How to clean the bath and chrome details from plaque and rust


Each hostess came across rust stains and a lime bloom in his bath. There are a lot of folk and chemicals that quickly and effectively help clean the bath from any unpleasant contaminants.

Chemistry in the fight against rust and lime bloom

The use of ready-made cleaning products, it is probably the easiest and most trouble-free way to remove the limestick and unpleasant rust spots.

How to clean the bath and chrome details from plaque and rust

The most efficient household chemicals is:

  • Domestos.
  • Cillit Bang.
  • CIF.
  • "Pemiolux".
  • Cleaning gel "COMET".

Use cleaning products strictly in accordance with the instructions for their use. It is important to wear gloves when cleaning, thoroughly flush the middle and air the room after use.

Cleaning with the help of folk remedies at home

Ready cleaning products can be replaced with solutions cooked with their own hands at home. Of course, from the spots, they are unlikely to help get rid of and to give the bath perfect whiteness, you will have to work hard. Despite these not meaningful minuses, many hostesses give their preference to popular recipes.

Folk remedies are safer for humans and animals. They also do not damage the enamel and are quite economical financially.

Most of the positive feedback received the following recipes:


To clean the bath, you will come in handy:

  • calcined soda;
  • baking soda.

Mode of application:

  • Calcinated soda must be mixed with food, in a 1: 1 coefficient.
  • Water the surface of the bath and apply the resulting mixture.
  • Leave the mixture for 25-30 minutes.
  • At the end of time, you will only have to clean the contamination with a sponge dipped in a vinegar solution.
  • After all the necessary actions, rinse the bath boiling water.

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Lemon acid


We use:

  • Dissolve the required amount of acid at 0.5 liters of water (the temperature of the liquid should not be high).
  • The product with a soft surface, apply the resulting solution to the surface of the bath.
  • Leave the bath with a tool for half an hour.
  • Wash water.



9% acetic acid.


  • Apply a solution on paper napkins.
  • Cover them all the surface of the bath.
  • Leave the bath in this state for 4-5 hours.
  • You need to remove the remnants of the means, using a soap solution.

Acrylic coating delicate cleaning

How to clean the bath and chrome details from plaque and rust

Acrylic enamel is a rather fragile coating, so it is necessary to clean it carefully and using gentle agents.

  • When cleaning, it is forbidden to use gasoline and solvent. Cleaning products, which contains abrasive elements, is also not the best tool, in order to wash the stains from such a coating. All these substances can damage the acrylic enamel and leave scratches in which dirt will be clogged.
  • The best way to wash this surface is to use acids of natural origin. For this, the following recipe is suitable:

Apple vinegar

You will need:

Method of use:

  • Dial the full bath of warm water.
  • Add 1.5 liters of apple vinegar and liter of citric acid to liquid.
  • Stir the water.
  • Leave the bath in such a state for 12 hours.
  • At the end of time, rinse the bath boiling water, this will remove the residues of the acid to enamel.

In order to remove remnants of the funds that are not flushed at once, you can wash the bath with a product for dishes.

Cleaning to shine chrome bathroom parts

In order to launder the details of chromium, homemade recipes or ordinary cleaning products are suitable, otherwise they will lose shine and fit.

To remove stains with parts from such a material, there are special means, one of which is "Santeh". Buy it, you can at any store of industrial goods.

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It is produced in the form of spray, which allows you to significantly save its use. This product does not contain allergens and toxic substances, while spraying safe for people and animals.

Cleaning a cast-iron bath

How to clean the bath and chrome details from plaque and rust

Despite the abundance of various baths for baths, cast-iron still meet in many homes. But the problem is not what bath you have, but how to clean the bath from rust and limetal plaque.

Previously, the cast iron could be laundered than the arm will fall and it took a lot more time than now. But at the moment there are a large amount of funds to get rid of such a problem. Here are the most common of them:

  • Dark economic soap.
  • Solution from vinegar and lemon.
  • Beer wort.
  • Stove soot.

Elementary rules that need to know

Any hostess is not particularly glad if she has to wash off the limestock or rust stains. But all this can be avoided if you comply with simple rules, with the execution of which even a child can cope:

Performing these simple rules, you will extend the life of your bath for a long time.

Important advice

The main methods of cleaning you already know, but still several tips will not be superfluous:

  • When washing baths and plumbing equipment, use a sponge and whether the brush is solely with a soft surface, because the rigid surface can leave scratches. In the scratches will be clogged by the dirt that you can hardly wash.
  • For the same reason, it is forbidden to use abrasive cleaning products.
  • In no case, do not leave metal products on the side of the bath. The metal has an oxidizing property when interacting with water, which will lead to the appearance of rust spots.

Now, knowing all the subtleties of cleaning, you can easily wash away any stains on enamel at home. To do this, you will spend the visual penny, but you can quickly and qualitatively clean the bath from rust and plaque.

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