Linen hook bag


A hike to the store is not always accompanied by positive emotions. To brighten up such everyday and sometimes boring lesson will allow the stylish awnoward, made with your own hands.

Linen hook bag

Bag-Avoska Crochet


  • 1 Motor linen yarn;
  • hook (2.5 mm);
  • Removable marker for loops.


P-loop, VP - air loop, scps-column without Nakid.


Dial 4 VP and remove the first VI to form a circle.

Linen hook bag

A row 1: 8 fails.

Mark the first marker with the next row. Place the marker at the beginning of each row.

Note: * repeat to the end of the row.

A row 2: 2 ISBS into each loop.

Row 3: * 1 TB to the following P, 2 fails to the following P.

Row 4: * 2SBN to the following P, 1SBN in the following 2 P.

Row 5: 1SBN to each P.

Row 6: * 1SBN in the following 3 p, 2SBN to the following P.

Row 7: * 2SBN to the following P, 1SBN in 4 loops.

Row 8: * 1SBN in 5 loops, 2SBN to the following P.

Row 9: 1SBN to each P.

Row 10: * 2SBN to the following P, 1SBN in 6 loops.

Row 11: * 1SBN in the following 7 loops, 2SBN to the following P.

A number 12: * 2SBN to the following P, 1SBN in 8 loops.

Row 13: 1SBN to each P.

Series 14: * 1SBN in 9 loops, 2SBN to each P.

Row 15: * 2SBN to each P, 1SBN in 10 loops.

Series 16: * 1SBN in 11 loops, 2SBN to the following P.

Row 17: 1SBN to each.

A number of 18: * 2SBN in each, 1SBN in 12 loops.

Row 19: * 1SBN at 13 loops, 2SBN in the next loop.

A row20: * 2SBN to each loop, 1SBN at 14 loops.

Row 21: Repeat # 17.

Row 22: * 1SBN at 15 loops, 2SBN to the following P.

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Row 23: * 2SBN to each, 1SBN in 16 loops.

Row 24: Repeat # 21.

A number 25: * 1SBN in 17 loops, 2SBN to each.

Row 26: * 2SBN in each, 1SBN in 18 loops.

A number 27: Repeat No. 24.

Row 28: * 1SBN in 19 loops, 2SBN to each.

A number 29: * 2SBN in each P, 1SBN in 20 loops.

Row 30: Repeat # 27.

Row 31: * 1SBN in 21 loops, 2SBN to each.

A number 32: * 2SBN to each P, 1SBN at 22 loops.

Row 33: Repeat No. 30.

Row 34: * 1SBN at 23 loops, 2SBN to the following P.

Row 35: * 2SBN to the following P, 1SBN in 24 loops.

Row 36-45: as in # 33.


A series of 1: * 1SBN to each, 10VP, skip 7P, repeat from * to the end.

Linen hook bag

Now you can remove the marker.

The following 8cm: 1SBN in the following 10VP, 10VP, repeat from * to a distance of 8 cm from the first row.

The following 8cm: 1SBN in the following 10VP, 9VP, repeat from * to size 15 cm from the first row.

The following 8cm: 1SBN in 9VP, 8VP, repeat from * to size at 23 cm from the first row.

Top edge.

Take the marker to determine the first loop of the row.

Linen hook bag

A row 1: 1SBN in the next 8VP, mark this n marker, 7SBN (see photo), * 8SBN in the next 8VP, repeat from * to the end.

Row 2-5: 1SBN to each P.

Row 6: * 1SBN in 7 loops, skip P, repeat from * to the end.

A number 7-10: Repeat No. 2-5.

Remove the marker.

First handle:

Row 1 (facial): 1SBN in 10 loops, turn work.

Series 2 (exhaust): Repeat # 1.

Linen hook bag

Repeat 1-2 row to size 43cm from the top edge, finishing a row with an inside. On the front, count 41 n, where the handle is connected to the top edge and mark. Connect the handle with the top edge of the product. On the inside of the upper edge, take 10SBN ​​in 10 loops of the edge and 10p handle, connecting them. Secure.

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Linen hook bag

Linen bag do it yourself

Second hand

On the front side, count 41p from the left edge of the first handle. Attach the yarn and check the handle.

Linen hook bag


Align the edges of the handle and secure them with a needle, repeat for another handle.

Linen hook bag

Linen hook bag

How to tie a bag

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