Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video


Crochet is gaining popularity every day. In this article, we offer you to tie simple, but very beautiful variants of hexagons with crochet, the schemes will help make them faster and better. Such blanks are perfect for sewing slippers or socks, blankets, pillows and other products. The most important thing is to hold one color palette.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Simple hexagon

At the beginning of the article, let's look at how the simplest hexagon for beginners is being done.

For work, you will need a hook at number 4, the yarn of medium thickness. The conventions for those who do not know: air loop - VP, a column without Nakida - a failover, a column with Nakid - CH, connecting column - ss.

The first four air loops are connected to the ring using the SS. In the first row we need to do three VP and 11 CH. Secure the circle is needed to SS into the highest VP. In total, the first row is a circle of 12 columns.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

You can continue knitting the same thread, and you can connect another color thread. Series number 2 fit on the following scheme. In the first loop: two VP, one CH. In the following loops to the end of the row: one VP, two CH with a total vertex. Ultimately, 12 pairs of columns, 12 arches should be obtained.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

In a number of number 3, it turns out such a design: from 1 arch from the second row, 12 groups of 3 CH are accumulated. The technology is exactly the same, but with some deviations: 3 VP, 2 CH in the first loop, and then 1 VP, 3 CH.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

In the fourth row, they inspire three VP, and 1 ss in the preceding VP.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Closer look:

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

In the last fifth row, they see 3 VP, 2 CH in the same arch; 2 V.P. (It will be an angular arch) and 3 CH in the same arch. It turned out the first angle of the hexagon. 3 CH in the next. The arch of 3 VP, which was in 4 row, then 3 CH, 2 V.P., 3 CH in the next. Arch of the three previous VP, 3 CH in the next. Arch. Such a scheme knit until the end of the row.

Article on the topic: How to make paper shurikens with your own hands, video, photo

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hexagonal snowflake

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Six VP connect to the ring. 1 row: 2VP - CH together with lifting loop; We repeat 2VP - 2 CH with one vertex, at the end of the SS.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

2 row: the SS into the arch from the VP of the bottom row, 2 VP, it is to combine with lifting loops of one vertex, 2 VP - 2 CH repeat to the end of the row, the SS.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

3 Row: As well as the first two points of the past row, but at the end instead of two 1 CH, 3 VP - 2 CH with a total vertex, 3 VP to the arch from the preceding VP. Sequence: 3 VP, 2 CH with total. Vers., 3 VP, 2 CH with Society. Levels., 3 VP, IF, repeat to the end of the row. Then 3 VP, SS.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Further weaving is shown in this scheme:

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

African flower

We also suggest familiarizing yourself with the "African Flower" hexagon knitting scheme:

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

And see the schemes of creating other colors:

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Comfortable slippers

Knitting hexagons is very often used for slippers. All you need is to connect the sole and three hexagons of the desired size. Next, we connect them as shown in the photo, and then by the letter x, which is depicted in the picture.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

We fasten with the sole, and slippers are ready.

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Hook Hexagon: Scheme for beginners with photos and video

Video on the topic

And at the end of the article we offer to see a selection of video lessons for knitting a hexagon crochet. And do not forget the main rule - see, inspire and create!

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