Installing a handle on a plastic door


Modern plastic doors, especially external, are made of durable materials and have a rigid design capable of withstanding a large number of opening and closing cycles. Such doors are resistant to external factors, are not deformed under the action of seasonal temperature differences and sun rays. The weak point of products from PVC has long been recognized by fittings. In this regard, the question of how to install a handle on the plastic door, in the event of its breakdown or the need to modify the existing design.

The need to replace the handle of plastic door

Replace the plastic door handle is necessary in the following cases:
  • breaking;
  • installation of the locking mechanism;
  • Installation of additional handles from the street.

Replacing the handle

To replace the broken handle, you will need to purchase a new and armed with a cross screwdriver. First of all, it is necessary to put a broken handle or residues from it to the "open" position - parallel to the floor. Then, turn the decorative plug and open access to fixing screws. Remove the fasteners and remove the handle along with the metal core square shape. We establish a new copy and fix it with self-draws.

Installing a handle on a plastic door

Turn the broken handle to the "open" position - parallel to the floor

Replace the broken knob of the plastic door using a simple screwdriver. The operation will not require a lot of time and special skills. You only need to get a replacement.

Installation of handle with a shut-off mechanism

Installing a handle on a plastic door

Installing a knob with a locking mechanism is especially recommended if there is a small child in the family. Parents must be sure that the child will not be able to open the balcony door. It will be necessary to purchase an appropriate handle and install it in the same sequence as when replacing the usual broken counterpart.

The installed lock will be a guarantee from the accidental output of a small child to a balcony in case of domestic troubles.

Installing handle installation

Installing a handle on a plastic door

Most people represent a plastic door, accustomed to the balcony door, an analogue of the window where the handle is needed only from the inside. Almost all doors fittings are similar to wind fittings. Standard door components, as well as windows, have a handle only on one side.

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However, the handle from the outside is extremely necessary, because, going to the balcony, especially in winter, the door is required to close so as not to freeze households. About what to do if the handle of the balcony door is broken, see this video:

There are situations when someone is closed on the balcony. To exclude similar moments, you can install an additional outer handle on the plastic door, i.e. make her ordinary bilateral. Perform such an operation is easy and forces to each homemade craftsman.

Installing a handle on a plastic door

There are situations when someone is closed on the balcony ...

First of all, it is necessary to buy a product of preferably the same manufacturer as the entire fittings of your windows and doors. If the supplier failed to determine or liked the handles of another exporter, you can try to replace them with other analogs. In most cases, the size of the accessories produced by popular manufacturers coincide or slightly differ from each other.

In order to install the two-way handle, the following tools will be required:

  • Drill with a set of metal drills;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • marker.

For details, see this video:

First, remove the inner product, acting as when replacing the broken handle. Remove the square core and drill d = 4 mm drill through a hole. The center of the opening should approximately coincide with the center of the core, now drill a hole with a drill d = 8 mm from the street side. Insert the square core, installed in the lock mechanism, we put on it to handle, now it is necessary to check the performance of the street "partner".

Installing a handle on a plastic door

To do this, turn the product several times. If the handle is freely rises and lowered, placing the marker of the seat under the self-tapping screw and drill the hole with the drill d = 2 - 3 mm. Fresh element with screws and at the end turn the decorative plug.

We return the inner handle and fix the plug. Now there is a guarantee that no one will close you on the balcony in winter strules.

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Repair the handle of the plastic door, install the lock or an additional outdoor will be able to each host with the simplest plumbing skills using the available tool.

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