Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations


Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations

When you make overhaul in the kitchen room, it is important that the tile for the kitchen on the apron was good and size suitable. In most cases, the owners prefer the decoration of the apron from high-quality tiles in the kitchen.

Such a tile in the kitchen on the apron is resistant to hot, emanating from the electrical or gas stove. The surface of the apron in the kitchen of the wall-out should be easily, quickly cleaned from fat, not deteriorate from severe chemical detergents.


When you keep the farm, the workshop of the workshop for the kitchen will be splashing with fat. It will fall on it. Just a sponge most of these contaminants you will not delete. Take advantage of active detergents. Tile for apron into the kitchen is cleaned well powder.

The tile in the kitchen for apron is needed from such a material that is easy to clean, has little joints so that the dirt does not accumulate. As far as possible, tile on the apron for your kitchen choose smooth. Make such a finish so as not to spoil when they are often washed.

Heat resistance

When you cook, the tile on the kitchen on the working apron is repeatedly subjected to boiling water, steam. Because before buying, check the tile on the apron for the kitchen heat-resistant and later, for some time it is not deformed, the same bright one time?


How much is it for the kitchen shocking? By purchasing under a beautiful wall in the kitchen, think about when you cook, you can accidentally hurt a heavy cast-iron frying pan or "hussy". Clearing from pollution, you can scratch the surface of the apron of laid tiles into the kitchen with a rigid brush with a strongly affected powder.

In addition, it is practical for the design room, it will decorate the room. Consider what form, color, patterns is a popular tile on the working wall?

Color and compatibility

Tile high-quality on the kitchen on the apron - practical, beautiful facing. She decorates the kitchen. If the finish is not combined, fit into the design of the room - it will spoil all the impression. If the tile is correctly chosen, then the flaws will hide, decorate the design.

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Are there 3 guidelines - a quality tile on apron into the kitchen or not? It is important what color kitchen furniture, wallpaper or other wall covering, household appliances. Choose one color, with it and combine the tile laying on the apron. Tile tone support the element in the room interior.

Ideally, the tile for the kitchen on the apron was darker or lighter than accessories: beautiful pano, hanging on the wall, dishes, standing on the shelf, curtains and other elements included in the design of the room.

Favorite color for decoration Apron:

  1. White tile is combined with many objects of the room. The main thing is that the design is decorated in such a way that the colors are not more than 5. Masonry from white tiles decorate with vinyl stickers. So, you will make the tile new for the kitchen of the working apron. Live notch in the interior without overhaul.

    Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations

  2. Play on the contrast tile for the kitchen on the working apron. Choose the color of the tile contrast some items of decor. It is important not to rearrange with contrasting flower transitions. There will be a "gulling" furnishings in the kitchen room. And you get tired of the kitchen, want to remake.

    Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations

  3. Neutral. This is a light beige or light gray tile. Such a design looks harmoniously with any colors. Fits in the kitchen design. Visually expands the space.

    Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations

    Search tile to arrange a kitchen apron design, perfectly coinciding with a shade with wallpaper, stove, table top or refrigerator, optional. If the design on 2 or 3 tones is darker or lighter - excellent.

Types of decoration

It looks great mosaic from pieces of tiles on the apron for the kitchen. She decorates the interior, hides the irregularity of the tile. Mosaic is placed chaotic or a pretty pattern, given the length and width of the wall.

Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations

For the room brightly looks like a mosaic with a pattern in the center or several. Spectacular pano. Sale sets depicting the landscape, panorama of the city, still life and other plots. They are performed in a classic style, unusual - surrealism, youth - graffiti, always fashionable - modernism and unusual - pop art. Pictures on the sides are made in conventional masonry of monochromatic material for the room.

Many people like the imitation "under ancient" or masonry from bricks. So, you can impact not only this area, and the wall is near.

Check on geometric parameters

Let's learn how to check the tile on geometric parameters. Is this instruction how to check the material for suitability?

Normal tile throughout the plane will not be concave or curved in the other side. Attach two tiles, first facial, then the involving side to each other. If there are no gaps, the size coincides - the tile is excellent. Gap more than 1 mm - marriage. If the cafeter is putting a kitchen apron, it will look wavy or with "teeth" (this is when the corners stick out). Each tile should have a clear angle - 90 and a smooth diagonal. Same size.

Check by applying the tile by the same parties one to the other and put the ends to the even place. The height size in the corners must coincide. If the difference is diagonally only in 0.5 mm - a failure is formed in the seam area between 2 tiles. Too large seam size.

Usually, the aprons from the tile do not lay out more than a number of 3-4. It depends on the size of the tile. To make high-quality masonry, you will customize cross-passages, putting their lying, on the very edge, sometimes two.

Watch that the edge with the glaze looked holistic. Damage to the glaze is very noticeable. Do not clean too active seams, you can make a chip on the material. Check out several pieces from the party - make sure the quality. The main thing is to color, size, the quality of the material you liked.


At the tile, when laying on the walls, such disadvantages are manifested:

  • He is fragile. When we transport, you can beat part. When you are placed, cracks are formed during blows, chips.
  • Stop quite difficult newcomer and long.
  • The surface of the wall before laying is carefully prepared.
  • Remove the material old for the kitchen - apron and replace part of the spoiled fragments time-consuming.

Ceramics, which appeared in the ceramics family, corrected part of the shortcomings. It is practically not erased durable and does not stick if it is professionally stacked. Persistently pay seams of tiles. Correct the mixture for the grout. Required composition and color under the tile. Implement, conceived design.

Nuances of choice and styling

Tile for the kitchen on apron: expert recommendations

Tile for practical apron in the kitchen is better square. The size of 10x10 is optimal. Either the size of 20x20 centimeters is an amateur. She looks aesthetic. But when laying, you need experience, skill. Mounting is expensive.


  • Well, when borders, the edges of the apron as much as possible next to the borders of the kitchen furniture. It's not easy because the tile is placed before installing the furniture headset. The master knows the approximate size - the height of the bedside tables and lockers and what will be the design. It calculates the square and at what height to lay the tile. It will be laid that facing everywhere will be a little coming for the furniture. When the furniture is standard, make a cladding at an altitude of 85 cm from the floor. 60 cm - the size of the working area itself.
  • A wall that over the stove, where the extract will be installed, the tile is laid out to the upper boundary, suspended lockers. 60 or 90 cm - the standard height of the lockers. 120 or 150 cm Make a kitchen apron high.
  • Calculate the width and lay out so the laying to go beyond the lockers standing and suspended on the side. 60 cm - the size of the exhaust width. It means that the area of ​​that facing is 17 cm - 5 cm stock on both sides. Take into account these parameters, planning the design of the kitchen apron.
  • Tile on the kitchen for apron is calculated by the Master. 10% Take the stock. The number of tiles in the kitchen under your apron depends on the way of real laying. Consumption is big when they are diagonally. If the masonry is horizontal or vertical, the size is suitable - saving. Uniform size is important.
  • Care will seem easy if the tile in the kitchen of the workshop will be a brilliant or matte surface without ribbons. Dirt can accumulate there.
  • Seams between the cafeter are grouting, perfectly opposing moisture. Excellent when it is with antifungal, additives against mold. Is the tile beautiful on the apron for the kitchen laid? Treat the seams carefully lacquer for better protection. The size of the seams is approximately the same. The surface of the tile will look prettier. Design wonderful. The apron in the kitchen of the tile looks great.

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