Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo


Not everyone boasts the presence of spacious kitchen. And I want even a kitchenette and beautiful, and comfortable. This can be achieved, knowing some techniques that are used in their work professional designer developers. The design of a small kitchen is an individual and the concept of "small" rather tensile - it can be 4-5 squares, and 6-8 squares. The form is also a square and a rectangle, the location of the door and windows - all this affects the development of the planning. So all the ideas of "trying to try" for your kitchen.

General rules for the design of small premises

Let's start with the choice of color gamut. For small rooms it is desirable to use muffled, unsaturated colors. The lighter decoration, the more crushing the kitchen seems. The second tip for color decoration is no more than two colors. A bright multi-fission will overload a small volume and will "put pressure". In such a room, you will not spend a long time, but if you consider that hostesses have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, it will be tired. Therefore, choose two unsaturated colors and try to squeeze all of them. How - see in the photo.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

White color in combination with chrome surfaces, grinds furniture massive

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Combination of shades of beige gamut and white - classic design of small kitchens

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Too bright color on a small kitchen - introvert too "heavy"

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

The floor and decoration of lockers in the kitchen are made in one color. Border as if blurred

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Another example of white-beige design

The next secret concerns the type of paints used and surfaces. Furniture and wall covering are preferably monophonic and with a gloss. At least a light whirlpool is very desirable: the surfaces are reflected in the surfaces surrounding items and space visually expands.

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Patterns are preferably not used. If I really want, then in very limited quantities and inadvertd, and barely pronounced. All contrast combinations "eaten" the volume, because of which the room will seem even less.

Window design

The small kitchen will have to abandon the ruffles and multilayer curtains. The perfect option is Japanese, Roman or rolled curtains. In some interiors, blinds are suitable. If you really want to have a curtain, then only the lung and with a minimum of assemblies, and better - in general without them. And close the room from strangers can be the same rolled curtains.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Roll curtains on the window - a great solution for a small area kitchen

In colors, all too: one of the shades present in the design or their combination. If the kitchen turned out to be very monochner, you can hang a bright chart on the window, and put a couple of things of the same color.

What to make floor

It will be about choosing a color, not the material. As you understood, probably one of the tricks is to make the floor and the doors of the outdoor lockers of the same color. In this case, the boundary is lost between the wall and the floor and even a very small kitchen is visually perceived as more spacious.

If this option does not particularly please you, you can pick up the color of the floor covering in the tone of the table top or finishing the furniture headset. You remember that the design of a small kitchen prescribes to use no more than two colors. So the choice is not particularly great: to make a very bright floor or a little darker, but in the same range. Dark floor in tone table top you see in the photo above, and light - in the photo below.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Light interior and a pair of accents in brown - small kitchen seems more spacious

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Approximately so, with the help of different textures and colors can be made more voluminous room. But the most difficult task is to arrange all the kitchen appliances and furniture in a small space. Yes, so that it is convenient and the interior was not overloaded. This task is solved by the competent layout of furniture.

Furniture for small kitchen

Our life is constantly over with new and new gadgets. What was before in the kitchen? Plate and refrigerator. Today, the microwave is added to them, it is often added to the kitchen, often put a washing machine, those who do not like to wash the dishes - also a dishwasher. And still need an oven, and without the kitchen combine - nowhere. Plus a coffee grinder or coffee machine, bread maker, a slow cooker, a mixer, a blender ... and this is not a complete list. All this needs to be delivered somewhere, and so that it is convenient.

Small tricks

One of the options is to arrange the microwave and oven (if any) one over the other in a high closet, which are also called penalties. Below can be displayed drawers in which another technique will be stored, and above can make a cabinet for dishes or equipment, which is used infrequently.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

High wardrobe can accommodate a lot of equipment

Even the most insignificant area should be used. For example, often between the refrigerator and the wall remains a distance of about 10 cm wide. Well, how to use it? Make a retractable locker for spices or other trifles.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

You can even use a distance of 10 cm.

In order to save place, in the kitchenettes you can make cabinets, the doors of which open not to the sides, as we are used to, but drive up. Such accessories is quite expensive, but saves quite a lot of space.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Doors in furniture can open up

And in general, storage systems allow you to use each centimeter square. Of course, they cost money, because the work provides compact mechanisms that give such functionality.

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Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Another option of the window chassis

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

The windowsill turns into the table

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the surface of the window sill was at the same level as the working surfaces of the kitchen cabinets. They can have different heights, and the shelves resulting in this can be used.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Height difference can be used as shelves

The second option is a folding table device. It can be attached to the same window sill, make a retractable worktop that leaves the table covers, you can attach a folder to the free side face of the desktop. In, general, a simplicity in circumstances. Several options in the photo gallery.

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Stools can be folded one to another

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Interesting solution))

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Transparent can be not only the table, but also chairs

The design of a small kitchen is detached of the smallest. It is they who form not only its appearance, but they are responsible for how convenient hostesses will cook.

Little Kitchen Design: Photo Ideas

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

Ideas for small cuisine: tips on design, photo

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