Polyethylene package products


This attractive rug from the packages is very durable and at the same time pretty soft, not afraid of water and dirty shoes. It is very bright and stylish. He will not fade and not shake. Are interested in? Still ... Such a rug from the packages should link each self-respected needlewoman.

Polyethylene package products

More recently, we mastered the technique of creating yarn from plastic bags. The difference between the yarn of this rug is only that the double strips of packages are used here. And to create a highlighted yarn, a strip of a white package and a strip of black, and onin joined the same technique.

For the real rug, you need to cook:

  • Ten black bags of 60 liters
  • seven white packages of the same volume
  • Hook Pick individually, this mat is woven with a crochet, the volume of which is 6.5 mm

Knitting density: seven loops and seven rows - this square turned 7.5 by 7.5 cm. However, you need to associate the sample yourself and calculate the size of the rug

Rainy autumn such a rug will be very by the way. Thanks to such an unusual yarn, it should not be better to perform its main function and perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway at home in which creative people live.

Polyethylene package products

And those who traditionally go to the warm edges on the winter holidays to warm up on the warm sea shore, can slowly gather and plan a trip. Just have time to tie a bright beach bag. For example, like this ...

Polyethylene package products

I tied this bag from the trash packages of two colors. I really liked the result. And you?

Thank you for the idea of ​​creating a rug from packages.

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