Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows


The window shares warm air housing and cold from the street. If he does not make the framing, then dew, accumulating, starts to drain along the walls, destroying them. On the sides will be in the cracks to blew the wind. Installation of the window block requires equipment and skill professionals. Installing the windowsill PVC with their own hands is possible. After that, lovers can cope with insulation and opening of the opening.

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

Finishing of slopes and mounting of the window sill

Without slopes will blow from the gaps and mock the wall

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows with their own hands

My friend came to consult me. It should be brought and put plastic windows. He decided to engage in the slopes and the windowsill. It was important for Vadik to understand why it is necessary to edit the windows inside and outside. How to install correctly.

When the window block is installed, the size of the opening in the wall exceeds its dimensions. The gaps from the sides and on top of foam. Insulation insufficient. In addition, the foam is destroyed when sun rays come to it. If the services of specialists do not include the installation of slopes and low tide outside, then during the week it must be done independently.

Installing the windowsill and the installation of slopes perform several functions:

  • Thermal insulation of the window opening;
  • sealing, sealing slots and voids;
  • noise insulation;
  • condensate removal from the wall;
  • Giving an aesthetic look.

From the street, the slopes and the sump should be installed on the windows, taking into account the possible snow and rain. Therefore, all the places of adjoining are lubricated with silicone sealant. Since the apartment is located in a high-rise building, then Vadik immediately in the list of services indicated outdoor work. Hang in the window at 20 meters altitude and try to do something, besides correctly, it is unlikely to succeed. The company has lifting equipment and superborn specialists. They make dismantling of the remaining elements of the old block, and the installation of a new edging, put the slopes panels. A friend has already enjoyed their services when it was necessary to wash the glass outside of dust.

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The dismantling of the old window was done earlier, now we put the PVC slab

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

We carry out the installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

The brigade made dismantling the window and the old window sill. Cleared the opening and installed a new block. Installation was completed by climbing the cracks around the frame perimeter. The next day, when everything dried, cut off the excess foam outside, made the opening of the opening and the sump.

Vadik did not order the boards for the windowsill in advance, and buy the panels for the slopes. You can correctly determine the dimensions after the window mounting is completed. The windowsill must approximately 5 cm on both sides of the frame. The dimensions of the old block may differ as the frames. Having done a dismantling, the workers cleared and expanded the opening, confining it under the finished design. The plastic box is already an old wooden, and the ledge of the wall turned out to be wider.

At first, my friend had to be cleaned and washed from the construction garbage the side surfaces of the wall. Protect protesters for foam frame. Then we took up the windowsill. I proposed the easiest and most reliable method in which the panels remain integer at any load.

  1. The windowsill from PVC is longer than the frame and 10 to 12 cm wider than the protrusion of the wall.
  2. They noted the vertical line below the frame on the width of the windowsill.
  3. Made a screed to the outlined level.
  4. Screw to the bottom plate Z-plate.
  5. The corner profile was put on the edge.
  6. The next day, the liquid solution was covered with a screed on the wall of the wall, the windowsill were brought under the frame until the stop in the plates and pressed to the profile. Checked the tilt of the panel from the window 1 - 2 degrees.

It remains to wash the panel and the wall from the extra solution, until cement froze. When the crystallization process is completed, you can even become an adult to the windowsill to wash dust from the plastic window or hang curtains.

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Builders often apply other ways to secure tiles on the windowsill.

  1. Under the frame tightened bolts on the PVC panel thickness. The clogs are put on the end of the wall. The windowsill starts up to the stop, and from the bottom the entire space is filled with foam. If necessary, the replacement of the old windowsill is done quickly. But long panels can be fastened and collapsed under load.
  2. Instead of bolts, fixing the window sill below can be done using special spring brackets. They are installed under the frame, attached to the wall and pressed the edge of the slabs to the bottom of the window.

Both methods differ only on fasteners. The foam must be applied gradually, when expanding it can raise the panel and even skew the design of the plastic window. It is desirable to have experience with foam, immediately wash the surplus from the panel and the wall, while the composition is not frozen.

Slopes rest on the bottom and upper end in horizontal edging plates

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

Independent installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

The slopes are set after the window is replaced, and the mounting of the window sill is fully completed. They should tightly lay down to the top of the top panel of the lumen and the windowsill. The dispersion angle is not enjoyable. That's right when installing, focus on the light stream. The already window and the thickness of the wall, the greater the angle of the reversal. Use the best sandwich panel for slopes. They are suitable for self-installation:

  • durable;
  • keep warm;
  • Cut in fine knife.

On the perimeter of the frame is mounted starting profile. A wooden plank is mounted on the edge of the room. After laying the insulation, the panel starts behind the frame profile and glued with liquid nails to the bar. You can fix tape. You should start from the top panel, then the side slopes are set.

After complete drying of the glue, a decorative corner profile is installed, covering the outer end of the slopes. Then the gaps are additionally closed with sealant.

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Replacement is impossible, it is easier to paint plastic windowsill

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

Installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

Plastic windows serve more than 20 years. The PVC windowsill loses an attractive appearance faster and it is necessary to replace it or update. The question arises than paint a plastic window sill, which primer to apply. Make yourself painting the old window sill you can, performing correctly certain requirements.

  1. The windowsill must be laundered and degreased.
  2. On the smooth surface to walk in small skirt, creating a roughness.
  3. Apply primer intended for plastic.
  4. Good finishing quality gives paint from a can of car.

Plastic parts are most often painted when repairing machines. High-quality paint and primer for the PVC windowsill is better to buy in the auto store. There you can purchase and washing. From the old plastic, paint can only be laundered. Other ways spoil the surface of the panel.

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