"Bright story on a bottle cut" [History of creating miracle chandeliers from the subscriber]


I will tell you a small story that is based on feelings, ideas that these feelings generate and results that are obtained from creation with feeling!

So, it all started from the request of my lover to help her make several bottles cuts, for the manufacture of the lamp, in which these cut bottles will perform the role of plafones. And so that I have an idea of ​​what is going on, I showed me a selection of photos on the Internet already ready lamps and chandeliers, told that she had long wanted to have such a thing in the subject of his interior, the place to install the lamp lacked me a free screen in an open closet which is made of array. After that, after a while I took a package with bottles that she picked up for these purposes from all sorts of drinks and oils, they were different forms, some drinks were bought because of the bottle, or rather because of her form, different Glass colors, on some bottles there were already labels for cuts made by her most likely glass cutter, and from now on, the process of thinking, how to cut it all, plus it really wanted to make the perfect, smooth and beautiful cut of each bottle.

I spent a lot of time looking through all kinds of ways to cut the bottle exactly, but I decided yet in my own way: I bought a diamond disk for cutting a porcelain book and with the help of the Bulgarian I began to saw bottles. In the beginning, it seemed to me that the method was magnificent and fast, but already when sawing the second bottle, I saw that this method has a lot of minuses: a lot of chips, the appearance of cracks on the glass, which often led to the fact that the bottle had to be disposed of, during the cutting disk Inevitably leaves small solids.

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In order for me to get rid of me on debt, rotational movements rub every bottle on large emery paper, washing a layer thick to a centimeter. And after, reducing the grain of the sandwich, to make a slice smooth and smooth. The process of time consuming, but I was fascinated by a great desire to make a magnificent surprise for my charming muse, which always inspires me and wild interest to the fact that it will turn out.

From the moment about two weeks have passed since the start, and nine cuts were ready, whose quality I was very pleased. It is time to make layout of plafones, how all this will be awesome, to which it was attached, in general I made a lot of requirements for a future chandelier. In addition to what she should look spectacularly, it should be:

  • safe and convenient for service and operation
  • safe and easy for mounting
  • Energy consumption
  • General heating
  • etc.

And while my dear was on a business trip in St. Petersburg, it began! Night, I spent posting future plaphones on a dryer for linen, imagining how everything will look like, I want to say that there was a lot of amazing ideas that I am still a little later, I still stopped on what the result you see.

The next two days I spent by searching for the search and selection of components and assembling future plafimons. The light of my chandelier in my opinion was to be defined (have brightness adjustment). In general, the main task was to surprise my commaed bee for which I already bored.

I chose the basis for fastening, making a package of two sheets, in the upper sheet it was possible to accurately place and connect all the wiring, and the bottom sheet was very interesting, with the final fitting and adjustment of the lengths and positioning of wires and plafones, I simultaneously reflect on the basis of the base , Wanting to paint it, then in the gray color of the cabinet shelves, then leave it wooden-started lacquer.

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And then I suddenly remembered a friend who, with the help of a laser, performs engraving on the tree and drawing drawings. Memory automatically issued one of my favorite photos with my beloved. And Sedlazed Motorcycle, after 40 minutes I stood with the workpiece at the door of the production of magic on the tree.

A few more days passed, my dear returned from a business trip home, and choosing a sunny day to install the chandelier with her, it all started. Earlier, I told her that the chandelier was almost ready and would need to choose time for its installation, but she had not yet seen her. And while she went shopping, and after it was engaged in the kitchen prepare a delicious dinner, I installed the chandelier in the hall. The result was so much delightful that it was shook every cell in my body, and my dear one was sitting around and could not tear the eye from the chandelier, so much stylishly and beautifully it turned out! All new ideas and inspiration!

This story sent us Mikhail Esyukov. For what a huge thank him! If you also want your article to be published in our journal, and even get a win for this, participation rules -> here

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