Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide


Recently, models of sliding doors are greatly popular. Their main convenience is a way to open on the parties. Thus the space of the room is saved, which is very convenient in small apartments.

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Retractable door installation circuit.

I would like to note that the installation of sliding doors is also quite relevant and the installation of the sliding doors with your own hands, because it allows not only to save money, but also to gain the skills of mounting. But before proceeding to the installation itself, it is necessary to deal with several points.

What are the sliding doors?

Actually door doors. All models have their own characteristics.

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Door movement options.

  1. Difference in design. Now several types of sliding doors are developed by the type of opening: one-b duplex (reducing up to eight canvases), cascading, radius and harmonica. Depending on the type of discovery, the products may have a different number of roller mechanisms, gutters in guides (their form also depends on it), closing mechanisms, decorative panels and door fittings. In some cases, such a supplement requires goodness and platbands.
  2. Materials for manufacture. When planning to install a sliding door with your own hands, you need to decide on the material from which it will be made. Why is it so important? Yes, because this directly depends on the selection of guides, their appearance and the required number of roller carriages. The greater the weight of the product or the amount of cloths, the greater the roller mechanisms, so that the load is evenly distributed throughout the construction. If glass or sliding doors from the massif will be taken, then they need an additional lower guide. In addition, the canvas themselves can have a different fastening, because the fragile material, the more careful it should be handled. All the same glass products are equipped with rubber overlays on fasteners.
  3. Installation and its types. In many ways, the installation variant depends on the task. Of course, it is convenient that such doors are suitable for small apartments and large mansions. Replacing the disintegient version of the sliding door, in the future you can use the space that saves such a replacement.

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For a small space, a single or two-dimensional product is installed, which is attached to a special bruster over the doorway. Such a design will simply overlap it.

Also, with the help of these sliding structures, the room can be divided into zones. Although in this case the doors are more likely to fulfill the role of the partition in the closed state, and the open position correspondively combines the entire room. In this embodiment, the most often guides are attached to the ceiling.

If sliding doors with departure to the wall niche are used, then this option implies the installation of a special design. She creates the cavity in which the door canvases are "hiding".

After all questions are solved, you can buy doors. Experts advise immediately acquire not only the canvas themselves, but also guides, all mechanisms and door fittings complete. This will help avoid incollects when installing.

What is included in the set of sliding doors?

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

An example of a complete set of sliding door mechanisms.

By buying, you need to know that each design has its own standard items. The absence of them threatens to be extensive shopping, so it is originally best in the seller to check the presence of the following details:

  • Aluminum profile (2 m);
  • rollers (depending on what kind of construction is planned, they can be suspended and / or reference);
  • Packets complete with lining for depreciation;
  • mounting kit;
  • door leaf;
  • Door bar 40x40 mm.

Types of sliding doors on opening

In order to save the useful area of ​​the room, the doors with sliding flaps were developed. At the same time there are two types of movement: parallel-sliding (door-compartment) and sliding, folding (harmonica door). Depending on the type, some fittings will go to each canvase.

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Typical equipment of sliding door-harmonica.

In the first version, the door can have from one to more canvases. If a single door when opening can leave to the wall niche or run on the wall, then with a multi-door door, the motion system is somewhat more complicated. Such a door does not have more than four sash, while the installation is carried out so that only the central will be moving, and the extreme canvas always remain fixed.

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In the second version, the door canvas consists of individual sections (from 3 to 8), which, when opening, fold on the principle of harmonic. In order to "hide" such a design, a special niche is mounted in the wall.

Both types of sliding doors are more designed for wide openings or are used to separate the premises to separate zones.

How to install sliding doors right?

Before installing sliding doors, you need to stock up with the appropriate tools, namely:

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Installing the sliding door.

  • measuring tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • construction level;
  • fasteners (brackets, dowels, etc.);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Fully equipped door block.

It is easiest to explain the installation process on the example of a single sliding door. If you need to install doors with your own hands with a large number of segments, then in this case it is necessary to stock the guide with the necessary chutes necessary.


Installing any items always begins with measurements.

The same applies to the sliding doors. After the place is selected, it is necessary to place it for the carrier bar. For this there are two methods:

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Construction of sliding doors.

  1. The height of the web is measured, after which the distance exists between the floor surface and the lower edge of the product is added to these data, as well as the height of the guide with an already finished roller mechanism. The resulting dimensions two to three times are marked on the wall above the doorway, after which they are connected to the straight horizontal line.
  2. The top markers can be done if you lift the door to the door and mark the line at its top edge. It marks the height required when installing the movable mechanism on the guide.

It is very important that the horizontal line will be really smooth, otherwise after the door canvas will be inspired, it will move in one direction or another. To make sure that the lines of the line are controlled by the construction level.

Installation guide

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Fastening diagram of the top guide: wall mount.

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This element can be attached to several ways:

  • with the help of a dowel to the wall itself;
  • on the bottom of the wooden bar attached to the wall;
  • using special brackets;
  • on the ceiling itself.

In any case, the guide is attached to the previously marked horizontal line. By installing the doors with your own hands, you need to mount the chute so that it stands from the wall, without interfering with a moving door that can touch the protrusions, irregularities or other elements of the board. It should be known that the length of the guide should be chosen so that it is two times wider than the opening.

Assembly and installation of sliding mechanisms

After installing the guide, the roller carriage is assembled. Next, the fasteners are inserted into them that are designed to connect to the door. After that, the assembled design is inserted into the guide.

Staples are attached to the top edge of sliding doors, retreating from the edge of several millimeters. Staples are selected by quantity to the roller mechanism. If the leaf is made of wood or MDF panel, then in this case there are enough 2 pieces.

Installing sliding door

Installing sliding doors with your own hands: Detailed guide

Top guide mounting diagram: Ceiling mount.

To install the doors, with their own hands, the canvas is lifted to the guide and fixed there with a twist in the brackets of the carriage fastening bolts. Since the door can have very large dimensions, for this moment it is best to call an assistant. Aligning the horizontal position, it is necessary to use the building level during the way the bolts are tightened.

In order for the door canvas to have a flat vertical, on one side of the woven wall in the floor, a leash is mounted, in the form of a lower roller guide (if a glass door is installed, the guide to it must be selected by a special type).


The final moment in the installation is the attachment of the door fittings and the finish decoration of the planks, work with slopes.

After all installation works were performed, it is necessary to check the functionality of the sliding structure. To do this, it should be closed several times and open. If the canvas easily walks along the rails and does not make any extraneous sounds, it means that the installation is carried out qualitatively.

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