How to choose the right mattress for the bed?


In this material, small practical advice on the choice of high-quality mattress for the bed are presented: they will help to navigate in the variety of models presented in the market.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?


One of the important parameters to pay attention to - product rigidity . Too rigid surface contributes to the incorrect distribution of body weight during sleep, as a result, painful sensations in the shoulders and blades may appear in the morning. Soft perina also will also help a full rest: a soft surface will not allow the muscles to fully relax. The average degree of rigidity is the optimal option if there are no additional medical testimony.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

Pay attention to the removable mattress cover: it must be made of dense tissue (biaza or jacquard). A dense tissue longer retains a presentable appearance and better tolerate machine washing.

Products with autonomous springs and layers from materials located at different levels allow you to adjust the degree of rigidity. Models without springs, as a rule, are distinguished by high rigidity.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?
Soft mattresses are preferable for older people over 45 years old, as well as for those who have problems with intervertebral discs.


The interior of natural latex in appearance resembles bee honeycombs. The filler provides good air circulation and heat exchange, prevents moisture accumulation. Natural latex is known for high orthopedic properties.

In rigid screenless models, coconut coir is used as a filler - hypoallergenic material provides good ventilation and does not absorb odors.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

The models of the average degree of rigidity are filled with layers of natural seaweed: their chemical composition contributes to the soothing of the nervous system and maintain immunity.

Synthetic material polyurethane foam is a safe, hygroscopic and hypoallergenic substitute, not inferior to natural fillers.

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Orthopedic mattress

In orthopedic products, manufacturers use technologies due to which the surface of the mattress takes the shape of the body of a lying person, and the weight is distributed evenly. Thanks to the combined technologies, during sleep, the spine takes an anatomically correct location.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

The orthopedic model is selected taking into account the individual features and recommendations of the doctor.

Spring models with a dependent system have an advantage in the form of a low cost, but due to poor quality cause a lot of inconvenience. It is better to give preference to a product in which each of the springs is placed in a separate autonomous case.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

It is important to remember that the first few nights during sleep on a new surface body will adapt: ​​there may be uncomfortable sensations that will be held in a few days. The period of addiction takes no more than three weeks.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

Small tips for all occasions

  1. For baby cottages and teenage beds, they choose mattresses without springs.
  2. People suffering from scoliosis, kyphosis or other diseases of the upper spine, recommended rigid orthopedic mattresses.
  3. For diseases of the loin, hard models are contraindicated.
  4. Before buying, the product is better to test in a position characteristic of sleep.
  5. For a married couple with various sets there are mattresses with two strife strips.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

We hope that our recommendations will help you draw up a list of basic preferences and mattress requirements, with which it is better to decide before shopping.

How to choose a mattress? Basic selection criteria (1 video)

Choosing a mattress (8 photos)

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

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