What is the purple color in the interior


Proper use purple color in the interior is not so simple. It is very active and bright, so it is necessary to select not only suitable colors, but also be neat with tones and even textures.

Purple color and its shades

Violet is obtained by mixing red and blue. Depending on the predominance of one or another color, we get different shades - either warm or cold. In the palette of lilac shades there are such popular colors: purple, purple, blackberry, eggplant, indigo, amethyst, fuchsia, lavender and even more than a dozen other. Even if you decide to make a monochrome design - only in purple tones - it will not be boring, as many different shades, well-complementing each other.

What is the purple color in the interior

Basic shades of purple

What is the purple color in the interior

The name of the shades of violet in English

What is the purple color in the interior

Friendly shades of gamma

What is the purple color in the interior

Shades of purple varying degrees of "dilution"

What is the purple color in the interior

Light shades of purple gamut colors

Purple color "in pure form" - bright and rich. It brings notes of grace, wealth, stability. But use it in the interior as the main one is too risky. It turns out too "heavy" furnishings. Stylish, elegant, but ... running quickly and far away.

What is the purple color in the interior

Purple color in the interior: stylish, solid, but ... you need to try to stay in such a room

This does not mean that the purple color in the interior is not worth using. If you like it, it is very worth it. Just need special techniques, dosed use of bright, saturated colors, more to give preference to light or pastel colors and shades.

What is the purple color in the interior

Beautiful, but not for model apartments and not for cloudy weather

The main rule - with dark and rich shades should be neat, they look too gloomy in our latitudes. Few regions of our country can boast the abundance of sunny days "not in summer." Saturated purple or lilac - too gloomy for cloud weather. In addition, for typical apartments with low flows and not too spacious premises, they are too patoxy. So you will have to choose, most likely, from bright, pastel or, maybe bright.

What colors are combined

White, black and gray - these colors are out of competition, as compatible with any color. This is the base with which you will not be wrong. In purple gamma there is such a shade - purple. It is more red in it, so other shades are combined with him. The most successful combinations of purple with other colors are as follows:

  • Red and blue . May be present together or separately. Purple color in the interior is better to combine with raspberry and coral and other clean red shades. The blue should be muffled or light. Purple wins next to bright pink and fuchsia, muted shades of red, but the blue should be "clean." Not necessarily bright, but without gray impurities.

    What is the purple color in the interior

    Red, blue, turquoise - they all look great as accents and not only

  • Green . From the green gamma is best combined with purple turquoise and its shades, the color of the sea wave. Purple is combined with malachite, olive, green apple color.
  • Yellow . Purple is better combined with a pure yellow (egg yolk), suitable and other pure tones. It wins from combinations with gold, copper, brass color. For purpura, it is better to choose ocher-yellow-orange tones.

    What is the purple color in the interior

    Yellow with purple - winning combination

  • Beige . It is best to add sandy and cream. They will great allocate and slightly "muffled" the dominant purple color.

If we talk about combining with wood, it will be excellent to look at the breed of warm - yellowish and orange - tones. Oaks are also suitable in natural color and dark shades of the type of moraine oak, wenge, etc. The texture and color of the wood balance even bright, active tones. In case there are more than one, they will not be too screaming. So in rooms with wooden trim, purple is very appropriate.

Tables combined with purple colors

All of the above clearly illustrate the colors of the colors. They allow you to visually appreciate what you expect when the interior is cleaned using this combination. In such tables there are combinations of two, three and four colors. They can be friendly (are in the spectrum nearby), contrasting (in opposite ends of the color circle), and can be simply different shades of one color.

What is the purple color in the interior

Classic combinations of violet with other flowers

For self-development of the interior, it is better not to take more than three shades. This does not mean that only they must be present in the design. These are added to them in any quantity - white, black, gray, wood.

From white and "wooden" not going anywhere and they are almost always present. This is the floor and ceiling, window frames and some other decor and design elements. Gray and black is not in all interiors, but they are also frequent guests. So even if you choose a double composition from the table, "in Real" you will have four or six colors. More than enough for one interior. Even more - and there will be a motley of the messenger.

What is the purple color in the interior

If you want something bougar, but with purple

If the created interior will seem too restrained you, it is easy to refresh with a pair of bright details that are easily changed: pillows, curtains, paintings, vases, other little things. It is these "little things" and give life and sound design. And with their help it is easy to change the "mood" of the room.

Terms of Use

Purple can be used in the interior of any destination: in the living room, bedroom (adult and children's), in the kitchen, in the bathroom. To speak in general, it is desirable to supplement it with flickering textures, alternate satin, glossy, matte surfaces. It is very good, he shall be filled with metal glitter, mirrors and bright, but "warm" light of lamps.

What should be a lot in the purple interior, so it is light. Warm lighting favorably shall with deep tones and emphasizes the color of "diluted" shades.

What is the purple color in the interior

Purple color in the bedroom style minimalism

What is the purple color in the interior

Art Deco is also friendly with this gamma

What is the purple color in the interior

Pop art and purple a few shades as additional colors (in combination with yellow and turquoise)

What is the purple color in the interior

Gold and purple color - classic combination in the classic interior

What is the purple color in the interior

Provence and purple or lilac tones. This combination can be seen in almost any interior of this style.

It is very diverse color. It is appropriate in the classic interior (matte surfaces, calm shades), ethnic - type "Provence" - bright, pastel colors, in modern and fashionable interiors like High-tech, pop art, art deco, minimalism (bright colors, shiny surfaces ). Here is such a universal color. But designers use it carefully: it is too demanding for combinations and materials. It is necessary to accurately and gently pick up not only the colors, but also the degree of brightness, and the texture of the surface.

As the main color of the interior

If you love the purple color and want to use it as the main one, it is better to choose bright or pastel shades. Saturated and bright as the main too "heavy". As additional or accent, they are ideal, and in large quantities too "pressure" and oppress. Dark shades, of course, can be diluted with yellow and soften with wooden products. The interior will be stable and solid, but it will still be somewhat "heavy".

What is the purple color in the interior

Even with bright lighting it turns out gloomy ... and in a cloudy autumn ...

Lighter - light purple, glycinium, salmon - diluted white paint - this effect does not give. Pastel (muffled gray) is also not so "shipped" space. Here they are good as the main color.

What is the purple color in the interior

In the living room you can use as the main (for walls, textiles, etc.) Purple or pastel light shades

Depending on the selected combination, it can be different by mood. Design: from calm and restrained, to mischievous and bright. It depends on the selected colors components. If you add the interior with calm gray, beige, white, it turns out a discreet interior. Not cold, namely discreet. With bright accents (and there are a lot of such combinations, much more than calm) is "warm" and active atmosphere. In the nursery or in the kitchen, even in the living room, it is very good, but for the bedroom it does not fit this option. Although if you need energy, then why not.

As additional

Popular today Reception Interior design is an accent wall. For these purposes, violet is what is needed. Bright, self-sufficient, he himself does not remain outside the zone of attention, and emphasizes the advantages of the primary color. This technique is used in bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens. Practically in any residential or technical room of an apartment or at home. In the question of such registration in the hallway and the corridor - they are usually too small in the area and "upload" them is not the best solution.

What is the purple color in the interior

Accent purple wall in the bedroom. Reception one, but because of various concomitant colors "Mood" interior Miscellaneous

As an additional, lilac and its shades can be used in furniture upholstery, curtains, carpets. This is a great way to revive the room originally decorated in white, beige or gray gamma.

What is the purple color in the interior

Add lilac accents for "revival"

To the purple, lilac sofa or a banquette, add a couple of bright pillows and other small parts turquoise or not too bright red, and the interior will be an aristocratic, stylish, but at the same time, clearly unknown. If you add more yellow, it turns out even more joyfully and bright. On aristocratic restraint, there is no little much, but it is clearly felt by the expressiveness and originality of the inhabitants.

What is the purple color in the interior

With yellow details cheerful

Moreover, as you can see, this technique is triggered both with saturated violet, and with not too bright, muted lilac. Only tone yellow different. This is also worth considering. And even note that the velvety texture wins. This can be seen even in the photo, and "in real life" is so easy to face.

Purple accents

Purple accents are ideal. It is "friendly" with beautiful shades of red, blue, green, yellow gamut. If you use them as accent, you can revive any decor. Moreover, you can create both home and salon atmosphere. It all depends on the style of additions.

What is the purple color in the interior

Supplements make "mood" interior

Also, as velvety surfaces in the furniture upholstery look in a lilac or purple, also a soft muffled brilliance of a cloth or a pearl is appropriate in additions or around them. A slightly flashing surface of a frame or a silk pillow, favorably shall with "simple" fabrics and matte surfaces.

Where to use

Purple color looks good in any room. But when using the colors of this gamut, it is necessary to closely relate not only to the selection of color, but even the shade. How light it will be light or bright.

What is the purple color in the interior

Texture, texture, shade - everything important

Similarly, shades of all other colors in the interior are important. The slightest mismatch contributes dissonance and "scratches" the eye. There are also invoices. Matte, velvet, glossy, pearls. All these nuances significantly change the perception of any shade of this gamma. Consequently, it is necessary to select all other colors / textures / shades. That is why designers with this gamma are not like to mess around - they are too demanding. Much time goes on the selection of smallest things.

In the bathroom

In the bathroom purple does not allow to form a "sterile" interior. Even if the flooring from the floor to the ceiling is separated by tiles with a glossy surface. Warm shades do not give warmth and comfort and in such a room I want to be.

What is the purple color in the interior

Purple, red and pale lilac. With mostly white and beige

What is the purple color in the interior

Bathroom in lilac - plant ornaments are always in Trendland

What is the purple color in the interior

Slightly gloomy, but youth like

What is the purple color in the interior

Different shades, Miscellaneous Mood

What is the purple color in the interior

Ideas for stylish bathroom in lilac

The combinations are described above: the main color is white, beige, bright shades of the same gamma, light gray. Accents can be placed with the help of red or small black fragments, other bright or not very combined colors. If you want more glamor and pompous, you can add gilding, copper. Metallized parts will give more technocratism.

In the kitchen

Another technical room in our apartments and houses is a kitchen. Purple color in the kitchen interior meets not very often, at least looks modern and relevant. When using glossy facades and saturated shades, it can be a high-tech style or a modern style close to it. Accents in this case are packed either in black or metallic.

Soft lilac shades in matte facades are appropriate in Provence, classic. There are classic combinations: with white, yellow, olive. In such interiors, you can often see floral ornaments and prints. They give the kitchen comfort.

What is the purple color in the interior

Gentle lilac with white create a very cozy atmosphere in the kitchen

What is the purple color in the interior

In combination with yellow, it turns out very sunny and joyfully

What is the purple color in the interior

Two sufficiently bright shades are balanced by wooden floors and a light beige warmned wall

What is the purple color in the interior

Glossy facades look stylish

What is the purple color in the interior

Purple and lilac with black and white kitchen apron

What is the purple color in the interior

And here, the silky texture is very changing perception

What is the purple color in the interior

For bright mood

What is the purple color in the interior

Stylized flowers in the kitchen of lilac color - to create a soft interior bol

What is the purple color in the interior

Photo after all too heavy

What is the purple color in the interior

Many clean and beautiful shades in purple gamme

What is the purple color in the interior

Beige and "Metal" perfectly complement

What is the purple color in the interior

With black or dark gray, it turns out gloomy ...

You can use lilac and purple in the kitchen when making an apron or an accent wall. Excellent it looks with a panel with vegetable motifs. Photo too "shipping" kitchen room, and stylized flowers look very stylish.

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