Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video


To bring the comfort to the house, sometimes it is enough to change some item - to make a permutation, hang new curtains or, for example, tie small wipes with crochet. Even small openwork napkins can diversify and revive the interior, become an independent decoration or part of a large tablecloth on the table. Knitted napkins of various shapes, patterns and colors perfectly diversify a dining table or a buffet.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Air lace in the interior

Even the simplest openwork napkin is capable of becoming a highlight of the interior. A simple lace, similar to the snowflake, looks immanently and almost fabulously. Knitting such napkins usually does not require special skills and complex techniques. Having at its disposal air loop, the columns with Nakad and without, you can create real masterpieces.

One of the options for lace napkins is shown in the following video:

In the modern interior you will not see knitted napkins. Their time as if passed, and now decorate the house in this way is not fashionable. In fact, the lace is able to become an exquisite addition to such typical mass market items, like sofa pillows, curtains, clothing and accessories.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Basics of knitting products

In beautiful and simple schemes, there is no shortage - for any needlewoman, there will be a fault to taste. This article provides diagrams of simple patterned napkins available even to a novice master.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

This small napkin is connected with alone only air loops and columns with nakid, and even when looking at the scheme, it looks quite simple. Knitting is tight, so if you choose a solid smooth thread, you can connect a set of coats under this scheme.

Knitting begins with a chain of air loops connected by a ring, three air loops are always made to access the next row, and the pattern is made of columns with Nakud. Working with such a monotonic pattern, it is very important to ensure that the loop is based on each next column with Nakud, since it determines the pattern of napkins.

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Pattern of leaves

In more detail, you can consider a slightly more complex scheme of a small napkin with a description of the knitting process:

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

For work it will take thin cotton yarn and hook №1.25 or 1.75. The napkin looks at volume, however, consists of only twelve series.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Knitting starts from the center from the chain of eight air loops that need to be closed in a circle. Lifting to the next row with three air loops, which perform the same part of the pattern as the columns with Nakud in the second row. Between each column, up to the fifth row inclusive - two air loops.

The pattern of this napkin is composed of air loops, columns with nakid and without, as well as triple unfinished columns with two hints from one loop. To associate such combined columns, it is necessary to start to make several columns with Nakud, and at the same time leave each loop from each. For this scheme, all three columns stick from one loop, but there is another option where they knit from different loops, as in the figure below:

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

After the columns are typed, the working thread is stretched through all hinges on the hook:

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Thus, the columns are combined into one.

Thin Pautinc

Another interesting example of a small napkin with a simple scheme - web.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

There is such a napkin from eleven rows, only air loops and columns with two nakid are used in knitting.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Such a napkin, despite its simplicity, looks very air and easily, producing the impression of complex work. The subtlety here is that the long chains of air loops on the outward row of the napkin will not hold the form. Such work is necessary to close and rejuvenate, giving it the desired appearance.

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Final finish

In order for the finished napkin to retain the form and looked complete, another stage of working on a knitted product is needed - starching. For these purposes, other than starch and gelatin can also use sugar and glue PVA.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Prepare a starch solution is easy: it will take to boil 1 liter of water. In the cold one separately divorces the required amount of starch (from one to three tablespoons depending on the desired final result). Then, well-stirred starch stuffed in hot water.

The solution needs to be constantly mixed to avoid the formation of lumps. The finished holter should turn out to be homogeneous and transparent.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

After the Kleuister cool down a little, you can immerse the wistful and bleached napkins. Products moistened in the starch are pressed and folded on a flat surface - at this moment you can give a wipe planned form.

Little crochet napkins: schemes with description and video

A slightly frozen napkin strokes not too hot iron through the fabric or gauze.

Video on the topic

To work out the skill and at the same time start making beautiful things that can inspire further work, you can begin training with knitting small products such as lace napkins and stands. Among the sets proposed in the video below, you can find something more suitable for yourself.

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