What to land in the country area in August


August is the last final month of the summer, which pleases us with an abundant harvest of berries, fruits and vegetables. Many beds are empty, sad to watch them. Entering gardeners and gardeners continue to work on their sites, engaged in sowing vitamin vegetables, green crops on the beds with crushed vegetable crops: onions and garlic, legumes and radishes.

What to land in the country area in August

Landing in the august of greenery

For repeated sowing, different salads are perfect, this useful greens can be cultivated to deep autumn. They are unpretentious, do not require the complexity of care. Thanks to a short time of vegetation, salads please the whole country's owners.

What to land in the country area in August

Romane Salad can be digging with roots from the bed, it will continue in the basement to the new year.

Salad mustard resistant to lower temperature, in late summer and early autumn develops well.

What to land in the country area in August

Spicy cultures like basil, parsley, dill will also give fresh greens, will be useful for billets.

What to land in the country area in August

Landing vegetables

For re-cultivation, such vegetables are suitable as radishes, swear, Beijing cabbage, radish, Daikon. Although they do not grow up as with a spring landing, but young root roots will be useful and juicy. You need to choose the early grades of these vegetables.

For example, if you put the varieties of "Vessenka", "orange mandarin" of a sheet of cabbage (Peking) in early August, by the end of September they will grow lush and tasty rich in vitamins.

What to land in the country area in August

Ranish varieties of radish "Ladushka", "Delicates", sowned in August, ripen in autumn, reach the size of 20-30 cm. In addition to the familiar radish, you can practice the cultivation of daikon.

In the first decade to mid-August, sowing seed of radish is considered optimal. Thanks to the soft, scattered sunlight, the radish will not shoot. The popular variety of radishes "French breakfast" will give the harvest of juicy and delicious root.

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What to land in the country area in August

It is good to sow in August with microelements of arugula and spinach, as well as aromatic coriander. Cool weather favors their growth.

Important. Kintz and parsley are recommended to hide for the winter.

Caring for the future harvest

Experienced vegetables always take care of the increase in the fertility of the Earth. Therefore, Siderats should be sowed on a harvest free from the harvest: mustard, oilseed radish, rye, beans, fireliness and peas.

What to land in the country area in August

Attention. In addition to improving the soil, the Siderats help to get rid of the Wirehouse on the potato site.

They until the cold weather will give a friendly shoots in a short time, cover the ground with green sprouts. When it grows up to 10-15 cm into growth, close them in the soil with a shovel or flat.

What to land in the country area in August

Council. Before sowing siturates, it is necessary to have a plan for planting vegetable crops for the next year so that in the cabbage gardening the cross-tech (turnip, radish, radish).

Preparation of flower flower beds

For the flowerfish August - hot time. We must deal with the searches of the bushes of perennial colors. Floxes, garden chamomile and dolphiniums grow enough and become ready for wintering, it's time to share them and put on a new place. You can go in August boarding Chinese cloves, a garden bell, a viola and daisies. In August, it is necessary to land on the bulbs of Narcissus, hyacinths, Pushkin and Crocuses.

What to land in the country area in August

Council. When planting colors, they should be covered with no woven material or inspired by a peat layer, humus.

What to land in the country area in August

Planting fruit shrubs and berries

In the last days of August - in early September - a good time for breeding fruit and decorative bushes:

  • juniper;
  • cherry;
  • Kizyl;
  • red and white currant;
  • Mulberry.

What to land in the country area in August

The gardeners have developed a tradition to plant strawberries at the end of August. The earlier the strawberries are planted, the stronger the sockets will be allowed roots and sweep nutrients for the formation of fruits next year . Therefore, after harvesting the harvest of vegetables to the liberated area is removed for planting strawberries and strawberries.

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What to land in the country area in August

Important. The planting material for breeding strawberries and strawberries will suit the very first sockets on the mustache.

In August, the tops of the blackberry stems are flex and burned into the ground for rooting. The tops are left in a vertical position, they are abundantly watered. The rooted stems are planted at a permanent place.

Consequently, August - it's time not only harvesting, but also the opportunity to spend another crop turnover of vegetables and greens.

Work in the garden in August (1 video)

Landing at the country area in August (12 photos)

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

What to land in the country area in August

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