Beautiful interior design with black and white paintings


Beautiful interior design with black and white paintings

Black and white paintings for the interior - stylish and simple decoration, giving room personality.

They can be bought in the cabin, order or make with their own hands. Today, such pictures are in great fashion, they are perfectly combined with each other and easily fit into the situation, aged in a minimalist or classic style.

Black and white classic: what it happens

Pictures in black and white tones have a lot of advantages. They fit without problems to any environment, from restrained classics to a bright pop art, from high-tech to minimalism. Monochrome gamma is appropriate and in romantic interiors. The secret of such versatility is simple.

Black and white patterns can be very different, the choice of one or another variant depends on the purpose of the room.

In the bedroom, weathered in the classic or romantic style, are relevant elegant photos, decorated in a subtle frame with a passecut. Such photos can be grouped on the wall next to the bed or toilet table. Stylish silhouette paintings, reminiscent of aesthetics of the last century, successfully will fit the flirty interior of the lady bedroom. You should not be afraid of redundancy, small pictures and photos are perfectly combined with each other.

Beautiful interior design with black and white paintings

Elegant copyright photos can be complemented with family black and white pictures framed by the same thin frames. Furious gold-plated baguettes are not suitable for such design.

The living room is worth decorating a popular modular pattern. This is a peculiar composition made up of several rectangles of different sizes. Collected together, they constitute a single whole. The modular composition can be moved by changing the elements or removing them. The picture looks very impressive and stylish, without difficulty complementing any interior.

In black and white tones, scenes from the life of animals, urban or rural landscapes, species of nature are kept. Unusual perspectives, exaggeration, focus on the details - here are the signs of modular paintings that give the interior the necessary dynamics.

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The living room in the classic style can be framed differently. Pick up a modern painting written by oil. It can be abstract images of landscapes, broken lines, curls, spirals or other or figures.

A large painting in the interior must solo, especially if it is fixed in a solid wooden frame.

Scenic work can be placed over a sofa or low chest, providing it with the corresponding backlight.

Beautiful interior design with black and white paintings

In the office, engravings or copyright pencil sketches are organically. Such drawings are framed by modest wooden or metal frames and are grouped into the corner of the room or above the writing desk.

Black and white painting in the kitchen interior will also not look alien. Stylish enlarged photo with the image of still life, the adjustment of the store or market collapse will turn the usual kitchen in a trendy cafe.

Hang over the table a whole series of paintings, posters or photos, weathered in the same style, it will make the interior completed.

Strict graphic posters in the best way will emphasize the character of the teenager, so they can be placed in the rooms of senior schoolchildren or students. Such pictures look much more relevant to the usual bright posters, they will certainly impress the guests of your child.

Color variety

Monochrome discreet gamma does not look boring at all. Do not be afraid that the graphics will turn your home into a vampire nest or a sad state institution. Black and white tones are perfectly combined with bright colors. For example, photos or pencil drawings look perfectly against the background of a red brick wall.

Strengthen the impression will help a pair of dark and red spots located in different angles of the room. A decorative statuette, flower vase, indoor plant or composition from candles can act as an accent.

Beautiful interior design with black and white paintings

Another successful option is a group of small black and white paintings in the interior, weathered in natural colors: cream, beige, coffee or chocolate. Such gamma acts soothing, black and white tones make rigor and pacification.

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Suitable mood will help appropriate textiles. Pour on the sofa patterned black plaid and put a pair of pillows with a newspaper print. Successful idea - window curtains with contours of branches or imitation of birch bark.

Add Glamor can a small amount of silver or golden accessories: frames, candlesticks, small decorative elements.

Author's decor: Production Subtleties

The picture in the black and white scheme is quite possible to create with your own hands. If you do not know how to draw, do not be discouraged. In any workshop, increase the beautiful photo from the album.

It may be the face of a child, a silhouette of a woman or a sleeping dog, the author's landscape or another story that touches your soul. Taketing for the manufacture of paintings for the interior with your own hands, try to choose a truly high-quality copyright photo.

Pick up a thin chrome-plated frame, dense frosted white paper and a sharp stationery knife. Cut the rectangle on the size of the frame.

Rates from the edges of 4-5 cm, cut the rectangle in the center. The exact dimensions and the form depends on the style of the picture. Pasparta (white paper framing) can be wide enough or completely narrow.

Put it on top of the picture and place the composition into the frame, cover with glass. Fasten the glass with clips. Composition is ready. You can slightly change the technology and stick photos over the white paper sheet. The procedure must be done very carefully, so that glue flux remains on the passecut. Black and white sophistication does not tolerate sludge.

The interior paintings in one style placed nearby look very impressive.

Select 3 Harmonious Scenes, increase them and place in the same frames.

There will be an elegant composition in the spirit of modular paintings, which your guests and household will appreciate.

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