Portable Heater Rovus Handy Heater or Hard Cheating


Most recently, our team on his eyes hit a portable heater Rovus Handy Heater, who immediately caused serious doubts. But, a little searching on the Internet, we realized that such a heater is sold in many stores in our country. However, in its effectiveness, we seriously doubted, so in this article we will make a detailed analysis and tell why it does not mean anyone to buy.

Portable Heater Rovus Handy Heater or Hard Cheating

Rovus Handy Heater Portable Heater - Never buy

What is the roshic heater Rovus Handy Heater

The main advantage of such a heater is compact sizes. In fact, it can be transferred in a small bag, which will take it to work or while traveling when you want to get extra warmth.

The essence of its work is as follows: the heater is activated in the socket, the temperature, the power of the blowing is set. After that, he begins to work and give warm.

The manufacturer highlights the following advantages of the Rovus Handy Heater portable heater:

  • It is easy to turn on, it is enough to insert into the outlet. This does not need to use wires and additional connection;
  • The temperature is easily installed in the range from 15 to 32 degrees of heat;
  • does not take up much space;
  • Eats two speed of heat fan;
  • Thought the timer that can be programmed for 12 hours.

Also select several of its basic characteristics:

  1. Operating voltage from 220 to 240 V. If the voltage does not fall into this range, the system is triggered from overvoltage.
  2. A ceramic heating element is installed.
  3. The power of the heater is 370 watts.
  4. Two modes for work.
  5. The noise level is 70 dB. In fact, this device is a lot for such a device, as mostly people include it at night.
  6. There is protection against overheating.

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The size of the device is as follows:

  • width 9 cm;
  • Height 15 cm;
  • Depth 9 cm.

Such dimensions rightly allow them to speak for its compactness, it is for this reason that most chooses it.

Pay attention! You can turn on the heater in the Rovus Handy Heater rosette only in a vertical position.

Why not buy it

All the benefits we have considered, but what does it turn out to be in fact? After all, this heater does not cope with its responsibilities. Recall only a few major reviews that we found on the Internet:

  1. Says Alain: in three hours in a room with an area of ​​15 squares, he did not raise the temperature completely. It seems that something buzzes, constantly heats up, but there is no sense from it.
  2. Review Victor: paid almost 2000 rubles, and the meaning? Even a bathroom he is not able to heat. Is that leave it for the whole day. I do not recommend buying such nonsense.
  3. Victoria: God, why did I spend so much money, it would be better to bought the normal heater. Fascinating, the room does not warm, electricity eats, however, it is not clear where.
  4. Alexander: after installation and inclusion went a strong smell. The case is constantly overheated, and the socket is also. The sound of his work is terrible. It is impossible to leave unattended. I do not advise!

After reading these reviews, we immediately understood that they are true. How can a small device heat all the room and be safe? This is a complete nonsense, which is not worth it. And his ability is seriously overestimated.

Portable Heater Rovus Handy Heater or Hard Cheating

And how do you reviews from the popular site, where there is no possibility to buy something?

Of course, it can be used in small rooms: a bathroom or toilet to raise the temperature slightly. But, its effectiveness is rapidly going to zero. Accordingly, we strongly recommend buying and use such a heater in real conditions.

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So, the conclusion of our article, the heater in the Rovus Handy Heater socket:

  • It has too high cost, which does not justify itself;
  • The safety of the device causes serious concerns;
  • It is not suitable as an effective source of heat;
  • During operation, it makes a serious sound, over time will only increase;
  • Heavily dries air, which leads to serious problems.

Our result: Buy a conventional 500 W heater as an additional heating. Its cost is lower, but efficiency, safety and quality is much higher.

Portable Heater Rovus Handy Heater or Hard Cheating

Noirot heater - here you can choose or other proven manufacturers

Video on the topic

We also recommend watching some interesting rollers that will help reveal its main subtleties. Note that all the videos are advertising, so it should not be relying on them during the choice. We showed them only as additional information, no more.

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