List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels


Choosing a wallpaper in a construction store, you make a decision based on three main criteria: cost, beauty, practicality. Each criterion is important for us, but the priority of different people has their own, someone more important is the aesthetic side of the question, and their choice is vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis, and for someone defining factor is the cost, and they stop on plain paper.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Marking on wallpaper label in the form of icons highlighted in a red rectangle

Best of all before buying carefully consider wallpaper, touch them, listen to recommendations. Confirmation of the quality properties of the material will be special badges applied to the label of the wall of the wallpaper, and what they designate, we will now tell.


Very often, the label is applied to the label, which is responsible for the type and quality of the wallpaper material. Letter notation is shown from which wallpapers themselves are made.

  • A - acrylic wallpaper, more precisely paper wallpaper with acrylic foam applied from above.
  • B - Classic paper wallpapers: Duplex, simplex, washing.
  • VV - vinyl wallpapers created using foaming technology.
  • PV - vinyl wallpaper, past extra pressing, are called flat.
  • RV - vinyl wallpaper with distinct relief, vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis.
  • TKS - textile wallpapers, which contains fabric.
  • Page - wallpaper under painting are referred to as structural.
  • Stel - glassy, ​​wallpapers used exclusively under painting.

After the letter notation, usually goes a number of several icons. Each group of icons meets its criterion.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Summary table marking on wallpaper


Wavy lines on the wallpaper show the degree of their moisture resistance, these are long-adopted designations.

One wavy line defines the most insignificant moisture resistance. Such wallpapers are ready for contact with water only in the process of sticking. You can remove the residues of the wallpaper glue using a damp cloth and not worry about the safety of the wallpaper.

Two wavy lines show that the wallpaper is capable of carrying a small wet cleaning. Already after sticking wallpaper, in the process of their operation, it is possible to slightly wipe them with a soft sponge or a conventional wet rag from time to time. It is free to wipe, it is not necessary to put pressure on the decorative surface.

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List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Moisture resistance of wallpaper

Three wavy lines tell us that the wallpaper is even more tolerant to moisture. For carrying out wet cleaning in the room, placed such as wallpaper, is permissible to use a soap solution that will help remove dirt. But again, the wallpaper again is not allowed.

One wavy line and brush signalize us that in addition to moisture resistance, the wallpaper is capable of withstanding mechanical effects. In simple language, such wallpapers can not only wash with soap solution, but also slightly wipe off with a bristly coating.

Marking in the form of three wavy lines and brushes is applied to the strongest wallpapers. Such canvas and water are nicking and mechanical forces. In addition, when conducting cleaning work, it is permissible to use household chemicals, which easily removes the worst pollution. These wallpapers are optimally suitable for heavy cuisine.

The sun

Circles with rays resembling a gear symbolizes the sun, or rather the impact of sunlight on the wallpaper cloth.

It is clear that on the most burning wallpaper there is no labeling, if there is a minimum resistance to the light, then it is marked as half of the non-stained sun. Such wallpapers should not be glued in rooms where there is day lighting.

Half of the not painted sun symbolizes slightly large light-resistance, but the difference in these values ​​you will not feel, but you will see how you quickly burn out your wallpaper.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Stability of Wallpapers

The whole sun is applied to the label of mid-quality wallpapers, such canvases will not fall immediately, but will gradually lose the saturation of their paints. Such wallpapers are permissible to glue in rooms, where natural light is present from time to time.

The whole sun with the "+" sign placed in it tells us that the wallpaper is not at all afraid of sunlight and are ready to confront even direct sunlight. On modern vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin-based basis, it is often present that designation.

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Two Suns located on each other mean the highest degree of light-resistance. Such wallpapers are permissible to glue in any rooms with any lighting. For warm countries, such wallpaper is just a find.


Everything, probably, know that wallpapers are filled with and without, these characteristics are labeled with the arrow. Especially carefully need to study this icon on expensive vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis, since the number of rolls depends on the fit.

The lack of fitting is indicated as an arrow on one side of the line, and with the second zolik. This marking is applied to all monophonic wallpapers. But you should not immediately rejoice and clap your hands, to create a normal junction between the canvas still have to work.

If there are two arrows on the labeling, looking through the strip on each other, it means that the fit is present only in the horizontal direction, and it must be observed. If you do not pay attention to the drawing, it can move on different canvases, which will look ugly.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Fitting wallpaper

If the arrows are separated at different height, this means that wallpaper has a fitting horizontal. Glue such wallpaper, it is necessary to cut pieces of cloths with a margin, align them and stick together. A rather painstaking and complex process, but the result can be very good, especially if the jokes can be reduced normally.

If two arrows are drawn in different directions, then with the sticking of such wallpapers will have to do. The pieces of such wallpapers are glued in opposite directions, with a turn of each piece of 180 degrees.

In some cases, a fractional number is present in the marking, where the upper number indicates the height of the pattern, and the lower distance of its displacement. If we produce division, we get the size to which one lane of wallpaper will be shifted relative to the other on the wall.

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Another icon: with two parallel straight and one horizontal, means that the wallpaper is recommended to glue a mustache. Powing Wallpaper Machines in our time is rarely practiced.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Punching Vansel

Other designations

Application of glue is indicated by four icons:

  1. The first - in the form of a brush tells us that it is necessary to smear only the wall, it is used mainly for flieshelin-based wallpapers;
  2. The second is in the form of a bath with immersed wobbly blade that glue is already present on the wallpaper and only you need to twist;
  3. The third - in the form of a brush and wallpaper cannon gives us to understand that the wallpaper must be carefully lubricated;
  4. The fourth - in the form of a symbol is equal to a piece of wallpaper means that the use of special glue is assumed.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Work with glue

The designations of the next group are shown how easy the wallpaper is dismantled after long-term operation.

The icon in the form of a wall and the woven wallpapers appears on the labels of the rollers of modern canvases, which are easy to glue and easily removed. However, to remove the wallpaper you need to thoroughly moisten.

The icon in the form of a wall, wallpaper and arrows symbolizes that the wallpaper is departed from the wall with one layer.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Dismantling of wallpaper

The icon in the form of a wall, wallpaper and spatula, suggests that wallpaper will have to wet heavily before removal.

The icon in the form of a wall and multilayer wallpapers shows that you have to dismantle the wallpaper layer on the layer until we reach the wall.

The icon with the wall and two bending strips of wallpaper means that the wallpaper is made by embossing and have several layers.

List of designations on vinyl wallpaper labels

Embedded multi-layered wallpaper

The icon with a wall, piled up wallpaper, and a hammer, shows that the wallpaper is very durable, and for their removal it is necessary to damage them.

The marking is applied to all types of wallpaper: paper, vinyl on a flieslinic basis, glass. You can see it on the label, turning the roll in the hands.

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