Rabatka is not just a flowerbed from past times


Rabatka is not just a flowerbed from past times

Rabatka is a unique solution for your own country area.

People are not accustomed to operate with little-known names, but always complement the landscape with something interesting and attractive. From this point of view, one of the most striking solutions becomes the original flower bed, capable of eclipse with her own beauty even alpine slide.

It is worth meeting a variety of projects and work on the embodiment of your own dreams.

Flowers with proper forms

Rabatka is a long straight flower bed, although even she has features. The first mention of such flower beds appeared in the Roman Empire, when endless parks were decorated with their help.

Interestingly their use in pre-revolutionary Russia, where they were engaged in monks. They were grown in small monastic courtyards whole "Girling", placing therapeutic plants on them.

Designers regularly use similar flower beds in the landscape of the country area. The use of modern rules allows to achieve an extraordinary location of individual elements.

For this reason, the union of bright colors and classical forms gives fantastic results. When you want to surround yourself with unsurpassed shades, it is worth resorting to several principles.

Types of Rabatok

Rabatka - Original flower bed. Just counting such jewelry is impossible. Today, designers are used in the country areas of several types, which allows to achieve real brightness and overflow of paints.

Moreover, optimal placement adds new features to ordinary plants. After that, they become indispensable. What types should be allocated?

  • One-sided;
  • Bilateral;
  • Symmetric;
  • Asymmetric;
  • Intermittent.

The standard flower bed width is 0.5-2 meters, and the length can reach 10 meters. Such indicators are designed on the basis of various examples, but this does not mean that there are any restrictions.

Rabatka is not just a flowerbed from past times

Experienced gardeners are committed to creating fabulous flower beds, located all over the entire area of ​​the site. This option is distinguished by its complex construction and perfectly combined with other vegetation.


One-sided flower beds are used most often. They differ from traditional plantings with different levels of colors at the edges. Salting them into several tiers, people manage to get one high side, and the second - low. This combination allows you to freely allocate individual parts of the country area, making the landscape original.

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Multi-tiered design is an attractive solution. Taking advantage of several different types of colors, it is possible to achieve a useful highness ratio.

Choosing this option, the easiest way to surround the remote sites and tracks, as well as surround your own house with unprecedented paints. After that, designers often refuse decorative elements, preferring to independently seek shine in a natural way.


Double-sided flower beds - a bright solution for fence tracks. Such a charter is perfect for complex landscape design, but it should be based on several rules.

Most often, this species is characterized by one or two tiers, supporting the same pleasant sensations on all parties. Do not refer to multi-tiered construction, as it can destroy the desired combination of paints.

Double-sided flower beds remain one of the rarests, since their need for country sites is refuted by even experienced designers. They prefer to use them in rare cases, refusing to the ambiguous evaluation of heavy care. If the dacket truly loves flower beds, he should break the next beauty right under its windows. After that, he wants to enjoy the view again and again.


Symmetric flower beds are an interesting solution that is common in the urban landscape. Designers work on flower beds, carefully selecting shades, height and popping of plantings.

Due to this, they manage to create elegant flower beds that turn into whole paintings. In the country areas, they also appear in the center of the selected sites or lawns, becoming a real decoration. Moreover, multi-tier systems turn out to be the best solution.

The shape of flower beds can be different, but it is built on the basis of standard geometric shapes. An excellent example is concentric circles where the highest plants are located in the center, and at the edges - low.

Although professionals work on extraordinary projects, trying to abandon all traditions. Moreover, it is possible to rely on the altitude, and on shades.

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Asymmetric flower beds are the most free form of flower bed. A beautiful chassis does not always obey some principles. In this case, you can refuse the correct ratio of tiers or colors. It is enough to rely on your own wishes and choose bright plants.

The refusal of symmetric forms is dictated by the need to frame complex elements or separation of free areas. Taking advantage of this kind, the designer is able to work wonders.

He has the ability to gradually unite individual parts or move from home to tracks. Because of what you do not have to resort to working with large shrubs.


Intermittent flower beds at their length exceed 10 meters. They are needed in large parks or when creating a complex landscape. Blowing up colorful row, you can make small transitions or turns.

The fabulous brightness is possible even on a small area, because you can always make several bends, moving from one part of the country area to another.

Rabatka is not just a flowerbed from past times

Professionals are resorted to such species, as they provide sufficient freedom of placement. Flowers can be separated by short tracks or medium bushes, in any case they remain colorful. The surrounding space will immediately be filled with light and warmth, able to conquer the most demanding dacities. They will probably find several plants that always want to see in front of the windows at home.

Indispensable decoration of the country area

Rabatka is an indispensable natural decor of the country area. People enjoy the flower beds for a long time, preferring to refuse artificial sculptures and forms. It is much more practical to take advantage of natural colors who are conquering a heart at first sight.

The main principle was the possibility of a complex organization of tiers making a landscape with real art.

Do not think that the flower bed appears after planting colors. To ensure true beauty and combination of shades, you will have to spend a lot of time.

Turning to the types of structures, you can note a wide selection that allows you to achieve ideal results in a short time. After that, for six months, a fabulous landscape hides the irregularities of the soil and shortcomings to the person's eyes.

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Prepared by the site MOREIDEI.ru.

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