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About the factory Profile Dorse, as a unique company that has covered the entire number of door products, including the production of component materials and a wide range of product range.

The results of the company's activities

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Profildoors in 2002, from the moment of their education and the start of activity, was engaged in the production and sale of component fabrics for furniture and door-made. Yes, initially the company's profile reduced only to the manufacture of high-quality fittings. The year 2004 is marked by the launch of the production line for the manufacture of door interroom structures, so the production profile has expanded. Currently, the manufacturing company is at one competitive direct along with Western manufacturers of door blocks presented on the construction door market of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

It is worth noting that the level of production capacity provided by high-quality factory products, as well as a list of model range of fabrics from Profil Doors on some aspects, is somewhat superior to the rest of the product range exhibited by other manufacturers. This fact is achieved by the manufacturer, thanks to the active position regarding the acquired experience and joint cooperation with Italian and German partners in the introduction of the latest technological trends in the production and modern materials.

The Profil Doors Factory for the retail buyer provides high-quality interior products and fabrics intended for a diffil place of use. Acquired door structures made by Dorse will be able to solve two fundamental tasks at once, which are laid at the design of design developments:

Dorse doors blocks are a stylish and aesthetic element of the decor of any interior of the room.

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Each released Factory Production Line Dorse has a special stylish aesthetics. So the door interior designs from the company Dorse contribute to the overall interior stylistic directions new trends and focus on chic design solutions. Any unit of the doors of the Dorse factory is favorably different from the model rows of other manufacturers companies by special gloss and refinement. Standard in the design of the door is permissible to avoid when using a wide range of colors provided. The buyer has the right to order doors with a special application of decorative additional elements or a special type of glazing on the door canvases, which will give the interior design of the room an additional chic respectability.

Each fabric, provided by the PROFIL DOORS manufacturer, is constructed solely on those technologies that are a long-term operational period.

Doors from Dors are supplied to the place of installation in the perfect assembled form. This kind of doors are easy to install at the place, but permissible and order specialized installers provided services from the Dorse factory. Operating indicators of products from the manufacturer Dorse at the highest level - they do not require the creation of special conditions in the room with a constant measurement of the humidity indicator and temperature. In addition, Dorse fabrics do not require any special care events, even despite the fact that the model range is saturated with glossy products. Such products are capable of visually expanding space indoors and fill a room with a special glow. Assortment range of Dorse products contains such types of door floors:

  • Interroom door blocks;
  • Reinforced fire structures;
  • Metal entrance blocks.

For no many years of successful activity, Dorse factory has managed to expand the boundaries of the spectrum of activity to huge sizes. It is worthwing to know that the ProfiLDoors products are not permissible only within the framework of the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries, as well as in the European Union countries.

The main task of the ProfiLDoors factory is to satisfy the needs of consumers belonging to different social and class groups. This kind of Dorse's approach identifies the seriousness of the services provided by manufacturing products and a profitable partner, which can be trusted, both within the purchase of one door and in the field of interconnecting. Daily efforts of DRS production specialists support the acquired reputation and authority in customers of the consumer market are expressed in professionalism. A constantly expanding assortment series of door products and component fabrics from Dors, will not leave a single client without acquisition. Only a positive kind of emotion can cause ProfiLDoors factory products.

Special preferential characteristics of fabrics

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Of course, consumer demand is not always repelled from the design of the door model solution. So the doors of any of the types (interroom, input) must perform a number of specific functions:

  • Reliability in operation;
  • Strength and safety;
  • Sound insulation indicators for interior floors and additionally insulating properties relative to input facers.

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Dorse factory doors are able to satisfy the entire list of certain functional features that must be inherent in interior and input structures. Typical qualities of opening floors The Dorse factory is capable of providing primarily the source material used in production purposes for the manufacture of door blocks:

  • High quality LVL-timber natural wood with missing wood vices. Product is manufactured by the technological method of gluing wood layers.
  • The FAS of each veneered door, as well as the profile, is decorated with high-quality camp with the structurality, imitating the surface of natural wood from the list of expensive rocks. This product exceeds the natural analogue relative to a number of consumer performance properties.
  • The method of tensioning surfaces, for example, a red tree or oak, and many others are used.

    Review Manufacturer Profile Dors

    Series Z.

The surface coating of the doors of the Dorse factory can be performed both using the ecoschpon simple material and using bulk raw materials. The unique Relief structure with the 3D effect is recreated by masters in production process. All designs produced by Dorse are made of materials with elevated light resistance indicators:

  • Non-combustible chipboard;
  • Special door box seal and canvas with foaming characteristics when exposed to elevated temperature indicators. So the seal foams and blocks the possibility of passing the smoke through the opening of the door structure.

A number of products of third-party production groups use rubberized seals.

Firefare fabrics Dorse are manufactured taking into account all the required production and fire standards, which is confirmed by the attached relevant documents to each unit of the product.

The line of the model range of the Dorse factory provides retail consumer, so-called doors reinforced. The profile of the installation of reinforced designs Dorse is aimed at assembling in rooms, where there is a need to provide an increased level of sound insulation and a high degree of security. This kind of door is distinguishable exclusively internal filling, from standard product models. A tubular chipboard protrudes the filler in such doors. Such material has a high stock of the strength characteristics.

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X series

On a series with a wide range of an assortment range of products and stylistic directions, Dorse is ready to provide an additional spectrum of advantages and opportunities:

  • Supplying turnkey package;
  • Options to choose from relative to the design design of the panels and installation;
  • The edge of the door, at the request of the client, can be uniquely decorated, with such a designer solution, an aluminum profile is used;
  • The doors respond to the list of environmental standards, which is confirmed by the relevant documents, which are attached to the door designs during delivery;
  • The soundproofing level exceeds the indicators of the door blocks of third-party manufacturers;
  • Wire resistance and long service life of the doors is provided by professional masters and specialized contemporary equipment;
  • Molding, thanks to which, platbands are permissible to attach without a nail battle.

The process of release of the door from the production pipeline is monitored in compliance with all the rules for manufacturing and handling specialized modern equipment. This fact of constant monitoring in the root excludes marriage in the manufacture of Dorse factory products and guarantees the elimination of defective fabrics within the framework of production work.

The Dorse factory produces a line of model rows with different configurations, which is interconnected and with an indicator of a valuable spectrum:

Types of configuration of door blocksAccessories elementsAdditional optionsBlock value indicator
oneSimple equipment of the X series- door; - box; - platbands on both sides; - card loops; - plastic lock; - door handleInstallers cut accessories when installing constructionFrom $ 124.
2.Simple equipment of the X series- door; - box; - platbands on both sides; - card loops; - plastic lock; - door handle- Factory cutting of fittings; Molding and canvases are killed on high-precision equipmentFrom $ 135.
3.Augmented equipment of the X series- Door; - box; - platbands on both sides; - Italian loops; - Italian mortar castle with magnetic lock; - Sanitary retainer- Calcarions in this configuration are located in the same plane with the cloth; - the fittings are installed in the cut in high-precision equipmentFrom $ 180.
fourRoto doors (opening the door in both directions)- cloth;

- box;

- platbands on both sides;

- installed roto-mechanism;

- Cutle of mortise with a magnetic lock;

- Sanitary retainer

- Saving space up to 50% indoors; - 100,000 opening cyclesFrom $ 280.

The company Dorse for customers is open as a performer of orders with non-standard sizes of structures. The cost of a customized type door increases by about 30-40%, but the end result after installation work on the installation of the door design into a non-standard opening will be delighted for many years.

Unique offers at a reasonable price

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Glossy VG Series

The model range of the Proofildoors factory of the factory is presented in the following series:

  • Series x;
  • Series Z;
  • Model series D series;
  • Series of metal doors M;
  • Glossy boom of the VG series.

The X series is represented by ProfiLDoors by an assortment range of CARGO structures in the main stylistic directions:

  • Classic;
  • Modern;
  • Baguette;
  • Debut.

The main predominant feature of the X series is an increased block strength of the block and the collapsible structural feature. The combination of various textures and materials used make the external appearance of the door blocks clearly differ from the standard cloth in the deaf performance of the shield structures. Increased properties of the strength of the Fabricators of the X series caused by the block assembly scheme. Stokes are made according to the principle of manufacturing "sandwich", where the massif of the wood of pine is covered by MDF panels. This method of assembly allows you to achieve the maximum level of stiffness of the design of products. So the door canvases are not fed by drying under humidity influences, and are not deformed from the temperature indicators in the room.

PROFILDOORS Z Series is represented by a wide model range of frame interior overlaps. Series Z is equipped with frame hollow blades. This cavity is filled with different types of fillers. The z series uses a specific type of fillers, which is depending on the purpose of the door design and type. The z series is based on the sash, the frame is equipped with a frame of pine wood and MDF solid, which provides a total high block strength of the unit.

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The main feature of the series models, which dictates the Z series, is enclosed in a profile of aluminum, which is separated by the edge of the door web for increasing protection against mechanical effects.

Aluminum framing gives the product a complete aesthetic designer solution to the door block, which provides a series of Z. This list of basic combinations of various elements gives the block lightness, which simplifies the operational use of the door, and increased strength indicators. Blocks Series Z can provide in various coating options and using various types of glazing, it all depends on the style of the client's style preference.

The Z series is equipped with an optimal set of configuration. Door canvases come with the fittings for the fittings of Italian manufacturers, for example, door knobs DNDmartinelli, locks and hidden loops AGB, as well as Italian. The bands series Z are equipped with factory cutting fittings (locking devices can be cylinder and under the latch) and handle for sliding sets. Thanks to the function adjustment of the loops in products, which represents the Z series, the door canvas can be adjusted on the installation site with respect to all three coordinates.

In the fire-fighting frame doors, the Z series is equipped with fire-resistant properties filler:

  • Non-combustible chipboard of the German manufacturer;
  • Foaming special seal around the perimeter used instead of standard rubber gaskets.

    Review Manufacturer Profile Dors

The fire-resistant door designs of the Z series are manufactured according to all the requirements and standards of fire safety, which is confirmed by certificates for compliance with the requirements of fire resistance within 30 minutes (EI 30 door marking index). Reinforced door blocks are recommended to install indoors and buildings where a higher level of safety and sound insulation is required.

Dorse factory series is represented by the door designs with the newest coating - Nanchpon. This exclusive coating of door canvases was created using high advanced technologies. The creator of Nanchpon is Germany. A distinctive feature of the material is deeply pronounced structures and the maximum mechanical stability indicator by damage.

The products of the series D are made in the end finish with an aluminum edge. The edge profile is processed by an exclusive manner by German manufacturers, a profile is produced in two color solutions:

  • Black chrome;
  • Matte chrome.

Delivery of the model range of the line of the line D is made with the factory inserting accessories. Complete set of the door unit is supplemented by Italian accessories:

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Castles and hidden loops ABG

  • DNDmartinelli door handles;
  • Castles and hidden loops AGB.

As an additional option in the D series blocks, the sliding unit is included, a set of sliding device, where the mechanisms themselves are applied, as well as handles and a locking device for sliding flaps of the AGB brand produced by Italy. Each unit D is equipped with a false panel.

A series of metal doors M Dorse is developed in conjunction with professional specialists in the field of manufacture of entrance door structures. Installation of doors of the M series is recommended for the external purposes for overlapping openings and internal needs.

Manufacture of the model of the model range of the MR line is due to the best traditions of manufacturing metal door structures and in accordance with the entire list of requirements for input doors regarding reliability, safety and resistance to atmospheric phenomena. The door canvases are made of solid metal sheets with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm, method of solid bending. Additionally, the flaps are equipped with stiffeners, which gives the product the maximum resistance to bending and stresses, as well as the stiffness of the structure. For metal design, a profile is 2 mm thick.

Additional door design measures are enclosed in equipping the sash in the area of ​​the loops and the castle with metal plates, as well as anticipation properties. Filler with steel all-bent structures of the web is basalt wool, endowed with high sound insulation and strength. A double seal contour is used as an additional soundproofing element. The exterior decoration of the metal structure of the metal structure is permissible to choose in the tandem interior overlap relative to the front finish in any color range of execution:

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  • High gloss;
  • Nanchpon;
  • Polypropylene.

The glossy coating of the VG series is easily characterized by perfect surface mirror smoothness. High gloss is the latest technological development of German specialists among glossy coatings of a new generation. The surface, despite the overall impression of weightlessness and ease, is sufficiently resistant to mechanical damage to this kind, as scratches and abrasions. The design of the veil, specially created for the VG model line, largely simplifies the installation work on the installation of door blocks at the place.

Each unit of the model range of the VG series is created reinforced. The filler of the door tanks is the tubular chipboard of Germany. The tubular filler is endowed with an increased margin of sound insulation properties and strength indicators. The VG series canvas are framed into the aluminum edge, the profile of which is ideally processed in production scale at the German factories. The aluminum edge of the canvas gives the design finish of the door and additionally protects the sash against mechanical damage. Profile in two color solutions:

  • Black matte color;
  • Matte chrome.

All products manufactured by Profildoors factory will be varied in the price category, but the preferential part of the model lines is created taking into account the wide availability for the consumer. Do not think that fabrics are about delivery directly from the manufacturer with single purchases will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. The company's policy comes down to a discount of the retail consumer not more than 1%, while price stability is carefully monitored and limited to the recommended prices, but in exceptional order.

Collections of the series of model rangeMedium product value
oneDebut series~ $ 64 - $ 89
2.Series X (EcoShpon)~ $ 66 - $ 127
3.Classic series X (ECOCHPON)~ $ 599 - $ 110
fourSeries Z.~ $ 118 - $ 195
fiveSeries D (Nanshpon)~ $ 310 - $ 389
6.Series M (input structures)~ $ 576 - $ 694
7.Series VG.~ $ 797 - $ 870

Each unit of model is equipped with additional information relative to the technical characteristics:

  • The whole series X, with the exception of models 8x, 10x and 11x, team-collapsible, can be repaired by the replacement method of any of the parts;
  • All the door designs of the Z series, in addition to the swing type of operation, can be manufactured in the sliding version;
  • Metal door designs of the M Series in the model of the basic configuration 53 are not equipped with the front panel. The steel surface of the sheet is painted in the base color "Black velvet".
  • The base of 54 Series M includes the configuration of the front panel. This panel is a MDF-web whip whose thickness is 6 mm. The canvas without drawings and inserts, and can be decorated solely in the color range of Nanchpon.
  • All internal surfaces of the bases of the bases 53 and 54 of the M series are made on the basis of MDF-cloth, the thickness of which reaches 16 mm. Internal panels can be decorated in a wide variety of color solutions, glazing inserts, with moldings and other aesthetic elements.

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