Outdoor covers used for kitchen and corridor


When planning the finishing of a new apartment or repair, one of the first priorities should be an entrance hall, a kitchen and a corridor between them. These premises are more than others undergo different kinds of negative effects: humidity, temperature drops, mechanical damage, wear.

In the hallway and the corridor, it is intended to be in the raw and dirty after the street of shoes, after the rain on the floor, water falls from clothes, and, therefore, the coating in these places should be particularly resistant to moisture and easily laundered. In the kitchen, the exposure to all types is happening: it is hot steam, and spilled from time to time the liquid, and falling dishes, and the sticking feet of the feet of chairs and the table.

Thus, the choice of floor covering in the kitchen should be taken seriously. The aesthetics of the material, of course, also plays a latter role when choosing a flooring of a corridor and a kitchen.

Recently, the most popular solutions are linoleum, tile and laminate. These three options are close in their characteristics and are approximately in the same price category. Disputes, which of these three materials are still the best, but as a result, preference is given, based on personal sympathy for one or another coating.

However, except for the main species, there are less common, but not less worthy flooring, which can be successfully separated the kitchen or corridor.


Outdoor covers used for kitchen and corridor

The traditional selection of flooring for any premises, both shared and apartments, and houses. Many, however, belong to the linoleum with some fraction of rejection, considering it outdated and looking to be cheaply cheap. Although, in fact, such a universal material will always be relevant, due to many of its advantages.

In addition, modern technologies allow you to make a linoleum very presentable externally, with many colors, patterns that imitate different more expensive materials.

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In addition to their cheapness, the linoleum has such advantages: it is very wearless, durable, is good sound insulation, rather soft to the touch, it is warm, resistant to water, is very easily washed after smoothness. An important feature is a very simple stacking process with which anyone will cope with their own.

A significant drawback of this material lies in its unfriendliness of the ecology. Linoleum is produced using many harmful chemicals, which over time begin to stand out into the air, which may adversely affect the health of the residents of the apartment. Of course, there are more environmentally friendly types of linoleum, but they are much more expensive, good, high-quality linoleum is comparable with good laminate.

In addition, such a soft and elastic material is inevitably subjected to a constant pressure of technology and furniture in the kitchen, which leads to the appearance of dents on its surface. It will not be so important if the kitchen furniture is set with the calculation for a long time.


Outdoor covers used for kitchen and corridor

The second most popular option for finishing a kitchen or a corridor, directly competing with linoleum. The laminate is made from a chipboard coated with a film with a drawdrid, imitating different wood species, marble, granite and other stones.

Unlike linoleum, laminate hard and strong, mechanical damage is not terrible. It is also easily mounted, does not ask for careful care. However, the care is needed, though inequate, but timely - in nature, the laminate is very susceptible to moisture, and if not to rub the puddles and water drops, as soon as they appeared, the stove will swell that it will not be possible to fix it. The price of the material is quite democratic.

Ceramic tile

The third place is due to the most, perhaps, the practical version of the floor covering from all finishing materials. Some he dislike for its excessive hardness and coldness. Despite the fact that it is usually not glossy to cover the floors, as on the walls, and matte or rough to eliminate the slip, the fall is still not uncommon, especially among children, and drops on solid ceramics can lead to serious injury.

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Tile has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • Complete immunity to any effects of temperature or humidity drops;
  • Diversity design.

True, caution should be taken in handling such material, since strong blows according to it, whether it is a falling dishes or something else, can split tiles.

However, relatively easy to remove the damaged element of the masonry and put a new slab. Bad thermal conductivity can also be a disadvantage, although the underfloor systems level this minus.

Natural materials

For those who are particularly concerned about the eco-friendly flooring of the floor of their kitchen or the corridor, such natural materials like a tree, cork or bamboo will be best. Of course, they are in a significantly higher price category than previous options, but costs are accurately paid off by the first-class of the appearance, durability of the material and the improvement of the housing microclimate.

Parquet from the natural wood of hardwood has high strength, but after it needs to be very closely monitored and becoming accurately neatly, since the tree is very easily soaked with moisture, exposed to laborious spots, expands and dissipates from the effects of temperature. In addition, without proper processing, wood can simply be contrary.

Cork is an interesting option, although not found great popularity. Outdoor cork covers have significant advantages: it combines the softness and heat of the linoleum, the ecology of the tree and the durability of ceramics. In addition, the traffic circuit favorably affects human health.

It is worth carefully approaching the choice of a cork tree, since in terms of water resistance it can be, as susceptible, so much to push moisture. The minuses of traffic can include a high price, complex installation technology, almost certainly requiring the involvement of specialists, difficulty in caring due to the rough texture.

Bamboo - Pretty exotic material for floor finishing. It is supplied both in the form of boards and in rolls pasted on the paper basis. A wide range of coloring and textures allows organically to enter a bamboo parquet in any interior design. This material has decent strength and serves a long time even in frequently visited premises.

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Ecology and hypoality will serve a good health service of tenants. It is easy to care, as anti-hand and more resistant to dust and dirt than other materials. However, the bamboo is subject to physical damage, such as damage by sharp objects, and also spoils at sunlight.

Thus, the choice of materials on the market is quite extensive. The choice of a suitable floor covering for your kitchen or the corridor is yours - whether you are committed to tradition or want exotic. And the described pluses and cons will help you make a right choice.

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