documents will certainly be present available.

Do the harm bring vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis

High-quality German wallpaper from brand Rush

Safe wallpaper

Suppose you have decided not to take vinyl wallpapers, because you are not sure that you can correctly choose the appropriate option. What alternative to find them?

Safe and high quality are fiberglass wallpaper. Another option is expensive wallpaper from safe materials, such as bamboo or cork. Well, or just take the paper, they are not so strong and are not so durable, but still in terms of security will not let us down.

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