What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC


Embodiments of interroom doors are significantly larger than the entrance, it is explained by higher aesthetic requirements that are presented to them and less their strength. What are different models different from others?

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

Laminated sash

This option is the most ambiguous, since various materials can serve as the database of the door leaf. And even worse: under the lamination, the finishing of the product is meant by any type of film, and the films of such a lot of different quality are produced, so choose from what.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

Material for laminated door can be:

  • Chipboard - chipboard of different density. This is the most budget option and not too decorative, since the material cannot be milling. Not too resistant to moisture and prone to deformation. However, for dry premises it will be quite suitable;
  • Plywood - much more durable and waterproof option, besides, it is easier to handle;
  • MDF - Warfather plate of much higher density and water resistance. More expensive models are made of solid slabs. Cheaper represent the frame, lined MDF.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

The film for lamination is also used in the most diverse:

  • Paper - Decorative paper impregnated with any organic composition. Very cheap in production and has low quality: it is easily peeling, it does not make moisture and dampness, it is quickly wears. Such doors are the least durable;
  • The melamine finish is stronger due to the impregnation of multilayer paper with melamine resin. The latter provides greater resistance to wear and ultraviolet;
  • Fiberglass - differs much higher cost. However, the laminated sash judging by the reviews demonstrates excellent wear resistance and insensitivity to moisture;

Two-volume - less resistant to scratches, but no moisture is afraid, temperatures and more accessible in price.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

PVC film lamination

In fact, it is the same laminated sash, where polyvinyl chloride is used as a finish. In a separate category, the option is isolated thanks to a great prevalence. Question: What interior doors are better - PVC or EcoShpon, it arises much more often than the question of the difference between the model with fiberglass finish from the melamine coating sash.

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What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

PVC film possesses the following characteristics:

  • The widest color gamut - the coating reproduces not only any shades, but also imitates any tree, stone, skin, fabric, and so on;
  • The film has a negligible weight, so that such a cladding of the loading of the load will not be;
  • PVC film is insensitive to moisture and will not cause damage to the product;
  • The available cost makes the coverage of the most popular, the ECOCHPON in any case it will overtake;
  • However, the film does not have high resistance to wear, over time peels off;
  • Laminated film door is afraid of direct sunlight and burns out.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

EcoCampon for decoration

To find out which doors are better - PVC or ECOCHPON, you need to understand what the difference is. Ecoschpon is a peculiar combination of wood material with an organic filler. It is made from chopped wood fibers with the addition of organic resins, and then applied to the product by pressing. Such a technology judging by expert reviews provides a number of advantages.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

PVC doors or EcoChpon: What is better?

The first option of racks to mechanical damage: scratches, chips, detachalies are practically guaranteed here. The coating is much more stable and exhibits excellent resistance to wear.

  • The material does not fade in the sun, because the technology used is simply not allowed.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

  • The coating mimics natural wood with much more convincing. Moreover, imitation includes not only the color and structure, but also the feeling.

What doors it is better to choose - EcoChpon or PVC

  • Compared to a product, lined with natural veneer, a crusher decorated with an ecosphon is much smaller. However, laminated polyvinyl chloride is even less than the cost.
  • Lamination allows the repair of the interior door - pasting with a film or veneer. The coating of the recovery is not subject to the recovery. This is the most serious drawback, according to feedback.

What to choose interior doors - from PVC and ECOCHPON, depends on the significance of the listed factors. In the photo - sample samples.

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