Crochet Wave Pattern Dress


Dress with crochet pattern of the wave you can tie with your own hands according to the attached scheme. Very stylish dresses are tied with a crocheted wave pattern using two colors of thin silk yarn. Below you will see a pattern of knitting pattern taken from the Japanese magazine. With a knitting scheme you should not have any problems, since I make conditional designations. Good luck to you!

Summer dress "Waves" pattern of black and red yarn, with the addition of silk yarn of blue shades. An additional yarn fit every second row, knits with columns without Nakid. That is, the top of the dress is associated with red yarn with the addition of blue threads in each even row, the bottom of the dress, skirt, is connected by black yarn with the addition of blue threads in each second row.

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

Very beautiful summer evening dress "Waves" pattern from silk yarn of two colors - lilac and blue.

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

Crochet Wave Pattern Scheme:

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

Decoding scheme, symbols:

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

The wave pattern can also be associated summer top. Agree - it looks very stylish and originally, right?

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

The scheme uses conditional notation:

The columns without Nakid, the columns with one nakid, the triggers with a triple nakid and air loop.

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

Crochet Wave Pattern Dress

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