Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself


Have you ever done finishing window slopes with your own hands? I, yes, and I want to say that I did not like shuffling. Not that it looks ugly, just the process of installing a long and very laborious. I want to use a faster option, which can be done with your own hands. Friend advised me to make slopes with sandwiches. According to him, this is a quick and easy way that does not require special efforts or skills. Immediately after that, I began to look for me the information you need, which I now want to share with you.

Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Finishing of slopes

Now the technology does not stand still and are constantly being improved. One of these innovations is set by sandwichpanels. Having enough advantages, the panels are becoming increasingly popular with every day, and their installation is even inexperienced newcomer.

Properties of material

Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Plastic slopes from sandwich panels

The device of standard panels looks like a sheet, the outer side of which is solicular PVC, internal - sheet polystyrene, the interior is the insulation. That is why this option was called the American Word - a sandwich panel. They are different from the material of the facing side, and the installation remains the same for any kind.

Important! In the people of the slopes of the sandwich call - warm slopes. This is due to the insulation, which is present in the panel.

When you already presented for yourself what it is, I will tell you about their advantages:

  • Despite its popularity, they remain available for everyone due to their reasonable price.
  • This is not just a building element, it is still an independent device that has its own package.
  • The inner place is filled with mineral wool or foamed polystyrene - this indicates the non-combustible design.
  • Excellent indicators of thermal insulation, as well as additional sound insulation is achieved with their help.
  • This method of finishing is durable and durable.
  • If you perform installation with your own hands, then you need to accurately follow the installation technology. In this case, the resistance to moisture and mold will be at a high level.

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Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Sandwich panels for decoration

For those who decided to change the windows in their home or apartment, and set the slopes with their own hands, I will give advice: you need to wait at least 24 hours after installing windows and only to separate the slopes with a sandwich panels. The advantage of the installation of a sandwich in front of the plaster is that in the installation of hands does not require painting skills and is a clear way.

An important is not only the correct installation of slopes, but also something to cut the panels. Plastic elements are better cutting with a circular saw of plastic or aluminum. At the same time, the small step of the teeth can perfectly cope with the task. In addition, it is necessary to cut the material at a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius - if you do not comply with the temperature regime, it may be chips on the cutting line of the cutting of the shock viscosity. If there is a decoration of Sandwich PVC panels, you can cut many tools. But the most optimal left of the metal is left, it is possible on a tree. Cut is needed face up and with a small angular slope. You can cut at your own fear and risk and the grinder, but a little overwhelming with pressure, the panel can break.

Getting to install

Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Finishing of slopes of windows Sandwich panels

Suns with sandwich panels will be quite simple if you adhere to the rules and sequences of actions. Even if there is no experience in finishing the slopes with their own hands, then you do not need to be afraid of this work. Before starting installation, you need to prepare tools and materials, you will need:

  1. Sandwich panel - from which material to acquire, you choose yourself
  2. Starting profile
  3. F profile
  4. Liquid plastic is used as desired
  5. Roulette and knife
  6. Screwdriver with self-drawing, screwdriver and drill - the latter is probably in every home.

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Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Slopes from sandwich panels in the panel house

I have already said that it is necessary to make installation at least one day after installing new windows. Using roulette, it is necessary to make measurements and cut the panels for side and upper slopes. An unnecessary pieces of the mounting foam are cleaned with a knife and the installation of the start-up profile begins using self-tapping screws. Screw them with a gap of 10-15 cm. Do not forget that the top profile is first fastened, and then the side must be shied tightly with the top. Next, proceed to the installation of slopes of the sandwichboard, it is inserted into the profile grooves. By the same scheme start from the top slope.

Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Finishing plastic slopes

Next there are two options:

  • The first - on top and bottom insert pieces of the starting profile in the vertical bar, and then in these grooves enter the side panels.
  • The second is simply attached to the jack with a window sill and the upper slope, after which the gaps overlap with liquid plastic.

When this stage is completed, it remains to give the discovery finished look. For this, f profile uses, it must be fixed at the edges of the beam sandwich. For additional thermal insulation of the emptiness of the inter-endwich, the canvas and the wall are filled with the mounting foam - no inconvenience does not bring this process, as it is very easy to dismantle the f profile. After filling out voids, the bar is returned to the place.

Fast installation of slopes from sandwich panels do it yourself

Plastic slopes from sandwich panels on the balcony unit

Another advice! Cut the F profile is better after installation - for this, it is attached to the penetration and then the cut line is planned using a pencil. Thus, you can achieve maximum docking planks.

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