Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself


Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Heating on the "Warm floor" system is already applied for a long time and manifests itself well. But often the water system is used, and for some rooms, where the carpet or carpet, such a type of heating is not very suitable, so you need to use more modern materials.

We are talking about electrical and infrared warm floors. Such a warm floor under the carpet is perfectly suitable and it has a lot of advantages compared to the water system.

Types of warm floors

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

To date, there are many different types of warm floors, but if we talk about how best to apply for a warm floor under the carpet, then you need to highlight all possible options and varieties:

  • water heating;
  • Electric heating;
  • infrared heating;
  • Mobile floors;

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Use for water floor only high-quality equipment

Warm floor system is often used in private homes or in apartments where there is an autonomous heating system. But such a system is not recommended for installation in apartments. What features of such heating, if carpets should be at it:

  1. Gradually increases the temperature of heating. Any temperature leaps negatively affects the quality of the carpet and other similar products. Special if the coating is made of low-grade materials. In this case, deformation and spraint begins.
  2. Heat carriers in the pipes are always in motion - this means that overheating can not be, but the coverage may occur in the places of their formation.

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Cable electric floor allows you to easily adjust heating

Cable or electric warm floor under carpets is better suited. The main advantage of the system is the ability to regulate the temperature, as well as the system allows you to quickly warm the area.

For example, if for carpet, the best mode is to heat up to 25 degrees, you can put the necessary indicators and be sure that the temperature will remain on the same level in automatic mode.

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The second positive factor is uniform heating of the entire floor, for floors and coatings on them, this is the perfect combination. If the coating can become a deformed water circuit, then this will not happen to the electrical system.

But it is necessary to allocate several negative sides:

  1. Fast warning throughout the area can significantly reduce the quality of the carpet.
  2. Consumes a large amount of electricity.

Infrared warm floors can be attributed to electric because the energy carrier is electricity, but according to the technical parameters, such a system is considered as a separate group.

Modern types of warm sex

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Works an IR system simply. Electricity enters the strips of graphite that there is between a pair of films, and they are already warm and give heat due to infrared rays.

All items that fall on the paths of the rays are also warming up.

They allow them to allocate heat.

Air from such a film warm floor will not warm up.

The advantage of such a heated carpet is:

  1. Uniform warming of all coverage due to which the carpet does not lose its shape.
  2. Ik rays are considered gentle heat. This allows you to overheat the system.
  3. Those who use heated carpets can at any time control the temperature due to the thermostat. About how half it is better to choose, look in this video:

Previously, any carpet covering without fear could be treated earlier on such a warm floor, which it will be spoiled. But today the mobile floor is used more often, which is made specifically for carpets.

Mobile warm floors are the same IR system. True, the IR system needs a certain installation and is a stationary system, and the mobile floor was named due to its "tolerability."

Visually - these are small transparent panels to which you can put the carpet material. Used system in any room at discretion. When moving to another housing, your warm floor and carpet can be collapsed and pick up.

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Mobile warm floors are produced in several sizes

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The advantages of such technology belongs:

  1. The ability to heat certain areas of the house, not all structure.
  2. There is no complicated installation procedure. The panels are deployed in the right place, and the selected coating is placed on them, after which it connects to the outlet.
  3. The quality of coatings does not deteriorate.
  4. Large selection of gabarites panels. It is possible to order individual sizes.
  5. The temperature can be adjusted by analogy with other warm floors.

Many are interested, whether it is possible to drain on the warm floors of linoleum or laminate. To answer the question, you should familiarize yourself with the material itself, as well as permissible standards for heating. There are coatings in which the temperature value cannot exceed 30 degrees, and there are 40 degrees withstand. After reading the material and choosing the appropriate option, it can be seized independently, but no one will give 100% guarantees that it will not lose color or will not change his form. For more information about mobile warm floors under the carpet, see this video:

More expedient for warm floors to use carpets and tiles.

Independent installation of IR films

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Ribbons of films stitched with each other clamps

Each person can make a carpet with heated without any special problems. This will require:

  1. IR film from 50 to 80 cm.
  2. Set of connecting clips.
  3. Insulator.
  4. Film for thermal insulation without foil.
  5. A pair of film sets for a parobacker.
  6. Temperature regulator.
  7. Wire with a fork for operation.

Collect the warm floor under the carpet with their own hands on the free square of the room. Initially, the parobararier and the film of thermal insulation are stacked. Scissors cut the IR film on the desired size and stacked over insulating materials. For more information on the installation of IR films, see this video:

Ribbons of the film, which conduct the current, must be connected in parallel and bore the clamps with each other. All contact groups for rigidity are isolated glue. Other parts: Film, regulator and wire with a fork are connected to a single integer and are included in the outlet to test the performance. If everything works properly, it is necessary to put on top of the carpet system with heating the parobarrier and the carpet itself or carpet.

It is not recommended to use carpet covers too thick. Otherwise, heat will remain under the coating.

Warm floor under the carpet: how to make it yourself

Of all possible types of warm floors, the best solution will be the IR heating system.

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It can make the optimal load on the coating. For apartments and cottages, it is better to use mobile systems.

If in a private house, accommodation will be permanent, and autonomous heating is installed, the optimal choice is the floor with water circuit.

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